Dear Members: You Should Know About This

As many of you know, the First Coast Tea Party belongs to a Florida Statewide Tea Party Leaders Google Group.  We have been together for nearly two years now.  The group is a secured, confidential group and we discuss issues, thoughts and frustrations among tea party friends.  We do this to coordinate efforts in the state of Florida and bounce off ideas.


Today I was called by the press about an email that was written by me to this private email group.  The email was a part of a large discussion about the Tea Party and the 2012 election and focused on what happened here locally and how that could be applied to our future work.  My email called out the GOP Lawyers who advised the Mike Hogan campaign to let it go and concede.  To put it lightly, I felt they should have advised them to continue the battle and push hard to make sure … as Alvin Brown said “Count Every Vote.”   I mentioned a 2 hour phone conversation I had with Jerry Holland the day after the concession where I was asking questions to understand what happened and why the concession was so quick.  Jerry Holland was forthright and answered my questions with sincerity and professionalism.  My email indicated how upset I was that the GOP Lawyers did not encourage a fight because I knew the “political machine” would have fought hard and would have kept this process going a lot longer. 


To get to the point, either the “political machine” or a mole in our group (doubtful) stole that private email string and sent it to the media.


To say the tea party leaders were shocked and disappointed is an understatement.  To say my trust level has been shattered is another understatement.


Abel Harding called me to get a statement about the email.  It is circulating all over the media and of course they are running with it.  This is juicy news.


I spoke to Abel this evening and told him that was a private email that was stolen and the tea party leaders in Florida were very upset about that.  I stand behind the message of the email and believe the Political Machine did beat us and the GOP lawyers should have fought harder for a win.  We found out the GOP does not understand who Alinsky is and Alinsky IS the Political Machine.  No one organization or person is to blame for the loss of this race and ALL of us are to blame for the loss of this race.


The media loves this story and the GOP is not feeling good right now nor are we.  That message was between friends as we tried to understand who the GOP is and how to fight the Political Machine so we can win in 2012. 


These are all hard lessons for us.  All of us who worked together to win the mayoral race were stunned with the outcome.  The Political Machine beat us and that is the fact. 


What we must do is figure out how to beat the Political Machine in 2012 – by either coming together with a plan; setting up our own political party; OR hunkering down and wishing it would all go away.  At this point, I think we would all agree we must come together to figure thiout.  The GOP is weak about the Political Machine and so are we.  The Machine has massive amounts of funding and a grassroots system that surpasses all of us.  Without funding, a system and boots on the ground, we are going to be fighting an uphill battle that we will not win. 


The country loses, the GOP loses, the tea party loses and the people lose.

The end of this story is this:

  • We are getting under someone’s skin so they want to infiltrate our emails and our websites.
  • The GOP and Tea Party must figure out how they work together – if they do.
  • The Political Machine is alive and well in Florida and will not be going away until December 2012. 

Abel Harding will have his story about this sad state of affairs tomorrow.  There is also another story brewing that the local GOP leader and the Tea Party are in a pointing fingers match with each other and the tea party is being blamed for Mike Hogan’s loss.  That is an outright lie and no one in the GOP leadership or the Tea Party has said anything of the sort.   We are not blaming each other nor are we blaming the Hogan camp.  The blame lies within everyone who had anything to do with this PLUS the 300,000 peope who stayed home and did not vote.


We have gained one more notch in our political belt!  We are new to this political game and finding how dark and difficult it is.  These notches are hard to take but they are worth it all.


On another note: 

  • Please be aware that the Political Machine is trolling our website trying to have conversations with bloggers.  We are watching these conversations closely and will remove these people from our website when we see hanky-panky.
  • The day after the election a member received a phone call from someone asking about the bumper sticker she has “Take Back America.”  She told them where to get it (our office) and they asked her if she was a tea party member.  She said yes.  A few minutes later the same person called backed believing he was calling someone else.  She confronted him and he stammered with her until he hung up.  It appears the Political Machine is working from a list and trying to identify tea party members.  If you get a call, beware of that tactic.  As for me, I’m proud to be a Tea Party Member and will gladly say “Yes” when they call.

No one said this would be easy and no one said the press would like us.  No one said our friends would not rat us out.  No one said we would win every race.  But someone did say, “Any people that would give up liberty for a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”  That man was Benjamin Franklin and he understood that fighting for liberty would require a lot from each of us.  There are days I wonder if I have it in me to keep it up.  Then I cry my tears, wipe them away and say “Hell No – I’m not going away.  I owe it to my grandchildren and to those who fought and gave their lives for my freedom."


I am willing to risk everything I have and will continue to do that no matter what the press writes or what the infiltrators do to me. The months ahead will require strong, principled people to stand up to the Political Machine, stare it down and say:  “Machines don’t win, people do!”


Are you game for this?  Will you go with us?  Will we let the press or the Political Machine marginalize us or the GOP so Obama and his political class can win in 2012? 


I planned to take the last couple of days off and that has been impossible.  I will be taking next week off to recharge the batteries and prepare for the next battle.  I may write a blog or two while I am away but I do not plan to entertain the media or anyone else about the mayor’s race.  It is finished and there is no need to cry over spilled milk.  Instead, it is time to clean it up and figure out a way to eliminate the spills in the future!


And a final note:  “Be careful what you put in a private email.  It may end up as a headline one day.”

Views: 133


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Comment by Patricia M. McBride on May 21, 2011 at 8:03am

Matthew, I think you are becoming a little bit swayed by the media.  We are not supporting A political party.  We endorsed both democrats and republicans in the last election, and do not have a political affiliation, so to speak.  I understand the news in our city is very, very slanted right now, but you can count on it getting much worse.  These folks want to put the Marxist back in the white house for 4 more years so he can finish destroying our country, and Obamajad wants and needs to take Florida.  They know many people are clueless when it comes to politics and see a chance to do to them what they are trying to do to our school children..........brain wash them or overwhelm them with the socialist crapola. 


Billie, perhaps an in person face to face planning session is in order.   Any idea who the troll, turncoat or infiltrator is?  Something obviously needs to be done to find out, and it will not be easy (but I think is do-able).  We all know that plans must be made now and put into action.  I personally would rather that Mr. Harding didn't have his nose under the tent as he is certainly not much of anyone's friend (to say the least)..................

Comment by Barry Lee Phillips on May 21, 2011 at 7:56am

Ron, are you saying that Democrats and Republicans in the ruling class are in collusion with each other?  If so, how?

It would be helpful to define what the ruling class is in order to have a knowledgeable discussion.

How about this term:  The power elite.  It comes from the title of a book with the same name that I read years ago.  C. Wright Mills, a sociologist, postulated that a power elite exists in the United States that make all of the important decisions -- political, military, and economic.  That the people in the power elite know each other, but there is no joint policy or ideology.  He wrote the book in 1956.

That book could be where Eisenhower got his idea of warning us about the influence of the military-industrial complex in his farewell speech in 1961:

"...we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex." Though he said that "we recognize the imperative need for this development," he cautioned that "the potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist... Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together."





Comment by Roy G Callahan on May 21, 2011 at 7:54am
Hear Hear!!! Nicely said.
Comment by Sandy McCorvey on May 21, 2011 at 6:59am

You know you're making an impact when the Times Union brands you by name as a loser.  The progressives ignore, marginalize, try to embarrass and humiliate, and when all else fails, they attack.  The more garbage they try to dump on us, the more it shows how afraid of us they are.  Nobody ever said this was going to be easy.  We are fighting for the very soul of our nation.  A high school who has held their graduation exercises at the same site for 70 years is told to move it somewhere else because there is a cross on the building outside.  Children are chaining themselves to desks and screaming in protest because they want an anti-American class to be taught in Arizona.  Doctors are writing fake illness excuses for teachers so they can protest in - and physically damage - the capitol building in Madison, Wisconsin.  Video cameras are being placed in school lunchrooms to record what children are eating for lunch.  A man speaks up about the high price of gas and the president laughs in his face and tells him to buy a car that gets better gas mileage.  The DC press is not allowed to film meetings or to ask questions of the president.  Congress doesn't pass what his czars want, so the president signs an executive order and it happens anyway.  Israel is being thrown away by this administration, and our president demeans or ignores all our allies.  If you will remember, in the War for Independence, the patriots were at the end of their rope, but behind George Washington, they rallied, fought on and prevailed.  In the early part of our involvement in World War II, we suffered defeat after defeat, but rallied, stayed strong and courageous, fought on and prevailed.  This is no less a battle today.  We are fighting a devious enemy, but make no mistake - their purpose is to destroy everything that makes America that shining city on the hill.  They say it over and over and I think we have to take them at their word and believe that they mean it.  Stay strong.  Stand together.  Speak the truth.  Be not afraid.

Comment by Gregory Wallace Sturgeon on May 21, 2011 at 6:51am
Just an FYI, I saw the Alvin Brown campaign going door to door asking to put signs in front yards [they did not come talk to me]... I was outside working in my yard.  The point is there was no activity by the Mike Hogan side of things... it was almost as if they thought they had it won.  It was a huge disparity in the % of margin before the runoff
Comment by Caryl R Stevens on May 21, 2011 at 6:29am
Years ago I was very involved in politics and even ran for countywide office in a small county down state. At that time the minority GOP had a powerful get-out-the-vote campaign. They would identify likely voters for their slate, have poll watchers identify who had voted, and telephone no-shows late in the afternoon to get their supporters to the polls. It was an enormous amount of work, but VERY effective. That was when volunteer workers were deemed more valuable than dollars. Our current opposition knows that both are needed. Did you see the news pictures of hundreds of voters lined up at the Gateway Mall on early voting the Sunday before the election? I suspect that the church goers who had not yet voted were identified as Brown supporters and "encouraged" to go on Sunday while early voting was still on. They might have even been given rides to Gateway. But they were already identified. The local GOP needs to stop using the harassing automatic calls and use real volunteers (if they exist) to identify their supporters, get them to the poll ahead of time, and get the votes acknowledged. Also, exit polls are useful party tools, not just for the press. But all this takes live bodies, not just dollars!
Comment by Ron Ogletree on May 21, 2011 at 6:29am

Many moons ago, I made the statement and tried to emphasize that the establishment politicians would be coming after us.  This statement was made at one of the first meetings of the Reasearch Committee and I wanted everyone there to realize this simple fact along with the insecurity of electronic messaging, especially on the FCTP web site as it appeared then.  Few seemed concerned then.


One thing I have learned, and was reinforced by the actions of a Republican candidate in this last election, is that our biggest enemy is the Political or Ruling Class.  They are all in the same political party without a name and use the convenience of Republican and Democrat wings of that party to rein control over  We the People.  It is a simple game of Good Cop vs. Bad Cop so we keep at each other unable to focus on much more than pointing fingers at each other thinking our side has the answers.


They have spent trillions of our tax dollars to secure this facade and they will not ceede power without trying to do everything possible to destroy us along the way.  This is why third parties have such a terrible history of success and without an informed electoate, any in the future is doomed as well.  This is the crux of what happened and from my perspective, the Fourth Estate of the media played a very large role in the outcome.  They have been coopted by the Ruling Class and with that control of what is diseminated to the public, only further entrenches their power and control.


Sure, the Alinsky principles are key to understanding how they operate, but the first focus is to go above the heads of the media at every chance, as Ronald Reagan used to do so effectively, but to do so we need to have access to the bully pulpit and we lost a very big chance to do so.  But, we still have the majority of city council seats, legislature seats, governor's office and congressional seats.  The biggest enemy to our Republic today is the media and without a press that keeps everyone in check, the likes of Alinski tactics and the Ruling Class will reign supreme as long as they are politically aligned with each other in their desire for their common social and political outcomes.


Face it, we are a threat to their machine which has been built since the time before Woodrow Wilson.  It will naturally take time and a realization by those who don't vote or who vote without independent knowledge of what they are voting for to realize what a huge mistake they made in either their apathy or their ignorance.  When it hurts enough, they will begin to focus as evidenced by the $4 a gallon gas has.  So our challenge is to come up with ways to get to them with a countering message.


One of the problems with our city elections being so far out of cycle is the electorate was burned out from the 2010 cycle and was ready to get back to their lives and much of the apathy can be placed there.  I would propose that we come up with a program to make up yard signs to be placed at the entrances of every neighborhood and major intersections with a simple message "Vote Today" "It only counts if you do".  They would be in place from the day early voting starts and picked up the day after.  Organize our folks by their geographical location to be responsible for a small enough area that only takes an hour or two to manage a week.  Come to think of it, we could do the same thing with key issues of simple questions to inspire thought.  If they think about it enough, they will make the effort to find answers.  It is with this kind of campaign that we can go after the media who will not ask the questions that need asking.


I know, it all takes money, but if you have a good solid plan, the money will be attainable and keep flowing as long as you plan the work and work the plan.  Meet without the internet so your plan can be implemented without eavesdropping, electronic or otherwise.  Just make sure it is not the only plan.

Comment by Debbie G on May 21, 2011 at 6:09am

I am and will continue to be a proud member of the Tea Party! 

For those who offer up their analysis of the tea party in the context of "being run by the GOP or not having a backbone," you obviously have not been with us too long.  We began as a small group of citizens that recognized an insatiable government eating away at our liberties.  We began as a small group of citizens that had worked to raise our families, plan for our futures, and work on our careers with a trust that our government was functioning in our best interest.  We began as a small group of citizens aghast at the indifference our representatives consistently exhibited.  We began as moms, dads, aunts, uncles, etc. coming together as Americans in the spirit of our founding fathers.  

For those who fail to recognize this, I say move on.

Comment by John & Audrey Anderson on May 21, 2011 at 5:48am

I already knew this as it happened to someone  at work and almost cost a career when things said tongue in cheek between two friends to poke fun ended up misrepresented and in the papers!  Nothing is private these days.  The problem with the GOP is it doesn't know how to get down and dirty and we are dealing with a machine that is and does.  Time to learn the ropes as you can only fight a dirty fighter using the same tactics.


I do feel the Hogan camp did not do a good job - the accusations in the ad campaign against Hogan went ignored and I saw very little in ads for Hogan but plenty for his opposition.   Maybe this is the $$ problem.  The dems always accuse the Republican Party of backing the rich - odd that the big $$ is not there if that was the case.   Maybe we need to dub it the party of the middle class because if the dems keep it up there will be no middle class - only the rich and those stuck on the dole.

Comment by Barry Lee Phillips on May 21, 2011 at 4:39am

J.L. is correct as is Billie.  Anything that anyone says in an email can be read by hackers who have the skill to break into a computer system.  Email is not a secure form of communication.  The best email encryption program out there is PGP, which can be purchased for personal or business use.

Why do you think Osama Bin Laden did not have any form of electronic communication installed in his hideout in Pakistan?  Because the NSA (National Security Agency) and the British GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters) would be able to read his email and listen to his cell phone or satellite phone calls. 

Is breaking into someone's email illegal?  Yes.  Could they be caught?  Not likely if they have enough expertise to cover their tracks.

The operatives on the Left have demonstrated time and again they will lie, cheat, steal and do whatever it takes to take down anybody who opposes them. 

Posing as a member of the Tea Party is just for openers.  The viciousness from the Left is going to get worse the closer it gets to November 2012, so be prepared for the onslaught.

Politics is a nasty and dirty business.  It always has been and always will be.  But just remember that you do not have to compromise your principles to fight for what is right and good.  When the light of truth starts to shine, the roaches on the Left will run to the darkness from which they came.

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The First CoastTea Party is a non-profit organization. We have no deep-pocketed special interest funding our efforts.

You may contact us at:

First Coast Tea Party
1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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