Just another day in paradise as we opened the Tiny Union this morning.  They were giving out awards to the winners and losers in the local election.  The list of losers and winners was an opinion of Mr. Harding, a columnist, not an investigative journalist. Again, the TU shows their liberal bias. Remember the good old days of journalists who dug for the story, met in the dark places to hear from a scared informant and won Pulitzer Prizes for investigation? No more, ladies and gentlemen, no more. Thank you TU - I will wear my "loser" badge proudly.


A warning for the future:  The candidates all come with their messages of helping and serving others.  They smile, shake hands, use words like “I'll take us to the next level,or "love, hope and change" and pretend to be our friend so they can be our leader.  We’ve seen it before and we will see it again as the 2012 elections gear up.


I am reminded of the Twilight Zone episode where men from another planet land on earth.  They come bearing gifts and speak about all the things they can provide for man on earth.  They are bigger and stronger than the earth people and seem to come in peace wanting only to be trusted.


They leave their manual with man so they can study who they are and learn to trust them.  The problem is the book is written in their native language.


One of the team members is able to decipher the book title “To Serve Man.” 


Based on the title some of the people decide it sounds great and they want to go back to the alien’s planet where life will be better than on earth.  They will live in peace and harmony with their new "friends."


The problem is…the book title is deceptive and it’s too late for some as they board the spaceship to carry them away. 


The moral of the story is this.  Be not deceived by the platitudes and speeches of those who want to be our leader.  The House, Senate and Presidential races are ahead of us.  It is our job to know more than just what we see on the outside or what we hear them say.  We need to Listen intently and Research deeply to fully undersand who they are and how they will lead.  The 2012 Election will be the biggest election of your lifetime and we must be wise about our choices.   We must also encourage others to get involved NOW.


Otherwise, we may be eaten alive.  Please watch this short video to see what was inside the book.   Don't let this happen to you. 


Views: 49


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Comment by J.R. on May 21, 2011 at 6:40pm

Great post and links, Roma.  The intended vehicle for setting up that one world government then was the League of Nations, that we know was relegated to the dustbin of history.  It took FDR 10 long years to put into place its replacement, the United Nations, which is now also promoting world-wide unionization of all the workers of the world. It's right there on their website and the extent of it is chilling.

Anna Burger, former head of the SEIU who is now working in the Obama administration, is a proponent of worldwide unionization. I learned of this while researching how many countries the SEIU was unionizing workers/workplaces in and what other unions they were affiliated with, and it is a maze you wouldn't believe. It's also extremely hard to find. 

I firmly believe it is unconstitutional for the SEIU, an international labor union to be unionizing workers in this country and taking dues monies out of both states' economies and our country's economy. I also believe it's illegal for the international SEIU, home-based in Canada, to be financially supporting American political candidates and paying for canvassers and campaigners to work on get out the vote efforts in U.S. states and counties---most recently in Duval County local elections in Florida.  In other words, they appear to be using money from a minimum of three countries ( foreign "in kind" donations) and influence to determine the outcomes of presidential nominations, national elections, congressional elections, state elections, and county elections like ours for Mayor and City Council members.

"In Kind" donations are required by law to be reported and Alvin Brown accounted for some of those he received. I did not see any indication he listed or reported in kind donations on behalf of him and his campaign that were provided by the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), Organizing for America, or MoveOn.org. A Hollywood producer was convicted in federal court for doing an "in kind" fundraiser for Hillary Clinton, which she participated in a phone call with that producer to plan it. Of course, Hillary skated...

Comment by J.R. on May 21, 2011 at 5:02pm

Roma, my analytical side takes over sometimes, too.  If I come across something that peaks my interest, it's hard for me to get away from it until I understand it completely. Just the wonk in me, I guess. But, you're right in saying we need to be focused and stick with what's most important to get researched and shared with the membership---and to fully understand all that we need to do between now and Nov. 6, 2012.

JL, if you look at the history of this country from 1913, when Woodrow Wilson became President, until Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt died around 1943, you will see an enormous amount of new progressive-socialist laws and amendments---including the establishment of the Federal Reserve, which was clearly unconstitutional. You will also see the signing and implementation of the United Nations Charter, which Pres. Harry Truman signed just 13 days after Roosevelt died. Roosevelt worked for 10 years, in collaboration with a Russian leader, to bring the now corrupt United Nations into existence. Just reading the timeline including all of it will blow your mind.  We need a Congress with the courage to revisit all of it and repeal it, for many of those things are what empowers the progressive-socialists who are now using them to destroy this country.

Comment by Kate Svagdis on May 21, 2011 at 4:42pm
let's see what tax paying voters (or non-voters) say about JAX with the new OFA/moveon.org supported mayor..ned salt and pepper with that dish??
Comment by JL Gawlik on May 21, 2011 at 2:46pm

This is a great place because of the people and what their goal is in saving our Republic. I remember being so fearful of communism when i was younger and learned about it in school. Back then the atmosphere was so anti-communist/socialist/marxist that they had to go underground to change their name way back in the early 1900's with Woodrow Wilson being at the beginning, I was shocked to read it went back that far but was hidden in our history. It is nothing to fear, it is something to shine a light on and let the facts come to the surface. The progressives like to switch the dialogue to take the focus off the truth. I have learn so much since 2007 and have learned so much in the short time that i have been a member. Thank you all for sharing the truth and the facts. Have you seen Billie's blog post on The Obama Legacy: 



I LOVE it!

Comment by J.R. on May 21, 2011 at 2:18pm

Likewise, Roma. I'm glad I'm here, too. It's wonderful to have a conservative forum, a mechanism for dialogue and learning, and an organized patriotic movement, in which to participate in order to take our country back and restore it to its founding principles and the constitutional republic the framers of the Constitution intended it to be.

If we can successfully do that, we will have done a great service to our country and its entire citizenry, including those among us who have been led astray and are pushing for a progressive-socialist democracy, followed by oligarchy, which is just another name for tyranny by the elite few. They are the enemy within the gates and it is imperative that we defeat them---in the public square and at the ballot boxes.

Comment by J.R. on May 21, 2011 at 12:31pm

Roma, I went to that link and read all the comments made re an alleged "Hitler" remark attributed to you and it is clear that your words were taken out of context. You did a great job in rebutting that and that should be the end of it. Also, your analogy was factually accurate.

The Germans did fall for and buy into the Hitler "myth," as such myths were aptly described in a quote provided by Robert Henderson on another blog. Americans also bought into Obama's nebulous "hope and change" myth, which carried with it no substance... just mythical rhetoric to enchant the masses. Look where that got us.

Comment by J.R. on May 21, 2011 at 11:48am

Roma, thanks for the links. I hope members are going to and reading the information at the links we provide.

It would take a lot to overcome the red flags that went up when I read the information you provided about Herman Cain. Governor Rick Perry of Texas has become of interest to me... he could be a dark horse in this election and I've read that he's seriously considering entering the race. I also believe Michele Bachman is a rising star I could support, if not for President, at least Vice President. Also, Sarah Palin sounds like she might run. The field needs to be narrowed down fast, since Obama has announced very early and already hit the campaign trail... on the taxpayers' dime. Of course, that gives us more time to drive his negatives further down.  He has no positives, he just has his Wilsonian and Alinsky-ite socialist organizers and supporters and is bleeding hispanic voters, youth voters, many elderly voters, and millions of voters among the unemployed. The Tea Party should be reaching out to all of those folks and getting them informed and involved in the Tea Party movement and going in the same direction we are.

Comment by J.R. on May 21, 2011 at 10:50am

Great links and video, Roma. I very much like Jim DeMint who, together with Michelle Bachman, has given enormous support to the Tea Party movement, especially their founding the Tea Party caucuses in Congress.

I like Herman Cain a lot, too, but read a reference the other day that implied he had some negative baggage regarding the Federal Reserve. Do you know anything about that?

Comment by K. Crenier on May 21, 2011 at 8:07am

Roma and Tom:

Yes we CAIN!  Here is some information about Herman Cain. 



Herman Cain is a very accomplished individual.  His success at Godfather's Pizza (taking the reins there and in 14 months turning it around and regaining profitability) is but one of his many accomplishments.  He served as past Chairman and Member of the Board of Directors for the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City in addition to being appointed to the National Economic Growth and Tax Reform Commission.  He holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Mathematics from Morehouse College, a Master's Degree in Computer Science from Purdue University and 8 Honorary Doctorate Degrees from prestigious colleges around the US.  He has served as Chairman and President of the Tax Leadership Council (Americans for Fair Taxation).  The list goes on and is detailed in the link above.  The man is a logical thinker (math and computer science), a successful businessman and a grown up.  If you can't tell, he is my guy in this race and I hope he does well!

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on May 20, 2011 at 7:35pm

Tamara, I tried to find your article but did find these.  Was wowed the democratic national party spent $500,000 on this race and heaven knows how much more got dumped into it since they paid all their "volunteers".


Both articles are very liberal leaning!  And boy are they all trying to smear the tea party and blamed us for Hogan's loss instead of what it really was.

Let's remember they have a democratic mayor in the area as well and chances are very good the same group came in and motivated uninformed voters
Note that the democratic party spend 500,000 dollars! Costs big bucks when you pay people and heaven knows how much more they spent!

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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