Added by Patricia M. McBride on December 20, 2010 at 5:54pm — No Comments
I already like this judge :)
Friday, 17 Dec 2010 10:47 AM
If the government can order health care coverage, can it also order people to buy broccoli, a federal judge in Florida asked during oral arguments in a case challenging Obamacare. Politico reports that Judge Roger Vinson…
ContinueAdded by Patricia M. McBride on December 20, 2010 at 5:39pm — No Comments
In between writing, calling and emailing our Congressmen about the Lame Duck bills, I hit the stores running to purchase a new Nativity scene for our front yard. Ours had grown old and aged and I felt it needed to shine for all its glory.
If you are shopping for a blow up penguin, Santa in a snow globe or one with him flying an airplane, you…
ContinueAdded by FCTP on December 17, 2010 at 5:53am — 30 Comments
This is no time for the sunshine soldier and summer patriot. We all knew that the election was the easy part, and now we know, and our elected leaders know, that governing is hard.
The tax bill can still be defeated in the House. Obama is telling Democrats that if this fails his presidency will fail. So let's help him. Call your Congressman and urge them to vote NO. Tell them to wait until conservative reinforcements arrive in January.
Added by Cord Byrd on December 16, 2010 at 12:49pm — No Comments
How can Congress pass a nearly 2,000 page bill with out time to read it again?
Senator Bill Nelson voted for the Coburn-McCaskill earmark ban but could be a critical vote for the impending pork stuffed omnibus bill. Please take a moment to call Senator Nelson’s office and tell him to stick to his prior ban and vote NO on this bill.
AFP Policy Director Phil Kerpen explained it best saying “The bottom line is…
ContinueAdded by Ernest Lephart on December 16, 2010 at 9:18am — 1 Comment
We apologize for two emails in one day but this is very important. We need you to call Congress today and we have made it easy for you to do so.
Harry Reid has promised no one will go home until they get the “work of the people” done. Who is Harry kidding? We don’t want them to do any of the bills they are trying to pass through. None of them!
First: The Tax Hike Bill. This bill was supposed to keep our taxes at the same…
ContinueAdded by FCTP on December 16, 2010 at 7:00am — 8 Comments
On December 16, 1773, We the People were not happy.
On December 16, 2010, We the People are not happy.
In 1773 an aggressive effort by the British government kept the British East India Company, a large commercial entity in Great Britain, afloat with a “bailout” by cutting taxes and regulations through the Tea Act of 1773.
In 2008, an aggressive effort by the American government kept the banks and our financial institutions afloat with a…
ContinueAdded by FCTP on December 16, 2010 at 3:57am — 2 Comments
Added by Patricia M. McBride on December 15, 2010 at 9:31am — No Comments
Can we still say God? I just did, so deal with it.
Either way, Merry Christmas to all! To my Jewish friends, Happy Chanukah!
Now to the business at hand.
The government will not shut down. The military still works (this is not the Netherlands, yet). All non-essential government workers stay home, and eventually a spending bill gets passed. Then, the government workers that got to stay home and watch Oprah go back to work and get back pay for…
ContinueAdded by Lake Nona Patriot on December 15, 2010 at 9:00am — No Comments
They are at it again. The Lame (Duck) Congress is standing in front of us, pulling out the country’s credit card and defying us to say anything as they ring up more debt right before our eyes.
As a parent, this type of defiance would have them sitting in time out and if that didn’t stop them, then a big whack on the butt would be in order. Since I would be considered a terrorist if I attempted to smack…
ContinueAdded by FCTP on December 15, 2010 at 6:06am — 4 Comments
Across the nation both the concept of Christmas and the greeting of “Merry Christmas” is being attacked by the ACLU. I will not be politically correct or sensitive to those that feel offended by the “true” meaning of Christmas. Today I sent my annual “Christmas Card” to the ACLU Headquarters in New York. As donations are accepted by mail, each card is guaranteed to be opened. For less than $0.50 I will make a statement to this anti-American group; priceless.…
ContinueAdded by Debbie G on December 15, 2010 at 5:24am — 3 Comments
Sweden: Suicide Bomb Against Free Speech
by Robert Spencer
It was only a matter of time before jihad suicide bombers started operating in Europe. And now they have begun – in yet another salvo in the war against the freedom of speech that the West has barely noticed.
“Now the Islamic state has been created. We now exist here in Europe and in Sweden. We are a reality.” So said an audio file in Arabic and Swedish sent to TT, the Swedish…
Added by Ernest Lephart on December 14, 2010 at 3:47pm — No Comments
The question that begs to be asked is: Are the taxpayers paying for this toll free line either directly or indirectly? A friend sent this my way, and I wanted to share it just in case anyone was a brave sole and wanted to call using the toll free number to try to stop the Dream Act (yet again). I feel quite… |
Added by Patricia M. McBride on December 14, 2010 at 9:06am — 4 Comments
Hello Everyone,
Welcome to my first Blog. I have never run a blog before, so you can expect some different takes on how to do this and maybe a few "head scratching" moments, along with serious discussion of the times in which we live.
I am hoping to learn how to use the technical aspects of this forum to add "neato torpedo" articles and editorial comment, along with "Calls to Action". While a blog contains words, we need to be…
ContinueAdded by Kerry Kelley on December 14, 2010 at 9:01am — 8 Comments
from my blog at
By now everyone has heard of the DREAM Act. Immigration has been put on the back-burner as of late due to other issues such as legislation on taxes comes close to a crucial deadline. Illegal immigration is another one of those polarizing issues that gets tempers and emotions running wild. On one hand, you have people who believe that…
ContinueAdded by David Atlee on December 14, 2010 at 6:39am — No Comments
Added by Patricia M. McBride on December 13, 2010 at 6:00pm — No Comments
America is under assault. Most of us have watched this assault for years, and thought that elections were enough to beat back the rising tide of statist authoritarianism. Then Hurricane Katrina happened in 2005. We were wrong!
In response to hysterical (and mostly inaccurate) cries of widespread murder and rape throughout the city, the Governor of Louisiana sent the national guard and local police on a house-to-house search…
Added by Morgan Orlins on December 13, 2010 at 6:00pm — 1 Comment
Added by Patricia M. McBride on December 13, 2010 at 6:00pm — No Comments
December 13, 2010 2:30 P.M.… |
Added by Patricia M. McBride on December 13, 2010 at 5:51pm — No Comments
What exactly is going on here? Why are we putting people that have been with CAIR and HAMAS as leaders in our schools and finance? Have we NOT learned a lesson on what has
happened with our schools being controlled by the GOVT…and NOW we have our schools being infiltrated /business schools with QUESTIONABLE MUSLIMS…that have been the director
Of CAIR that is a HAMAS front?
WHEN ARE WE WAKING UP! When is the news going to start being NEWS AGAIN!!!…
Added by Ernest Lephart on December 13, 2010 at 12:18pm — 3 Comments
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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