They are at it again. The Lame (Duck) Congress is standing in front of us, pulling out the country’s credit card and defying us to say anything as they ring up more debt right before our eyes.
As a parent, this type of defiance would have them sitting in time out and if that didn’t stop them, then a big whack on the butt would be in order. Since I would be considered a terrorist if I attempted to smack these jerks for what they are doing – I will call TSA and see if they can do the physical rear-end pat down on them instead! It’s legal if they do it, right?
Okay – I’ve got an attitude this morning and it’s called “Ticked Off!”
Here’s what is up and please pay attention and be prepared to take action today:
And of course – the Omnibus is filled with pork. Not the kind you eat. The kind which will keep the people eating salami sandwiches while Congress gorges on steak.
To learn more about this fiasco, go to http://www.libertycentral.org/take-action-stop-the-spending-train-s.... You can also sign the petition to keep the Omnibus out of the hands of Congress until January. You will also need to call your Representatives and their pictures and information on located on the same page as the petition.
Someone call Rick Santelli and tell him we need him again. The first time he ranted, the Tea Party Movement was born. The second time helped keep us together as he screamed “Stop Spending” at the top of his lungs.
Rick gets it and so do We the People. We did not elect a new Congress to ignore the wishes of the people and if this Pork-filled, Earmarked, Spending Bill passes, they feed the Tea Party Movement once again and everyone hold on to your seats – it’s going to be a bumpy ride until 2012!
And, another thing! I’m also sick and tired of Congress and the President ruining our Christmas holidays. They did it last year and here they are again.
Have they no shame? (I think not!)
Here’s the last rant from Rick. Don’t you just love this man?
I'm begging ALL members of the Tea Party and any other reasonable person to E-mail, Fax, & call of the members of Congress to remind them of the results of the November election and remind them of our anger over the pork filled Omnibus Bill. This is the second Christmas in a row such a stunt has been pulled. We will remember, again, in the next election.
We all knew that they were going to try every trick in the book to get more money and special interest
for themselves. The end of this session won't come quick enough but we have to remain diligent
to let them know how we feel and then stay even more diligent to remind the new ones coming in
that we are serious.
We cannot allow Harry Reid to push through this agenda and this Omnibus bill. Write, call, scream! They are right now trying to cram down our throats all of their socialist wish list and spending by January 4th. The 111th Congress should be severely censured and written up in history as a major shame of this country. Call all the members of the Senate and let them know you will not forget in 2012 if they vote for this. Urge a continuing resolution and let the 112th Congress make it their first order of business January 5th. Bombard the White House with calls
Once again, Thank you for reminding me to get off my butt and make some calls! Even though this was running through the back of my mind while I tried to go about my Christmas business, I forgot how angry I am, and that here they are again trying to use the fact that we are distracted by something we treasure (Christmas and family and worship of our Lord) to ram something through without due process, attaching barnacles all over it that make it ugly and heavy and more difficult to deal with in the future. What is wrong with clean bills with no earmarks and straight up or down votes? They are so devious it is appalling! We must make time to stand up and be counted once again until this changes. Thanks for the rallying cry Billie and Rick! I hear you!!
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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