Hello Everyone,
Welcome to my first Blog. I have never run a blog before, so you can expect some different takes on how to do this and maybe a few "head scratching" moments, along with serious discussion of the times in which we live.
I am hoping to learn how to use the technical aspects of this forum to add "neato torpedo" articles and editorial comment, along with "Calls to Action". While a blog contains words, we need to be people of action.
We are quickly finding out that just because we "win" an election, we cannot control the elected politicians by just expecting them to know and do our will. Case in point: $6B in Ethanol subsidies to buy the corn states votes for the Dems and then letting it expire in the 2012 election cycle, which will just put pressure on elected conservatives to again "roll over' and play for votes. Doesn't an election mean anything?
Why the rush? This may be the last chance that the current ruling class has to run its game and add "ornaments" to the tax bill. Why are the Republicans and the Conservatives (yes-I say they are not always the same people) giving in to this pork? I believe it is because they do not know how to govern and how to lead. Right now I rate them as "worthless" with a long way to go to prove they deserve another term in office.
If you are an action person, then call your delegation and ask them to vote no on the Tax/pork/ethanol bill and start over with the new Congress next year.
Social networking and Geotagging
The file listed above contains information about Geotagging of photos. It is interesting to note that a person's movements can be tracked right from Facebook pictures. Take a look and maybe pass it around.
Coming to the WorldWideWeb soon:
VotePWR.com, where we move from talking about issues to doing something concrete about them.
MORE to follow!
Concentrate on the RINOS: Murkowski, Alexander, Bob Bennett, Scott (could not have been elected with us, now he poops on us) Brown, Snowe, Collins, Cochrane, Corker, Isakson, Lugar, and Voinovich.
We must commit to defeating these RINOs in their next election cycle. We need people to run and we need people to raise cash for the conservatives that will trash these RINOs.
Please write and call.
Here is my suggestion regarding what to write/speak:
Dear Senator XXX,
As a Florida resident I cannot vote for you, but I have watched your service to America over the years, and I have been proud to call myself a Republican, along with you.
I cannot expect you to respond to me as a constituent in your state, but I do ask that you consider my words as an American, who will be either assisted or damaged by your votes in the Senate.
I ask you to reconsider your intent to support the START treaty ratification. This is a bad treaty that is actually unnecessary, except to limit the ability of the United States to develop and deploy defensive missile systems. It is unfair to the citizens to allow a failed President to negotiate a poor treaty, with an adversary, while that same President is reading a book titled "The Post America World". Do you support a Post America world? Please don't tie the hands of this Nation as we try to build a good defense. America does not need this treaty. Send it back and tell the President that he must start over.
I was just informed that I have my first grandchild on its way. I want to hope we will have a strong safe America to bring him up in and not one where we have to deal with Russia, China, Iran, et al, from a position of weakness. What would Reagan do?
Thank you for your time and please keep America strong!
Everyone needs to stay engaged with Congress to beat back the START and Scamnesty Bill. Rumor has it that there will be an Amnesty Vote tomorrow morning in the Senate. CALL, FAX, Email! Keep up the heat. Tell the incumbents that a vote against the will of the people will ensure that they get a lump of coal in their stocking next election!
Looks like the Tea Party team was able to light up the phones of the Senate and Harry Reid pulled (effectively killing) the Omnibus bill. Could it be that we gave four flats to the Omnibus?
We still need to pour on the heat against START, DREAM, etc. Keep up the good work and shut these down!
This leads me to the following conclusion: Post national elections, no legislative business until the winners are sworn in! We should never be put at risk by those eating the sour grapes that they harvested themselves!
It is time to stop believing that the politicians will get it right: THEY NEVER DO! We must open the discussion on Constitutional Amendments that can simply take the power back to the people:
1. No elected official can write or approve a law that does not apply to elected officials!
2. Fair Tax
3. Balanced Budget limited to 9.9% of GDP (God demands 10% and we should not allow any other entity to demand equal footing.....)
4. Defining Interstate Commerce as excluding Health Care
5. No taxpayer funds to be used to provide support to illegals at all. If the bleeding hearts want to support an illegal alien, then let them pony up the cash.
There I said it.
BTW: Why not ask Rick Scott to hire Bill McCollum to continue the Obama-care suit? I think Bill has done a good job so far, so why not keep him on until the end? just a thought.....
Just turned 56 today, so wish me a happy birthday and tell me how great I look for an old dude!
Take care!
Kerry, there is another blog for the free phone number for illegal aliens to use to call our senators, and Roma used it to call LeMieux. He has said he is voting NO.
One other update that calls for action:
The Omnibus spending bill is needed to fund the government as they run out of funds on Saturday. It is 2000 pages long and full of 20,000 pork filled EARMARKS. Please take action and contact your delegation members and ask them to can the Omnibus in favor of a 30 Continuing Resolution that will get us into the New Year. That is one way to stop runaway spending by a Congress that is trying to give itself Pork-mas presents at our expense. Contact them today! The Senate can stop this.
Time for an update:
I wonder if there is anyone, within the sound of my clicking keyboard, who wants amnesty for Illegal Aliens? This so-called DREAM act is only a dream for the Democrats, because they dream of all those illegals getting the right to vote! It is not time for amnesty, but enforcement! And the DREAM Act has no enforcement teeth.
Today is a day for action. Please contact Senator Lemieux or google him and use his email contact form, to tell him to vote NO. You can do the same for Senator Bill Nelson and even if he votes for it, at least he will know that he has offended real Americans, who are likely to vote against him in his next cycle. That may be enough to help him decide to bail out. Take some action today and stop illegal alien SCAM-NESTY.
Great blog Kerry!
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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