In between writing, calling and emailing our Congressmen about the Lame Duck bills, I hit the stores running to purchase a new Nativity scene for our front yard. Ours had grown old and aged and I felt it needed to shine for all its glory.
If you are shopping for a blow up penguin, Santa in a snow globe or one with him flying an airplane, you can have your pick of these images. During the day they lay in crumpled masses on the ground and at night they come to life with the sound of a swish as they raise themselves in the air and float side to side with a slight wind.
There was not one manger scene to be found among the plastic blow up yard displays. I drove from store to store and my disappointment grew as I realized Christ had disappeared from His own birthday.
I went home, took out our nativity scene and cleaned it up. It is now proudly displayed under a wooden manager my husband built. A star sits above the manager while Baby Jesus glows in His mother’s arms.
As we put the manager together, I made a pact with Baby Jesus that I would say Merry Christmas everywhere I went this season in honor of His birthday. And, I am keeping that promise.
At the grocery store, the clerk said Happy Holidays and I responded “Merry Christmas.” A trip through the local coffee shop drive thru gave me a chance to correct the politically correct holiday greeting. Off to the cleaners and another Merry Christmas was left behind as I drove off. The bank teller thanked me for our business and she sent a message to enjoy the season. I sent her one back that the Reason for the Season was the one I was supporting this Christmas. I am having fun with this radical attitude of wishing people Merry Christmas and I am not apologizing to anyone for saying it. It must be the Tea Party rebel in me coming out!
It’s time we all take a stand and remind people the reason we are celebrating Christmas. Will you join me on this mission this Christmas season? Will you help bring the Christmas message to those who are hurting, who have lost loved ones, who are dealing with a serious illness, who have lost their jobs, who can’t afford to feed their family or can’t afford any gifts this year? Of course you will because those who really understand the meaning of Christmas understand that this special time of year softens our hearts to those who are less fortunate than us.
The hearts of those who love Christmas love it because of that little baby born in a manager. A penguin in a snow globe will never make your heart feel the emotion of Christmas. Santa flying a blow up airplane will be fun to look at but will never soften your heart to the pain of others.
To those who want to take Christ out of Christmas – remember this. You are asking us to harden our hearts to those around us. Be not afraid – the message of Christmas is one of hope, love and joy. If we can give a neighbor, a family member, a co-worker or a store clerk a little bit of hope, why wouldn’t we?
If you are offended because my heart is soft, I wish you a very Merry Christmas and may you feel the true meaning of Christmas in your heart this year.
If you want to join me in this mission, then let’s get going. There is shopping to do and many hurting people who need hope restored again in their lives. A simple “Merry Christmas” is the best gift of all this season.
P.S. - Even Linus got it right!
Dear Friends of FCTP,
I too, wish to add my "Merry Christmas and Happy New year, to all.
The Lord has blessed me with so many new friends, from First Coast Tea Party, this year. I am so thankful.
A very special Merry Christmas to all that have either attended or were a guest speake at our monthly meetings of the Baymeadows/Southside community group of FCTP.
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night. Peace on Earth good will toward man.
Tom Wright
What a wonderful idea and I will be joining the "radicals" and respond likewise. I also want to extend my warmest wishes to all Tea Party Patriots in the FCTP and their families for a blessed Christmas and all good things in the coming year.
Jacqueline C.
Add my name to the list of radicals, Merry Christmas is my response. I sent the ACLU headquarters a Christmas card wishing them a Merry Christmas and may the Lord bless them. They have attacked Christmas too long.
If anyone is interested in doing the same:
125 Broad Street
18th Floor
New York, NY 10004
A very MERRY CHRISTMAS to you!! My husband announced he needed some REAL Christmas cards to send to some of his friends. While shopping in my local WalMart, I checked out the cards on display. Lo and behold, they had some very nice Christmas cards, with Mary holding baby Jesus, Three wisemen, a card with the whole Bethlehem scene and an actual cross tied to a ribbon on the card, plus gold lining inside the envelope. The price was reasonable, too! I was so pleased, and so was my husband when I brought them home. Kudos to WalMart for having cards appropriate for the season!
As for the outside Nativity set with manger, I bought that in WalMart a couple of years ago, too. All the figures light up!! Didn't look to see if they had one this year. BUT, a friend ordered the most beautiful realistic Nativity figurines and built the wooden Manger himself....and it is beautiful. I have noticed many popping up in our neighborhood. I think it is wonderful! Whose Birthday is it, anyway? People need to be reminded that Christmas is a National Holiday. If they don't want to celebrate the day, then Opt out!!
Merry Christmas. Time to reflect on what's important. Family, friends and The Lord !
My Christmas Greeting to All My Liberal Friends
Have a Merry Christmas
And a Happy New Year
Especially after the New House,
Senate and Governors are Installed
I have made a big point in saying Merry Christmas to everyone this season and most people love hearing it but not as much as I love saying it. MERRY CHRISTMAS
Happy Birthday Jesus and Merry Christmas to all of you.
I work with the public, and have heard MANY more Merry Christmas greetings this year. The conversations I have had are all pretty much the same. WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH !!!! Daring the PC police to come cart them off. I LOVE IT !!!! Jesus Christ is Risen and Alive. No man can change this fact.
Mary -- I also mailed a Christmas card to the ACLU in New York. Let's hope some others did too.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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