Some days I wish I could stay in bed, put the pillow over my head and sleep until a new day dawns in America.  I’ve tried that but I keep waking up to a sun shining through my bedroom window and a voice saying “Get up, you have to get moving and do your part.” 


Today is one of those days.


We have so much to talk about and do for our country and if we were a single focus organization, it would make it easier.  We are not.  We are a Liberty-focused organization and everywhere you turn our liberties are being shackled.  Our leaders are laughing at us and they believe the laughter will drown out our concerns.  It will not.


Since we can’t do everything in one day, let’s take these five baby steps to ACT NOW for Liberty today.  It will take you no more than 15 minutes to accomplish all of this.  Can you give 15 to Liberty?  Here’s how:

1.  High Speed Rail in Florida:  A dear friend of mine in the Florida Tea Party Movement, Tom Tillison, had an encounter with Rep. Mica and it was very disturbing.  In one word, Rep. Mica has told the Tea Party – “get over it, I am supporting High Speed Rail, like it or not.”  You can read more about Tom’s encounter with Rep. Mica’s staff here:  http://www.floridapoliticalpress.com/2011/02/16/if-the-tea-party-wa...

  • Action:  From now until a decision is made on the Florida High Speed Rail we need Rep. Mica's phone to ring off the hook. We want his email box to overflow. This attitude with regard to the Tea Party Movement and especially toward our tax dollars cannot be tolerated. Below is his contact information. Just click on the link and then he has links to all his local offices.   More than anything, call Washington and ask for Rep. Mica and if he is not available ask for Mr. Dick Harkon. Let them know exactly how you feel. The fact is this High Speed Rail may be Rep. Mica’s project, but it will be paid for with our tax dollars and we do not want it or cannot pay for it.  It’s not right to continue down a “track” of spending just because it’s his baby project.
  • Action:  Please forward this information to all of your friends across the country. Ask them if they want their tax dollars coming to Florida to build a High Speed Train that will: 1. Never go fast; 2. Never break even; 3. Never have full ridership; 4. Will always suck money from their state. Then please give them Rep. Mica's Washington D.C. information and ask them to pass it on as well.
  • Contact Rep. Mica here:  http://mica.house.gov/Contact/OfficeInformation.htm
  • Action:  Call Governor Scott's office in Tallahassee. Tell them you do not want the High Speed Rail in Florida. Be nice, tell them you will support him in his decision to reject the high speed rail. Just make sure they know you are supporting this decision. Also, let Governor Scott know that you appreciate the fact that he is standing firm and doing exactly what he said he was going to do during the campaign. This man is taking fire from all sides and a kind word or two is always appreciated. Three minutes one time should be enough. (850) 488-7146

2.  Planned Parenthood Supported by $300,000,000 of our Tax Dollars:  The big news this week is the House of Representatives is looking at cost cutting so we can begin a new path of financial security in our country.  During their debates, the funding of Planned Parenthood will be debated.  We have recently learned that our tax dollars were going to fund abortions.  While we are a country of laws and abortion is legal in America, our tax dollars should not fund it.  How you feel about abortion is one thing but using our tax dollars to fund it is another.  In recent weeks, undercover videos of various Planned Parenthood offices shows their staff advising the undercover agent on how to get abortions for young girls brought in from foreign countries illegally.  This is absurd and their funding needs to stop. 

3. More Spending Cuts:  ACTION:  Go to Liberty Central.org at https://www.libertycentral.org/update-the-continuing-resolution-and... and sign the petition to encourage our Representatives to stay the course and cut, cut, cut as they go through each amendment this week.  It’s a big job – but somebody has to do it!


4.  Attend this Saturday’s Special Event:  ACTION:  Go to First Coast Tea Party website under events and check out the program “Sacrificed Survivors: The Untold Story of the Ground Zero Mega-Mosque.”  We are honored to host this special event and some of the nation’s largest experts on the Mosque at Ground Zero will be in attendance.  A local survivor of 9/11 will also be with us.  It’s free and educational and we hope you’ll RSVP today and bring a friend with you.  We’ll be there and would love to see you there.   Check it here for more information:  http://www.fctpcommunity.org/events/sacrificed-survivors-the

5.  Donate to your Local Tea PartyACTION:  Local Tea Parties are funded by local members and the month of February has been deemed “Love Your Local Tea Party” month.  All donations are used to fund events, pay for insurance/permits, produce written materials, and pay for small administrative costs.  We work cheap and no salaries are paid to any of our local leaders.  It’s all free, donated work, baby!  If you can help the First Coast Tea Party, please send a check to:  First Coast Tea Party, 11437 Central Parkway, Suite 107, Jacksonville, Florida 32244 or you can donate online at: 



It’s all the little steps we make that will secure the big picture – Liberty in America.  Help us today by taking 15 minutes and doing your part.

And, if you want to spend less than 2 minutes more, listen to this great analogy by Herman Cain about the Stupid People who are Ruining America.  Watch here for a good laugh at the other side:


God Save the USA!


Views: 46


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Comment by tamara stephenson on February 18, 2011 at 7:56am
J.R., I agree with much of what you have said.  Regarding Judge Vinson's order, unless he specifically says the court is enjoing the enforcement of Obamacare, the law is still valid on the state.  It sounds like his Order is unclear as to whether it is an injunction.  I think the feds filed a motion for clarification on that issue.  Should be interesting to see what Vinson says.  If he does declare that the Order is meant as an injunction, that letter I just got from my HMO telling me to add back kids to my coverage who are under the age of 26 will have to be rescinded.  Also, my accountant called and is holding our business tax return until the Court rules because it affects a tax credit.  I don't really understand the credit, but my accountant is none too pleased.  He needs to rule on that quickly.   Either way, it is the law in the Northern District of Florida.  Since the only lawsuit in Florida was filed in the Northern District (because Tallahassee is in the Northern District), that will be the law of the state of Florida).  The 11th Circuit will hear it and then it will go to the Supremes.  Yet another Commerce Clause opinion will be coming down the pipe.
Comment by J.R. on February 17, 2011 at 11:32pm

Well finally, here's the last of my post that is beginning to look like an epistle.  You can stop laughing now.


We need to find out if Gov. Scott will come to our March 'n' Rally in Tally and try to get some other elected officials---state, federal, and local to be present there with us. Also, Tea Party patriots from out of state who want to reinforce our message that unnecessary and wasteful spending has to stop at all levels of government can come, or in some way help us get that message across to irresponsible politicians who are addicted to taxing and spending us into oblivion. At the rate they're going, future generations will be in debt up to their eyeballs in perpetuity.



By the way, nobody asked me to do this. I'm just out here answering Billie's question. lol

I'm also ticked-off that Sen. Nelson, Rep. Ray LaHood and other national figures and co-conspirators here in Florida are trying push our State Senate and Gov. Rick Scott around. Hold the line, guys, we're supporting you.

Comment by J.R. on February 17, 2011 at 11:27pm

Hopefully the rest of my post below will fit here.

Very quickly, we need to get together a delegation from FCTP to lobby both chambers of the FL Legislature and invite other Tea Parties to join us in that effort. We can also organize a March on Tallahassee. The March could be on a Sunday and the delegation could stay over to do their lobbying and addressing the FL Senate on Monday, a day that legislators would most likely be present. We need to let them know that any Senator who continues to support high speed rail over Gov. Scott's executive decision against it, will have a black mark beside his or her name in their next election. We don't support big spenders who haven't gotten the message we are in a serious recession and Florida is one of the hardest hit in terms of foreclosures and unemployment and successive waves of new foreclosures are just now beginning to happen as ARM's are set to re-adjust.

Also important is getting the media involved and organizing telephone trees (call 10 people, get them to each call ten people and so on), and e-mail chain senders to do the same thing. This will result in contacts growing exponentially. We could take the Liberty Wharf over there and e-mail what we are doing to all our talk radio friends and patriotic, America-loving websites many of us hear from every day. We could probably get Tea Party support going from all over the country and get info up about it on all the major Tea Party websites, since we all have the same goals and objectives, hate big-spenders, and want the same accountability from our state legislators that we want from those who represent us in Washington, DC.

We need to find out if Gov. Scott will come to our March 'n' Rally in Tally and try to get some other elected officials---state, federal, and local to be present there with us. Also, Tea Party patriots from out of state who want to reinforce our message that un

Comment by J.R. on February 17, 2011 at 11:21pm

Here is the rest of my post that was too long to fit the space below:

If we had a huge surplus in the FL Treasury, which we don't, I'm sure we could come up with some far more necessary things to spend it on, like setting up a reasonable and affordable healthcare system for FL citizens that will be sustainable for the long run, since we've now obtained a Federal Court order voiding Obama's new socialist healthcare law. My understanding is that when a judgment is obtained declaring a law void, it acts as an injunction to prohibit enforcement; it also cannot be brought and re-tried in another court on the same issues. Soooo...., what's more important: healthcare for Floridians or high-speed rail? Or many other spending measures that would serve all Floridians and not just a small central Florida area?

You be the judge. And then volunteer to do your part to stop politicians in Tally and DC from trying to railroad us into spending money on something that has a well-known high probability of becoming a perpetual drain on Florida's economy, as it has in other states who let themselves get sold on it.

Unfortunately they did not give the political affiliation of all the FL Senators who signed the letter, so we don't know how many are conservatives, but we do know the Republican Senate Majority Leader and the Republican Senate President are in Gov. Rick Scott's corner. Sen. Haridopolis, who is in Rick's corner, is contemplating a run for Sen. Bill Nelson's U.S. Senate seat.

Now, it's our job to stake out and protect Rick's corner. Tea Party members statewide who want to stop the high-speed rail boondoggle, can send e-mails, faxes, and make telephone calls to all FL Senators and House members to try and convince them not to support high-speed rail for FL. House members can stand with us and our position.


Very quickly, we need to get together a delegation from FCTP to lobby both chambers of the

Comment by J.R. on February 17, 2011 at 11:06pm

We can organize and implement a state-wide Tea Party protest against the "spooning" FL Senators who have thrown caution and good sense to the wind, while throwing their lot in with the big spenders of other people's money in Washington, DC, some of whom are backing off their own campaign promises regarding cuts totaling $100B in spending from the proposed Obama budget for 2011 that the Obama administration failed to present to the Congress in 2010. They've been operating on continuing resolutions for the last two years---no doubt to save Democrats from having to take a stand for and be held accountable for any other spending while rushing to pass and sign into law the biggest and most reckless spending in congressional history. Some "conservatives" are also prepared to cave on raising the debt ceiling in order to gain concessions from the Democrats. Seems they and some of their comrades in Tallahassee are either slow learners or fast forgetters, or else they think we're out here growing money on trees.

Unfortunately, many legislators in Tally appear to want to follow that reckless spending spree here in Florida without bothering to explain to Florida citizens/taxpayers how they're going to pay for high-speed rail in the out years when, based on statistics from other states who have high-speed rail, it won't pay for itself after all the so-called government money has run out. We know who's going to have to subsidize it then... and it won't be the federal government. The majority of Floridians will probably never ride or even see the thing.

If we had a huge surplus in the FL Treasury, which we don't, I'm sure we could come up with some far more necessary things to spend it on, like setting up a reasonable and affordable healthcare system for FL citizens that will be sustainable for the long run, since we've now obtained a Federal Court order voiding Obama's new socialist healthcare law. My understanding is that when a judgment is obt

Comment by Valerie Sawyer on February 17, 2011 at 9:29pm
I guess the politicians in Tallahassee didn't pay attention to what happened in Washington this past November. We can clean house in Tallahassee next election just as we did in Washington. And we need to tell them that.
Comment by Dee Lucas on February 17, 2011 at 8:52pm

Hold your horses on phasing it out according to wealth. What we pay into social security we should receieve. That is socialism.Take from the rich and give to the poor. Take it from the ones who do not contribute.

Comment by FCTP on February 17, 2011 at 8:21pm

Take a look at this.  The jerks in Tally and DC are spooning together on behalf of HSR and not supporting our Governor.  What shall we do?



Comment by tamara stephenson on February 17, 2011 at 2:57pm
Roma and Tom, just read Coburn's statements.  Coburn is brave enough to tell the truth.  Cuts in discretionary spending are not enough.  if we are going to be serious, we have to look at Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security and Pentagon spending.  those will be the truly tough choices.  Social security seems easy enough.  we can extend the retirement age and/or phase it out based on wealth.  I'm pretty sure the top 2% don't need the check from the government for a couple grand a month.  Medicare is tougher because it's completely underfunded to begin with.  Medicare has to be reformed.  We have to pay more into the system.  We have to get a handle on the cost of medical care and prescriptions.  Medicare just doesn't work.  Defense spending (including money on two wars) is just untenable.  Our power comes through our economic strength.  Our government has to focus now and make the hard choices so that our children have a future that is not consumed by our debt.
Comment by tamara stephenson on February 17, 2011 at 2:47pm
I do not believe for one minute that laws giving us more secure borders would have stopped the vote for the continuation of the Patriot Act.  That is merely an excuse.  Republican legislators do not want anyone to be able to say he/she is soft on terrorism.  that is the fear.  it's the same reason that most republicans are afraid to cut military spending.  he/she does not want to be labeled anti-defense spending.  it's just ridiculous.

National Debt Clock


The First CoastTea Party is a non-profit organization. We have no deep-pocketed special interest funding our efforts.

You may contact us at:

First Coast Tea Party
1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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