There seems to be a great deal of concern by some FCTP members involving Mike Hogan's non appearance at the media alphabet soup (WJCT, WTLV, JBJ, FTU) sponsored mayoral debate last night. It is reported that Mr. Mullaney is attempting to make a great deal of hay without the necessary background, but then what should we expect from the pattern displayed at the FCTP Mayoral Town Hall just a short time ago.
For 25 years, Mike Hogan has been an active member of the Board of Directors to Bob Tebow's Evangelistic Association whose mission is to provide guidance and charitable support for the orphans in the Phillipines. Last night they held their first ever fund raiser for the charity and it was scheduled long before the scheduling for debates was begun. This was a very big event for the charity which Mike was committed to because of his involvement and guiding position of the cause. Also in attendance was also Bob's son, Tim Tebow.
As I know it, there were two debates agreed to between Mullaney and Hogan and the one last night was not one of those. So again we have a candidate crying foul when he knew all along there was none. It is just a continuation of political oprtunism, again.
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