The Mayor's Race: A City Divided

There is not a big win for either camp this morning.  The city is divided and the winner will come down to a few hundred votes. 


There will be accusations and yelling in a room filled with lawyers.  The Supervisor of Elections office will once again be thrown into the mix of political warfare as they look at every ballot cast.


The 30+% of people who voted will wait for the final count.


And behind the scenes, and Organizing for America will be preparing their paid people to protest should it not go their way.


The Tiny Union will write stories about the land slide victory if their man wins.  They will write about the stolen election if ours does.


We’ve seen this before and nothing ever changes.  Nothing will ever change until the rest of Duval County wakes up and realizes because they didn’t vote, they will now be led by a handful of people – like them or not.


And let this be known…


If Mike Hogan wins, we will be thankful.


If Alvin Brown wins, we will not “throw ourselves behind him” because Mr. Brown chose to ignore the tea party members and chose to ignore the many questions posed to him about his background.  We will not go away and we will continue to ask the questions until they are answered.   The questions are too important to be ignored.


And…we will not rest until North Florida has a newspaper that investigates the stories and reports the facts.  The owners of the Tiny Union should be run out of town for not writing about the and Organizing for America operatives AND for not doing a story on the questions posed to Mr. Brown.  They ignored these stories and for some reason, chose to denigrate Mike Hogan.


This is happening all over America and will continue to happen until new leadership takes hold in Washington.  The political machine from DC ran this race and no one can say it wasn't so.  We know it and they know we know it.  We have the proof even if the Tiny Union will not print it.


As the recount begins today, keep praying that David will beat Goliath. 


God bless Jacksonville and God bless America.


Views: 129


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Comment by FCTP on May 18, 2011 at 6:33pm
Stop the name calling now.  Behave or get off.
Comment by amanda choate on May 18, 2011 at 6:26pm
JL that is a great point. You are so right.
Comment by amanda choate on May 18, 2011 at 6:24pm

Listen toots, your comment,

 We now have a totally inexperienced mayor who hates the governor....................elected by a group of people that haven't voted since the Obama election!

That doesn't sound bitter? Really? Then maybe you should get out more.

Comment by amanda choate on May 18, 2011 at 6:19pm
One more thing, I live and work here in Jacksonville. I have friends from all over this town. They mean alot to me and though we do not see eye to eye on politics, they are good and decent people. Because they come out to vote, for whatever the reason, and they vote differently from me, does not make their vote stupid or them stupid. It makes them different, that is all. Those kind of words leads to bitterness and division. No matter who is charge, or holds what office, we will only be successful when we are all pulling together. So if the African American community felt compelled to vote, even if it is fr hte first time in their life, i resprect that and will encourage them to stay involved. It is the best hope we have to make these communities viable, if the people in them get involved. He is going to be in office fr four  years, lets make it work for all of us.
Comment by Tom Wing on May 18, 2011 at 6:12pm
Ladies,  use the phone.
Comment by amanda choate on May 18, 2011 at 6:10pm

Excuse me Patricia for assuming, if you say you are not bitter then I apologize for the error and it won't happen again. In return please don't call me honey, the tone in which you used it was rude and uncalled for. My intent was not to anger but to encourage. If you choose not to feel encouraged, that is up to you.

Comment by JL Gawlik on May 18, 2011 at 6:00pm

All have had great points, that is so true about not assuming things, that is very dangerous to try to think what someone is thinking just like my neighbor thought that Hogan had the Mayoral race in the bag a week ago. He was NOT looking outside his thoughts, he was assuming things.

This is really a good thing for Jacksonville, LoOK what happens when someone DOES NOT assume things and works hard, and gets others to work hard for them (even if they are paid to do so.) to get out the vote. Anything is possible.

Boy, we are going to have FuN in 2012! *G*


Prepare for the ZOMBiEs:


(i hate recorded robocalls, myself.)


Comment by Patricia M. McBride on May 18, 2011 at 5:57pm
Amanda, the comment about the people that didn't come out and vote was made AFTER you comment.  Please take a peak sweety?   You said what you did when I had not said anything but that Brown was ahead basically by 1,500 vote and Hogan could nto win.  I basically said the same the news bulletin from the TU said!  Sorry, no enchilada this time, but it was a nice try to recover your position!
Comment by amanda choate on May 18, 2011 at 5:49pm
JL that is my point, our vigilence cannot be determined by party affiliation, it must be by issues.  I guess I felt the tone about people who haven't voted was a bit negative. My feeling is that these people who run for and are elected to office all deserve close scrutiny. None of them seem beyond reproach. We must constantly watch them, both sides, because those that would seek to influence them do not share the values of common middle class Americans. They have their employers best interest at heart, and that can mean that it isn't in our best interest. And the party affiliation of any individual does not mean they will always be on our side, or against us. The saying is , "politics makes for strange bedfellows." It is true.
Comment by Patricia M. McBride on May 18, 2011 at 5:47pm

Amanda, in spite of you opinion of what I am thinking (someone told me long ago not to try second guessing someone else's motives or guess what they were guess wrong most of the time), I am not bitter, and shame on you for thinking I am. I am sick at heart that folks didn't step up and will not complain about who won but you can count on many to do exactly that even if they didn't bother going to the polls yesterday  I not going to kiss this man's butt for lying and cheating his way into the mayor's office either even if you think I should or act like he won anything after they paid people to vote. This is not fair and square and you know that as well as I do. So no, I am not bitter, but I am grateful he isn't going to find an easy path to taxing residents to the point people who do not want to leave (many will leave because they know he cheated to win and I don't blame them one single little bit)......some more good folks did get in to support those conservatives we had on the city council. Now I guess the guestion is will those democrats who have been conservative support their party or the people? That is a question I guess we will not have an answer to until the budget issue comes up. It is going to be a long 4 years if they vote another tax increase whether anyone wants it or not! And we only have a few short years before we go bankrupt (an issue Brown isn't even worried about at Obama), so there will be less time if Brown does what I expect him to do!  It isn't bitterness and disappointment honey, it is saving the city from this man who already plans to spend 29 million dollars we don't have to form yet another commission to do stuff in the downtown that we can't afford.  It is about fighting stupidity brought to us by people that only come out and vote every 3 or 4 years.


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Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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