The Demands of Occupy Wall Street have now been published

Here they are.  Shall we give them their demands?  


From the Occupy Wall Street website, via Picket and Loesch:

Demand one: Restoration of the living wage. This demand can only be met by ending “Freetrade” by re-imposing trade tariffs on all imported goods entering the American market to level the playing field for domestic family farming and domestic manufacturing as most nations that are dumping cheap products onto the American market have radical wage and environmental regulation advantages. Another policy that must be instituted is raise the minimum wage to twenty dollars an hr.

Demand two: Institute a universal single payer healthcare system. To do this all private insurers must be banned from the healthcare market as their only effect on the health of patients is to take money away from doctors, nurses and hospitals preventing them from doing their jobs and hand that money to wall st. investors.

Demand three: Guaranteed living wage income regardless of employment.

Demand four: Free college education.

Demand five: Begin a fast track process to bring the fossil fuel economy to an end while at the same bringing the alternative energy economy up to energy demand.

Demand six:
 One trillion dollars in infrastructure (Water, Sewer, Rail, Roads and Bridges and Electrical Grid) spending now.

Demand seven: One trillion dollars in ecological restoration planting forests, reestablishing wetlands and the natural flow of river systems and decommissioning of all of America’s nuclear power plants.

Demand eight: Racial and gender equal rights amendment.

Demand nine: Open borders migration. anyone can travel anywhere to work and live.

Demand ten: Bring American elections up to international standards of a paper ballot precinct counted and recounted in front of an independent and party observers system.

Demand eleven: Immediate across the board debt forgiveness for all. Debt forgiveness of sovereign debt, commercial loans, home mortgages, home equity loans, credit card debt, student loans and personal loans now! All debt must be stricken from the “Books.” World Bank Loans to all Nations, Bank to Bank Debt and all Bonds and Margin Call Debt in the stock market including all Derivatives or Credit Default Swaps, all 65 trillion dollars of them must also be stricken from the “Books.” And I don’t mean debt that is in default, I mean all debt on the entire planet period.

Demand twelve: Outlaw all credit reporting agencies.

Demand thirteen: Allow all workers to sign a ballot at any time during a union organizing campaign or at any time that represents their yeah or nay to having a union represent them in collective bargaining or to form a union.

These demands will create so many jobs it will be completely impossible to fill them without an open borders policy.


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Comment by Chuck Morrison on October 26, 2011 at 1:29pm
I wonderhow high the Occupy Atlanta protestors were able to levitate the Georgia Pacific building today - has anyone heard??  That is really symbolic of the "occupy" movement.  :-))
Comment by JL Gawlik on October 26, 2011 at 12:29pm

Amazing Bert, coming from a man who demonizes wealth, saying they should pay more taxes when his own company owes the IRS billions in back taxes. 

Who would of ever guessed?

Comment by Bert Amaral on October 26, 2011 at 12:17pm
Warren Buffett, in a recent interview with CNBC, offers one of the best
            quotes about the debt ceiling.
         "I could  end the deficit in 5 minutes," he told CNBC. "You just
        pass a  law that says that anytime there is a deficit of more
        than 3% of  GDP, all sitting members of Congress are ineligible
        for re-election.

        The 26th amendment (granting the right to vote for 18
        year-olds) took only 3 months & 8 days to be ratified! Why? Simple!

         The people demanded it. That was in  1971...before computers, e-mail, cell
        phones, etc.

        Of the 27 amendments to the Constitution, seven (7) took 1 year
        or less to become the law of the land...all because of public

        Warren Buffet is asking each addressee to forward this email  to
        a minimum of twenty people on their address list; in turn ask
        each of those to do likewise.

        In three days, most people in The United States of America will
        have the message. This is one idea that really should be passed

        _*Congressional Reform Act of 2011*_

        1. No Tenure / No Pension.

        A Congressman collects a salary while in office and receives no
        pay when they are out of office.

        2.  Congress (past, present & future) participates in Social

        All funds in the Congressional retirement fund move  to the
        Social Security system immediately. All future funds flow  into
        the Social Security system, and Congress participates with  the
        American people. It may not be used for any other purpose.

        3. Congress can purchase their own retirement plan, just as all
        Americans do.

        4. Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise.
        Congressional pay will rise by the lower of CPI or 3%.

        5. Congress loses their current health care system and
        participates in the same health care system as the American people.

        6. Congress must equally abide by all laws they impose on the
        American people.

        7. All contracts with past and present Congressmen are void
        effective 1/1/12. The  American people did not make this
        contract with Congressmen.

        Congressmen made all these contracts for themselves. Serving in

         Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers
         envisioned citizen legislators, so ours should serve their
        term(s), then go home and back to work.

        If each person contacts a minimum of twenty people then it will
        only take three  days for most people (in the U.S.) to receive
        the message. Maybe it is time.

Comment by JL Gawlik on October 26, 2011 at 11:57am

I am just amazed after listening to the President just now speak to STUDENTS, how much the man is lying to the students. We are all being lied to. His jobs bill is paid for, that is a lie, it received a very negative score by the CBO and would add debt to our already almost $15 plus Trillion dollar debt. 

How can we have Congress members that go after sport figures, CEOs, Military Commanders, etc., and condemn them for lying, for miss leading statements and then charge them with felonies for doing so in front of Congress, but they LIE DAILY? They continually daily to break their oath of office:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God."

We are witnessing a massive breakdown of morals, ethics, principles and values in our country. In November 2012, we need to vote every lying, dishonest, dishonorable person out of office and replace them with honorable people period.

People who answer to the people not sell their souls like Congresswoman Berkley did for POWER.  We need to somehow get our dishonorable elected representatives to step forward and tell the American people the truth. We need many elected representatives serving in the peoples' seats to step forward and vet out ALL their dishonest, dishonorable colleagues.

We need to ENFORCE Congressional rules on members. We clearly need to clean both Houses. It has to come from WE THE PEOPLE. It will not happen over night, look at what happened in Jacksonville this past spring. The people did not come out and vote, like they should have.

Voter participation should be highest at local levels, not reversed. We have a very perverted system now. It is now up to the people to get us back on track, we can not leave it in the hands of the progressives, they are out to destroy our Constitutional Republic, period.


Comment by Peter Plastridge on October 26, 2011 at 11:36am

These demands would eliminate all jobs.  For example the minium wage to $20 per hour will eliminate jobs.  The higher the wage the more incentive to automate. 

The money to pay for all the spending they are promoting does not exist therefore at least half of the wage of $20 per hour would need to be taxes out of the wage.

How do you pay for free education.  By not paying the professors and the universities for their product.

These people have no idea how money is earned and how things are paid for.

Comment by JL Gawlik on October 26, 2011 at 11:14am

These demands can be seen in different forms via agenda and goals on the , DNC, CPUSA (Communist Party of the USA), Socialists International, AFL-CIO, SEIU, DNC, Congressional Progressive Caucus, (Democratic Socialist of America), and other sites of organizations backing this whole movement, even George Soros' sites, the UN.

Here is an example of what has been going on in Congress, especially since Jan 2007 since the Progressive Democrats took over and we have had crisis after crisis since:

Casino Executive and former Obama supporter Steve Wynn told Neil Cavoto earlier this week:

'I supported a democratic Congresswoman named Shelley Berkley. I called her during Obamacare. I said Shelley what are you doing, how do you do this? This is killing the unions and all of those that are supplying health care to our employees. And she said to me quote, and this is not hearsay. Shelley said to me, and she’s running for the senate, “Steve I know it’s terrible. My husband’s a doctor. He hates it too. But if I don’t vote for it, she will punish me.”She being Nancy Pelosi. I said, “Shelley every politician who has sold out their constituency has had a lame, terrible rationalization like the one you just gave me. Don’t ever call me again.” …That’s politics in America today. And, if any businessman or any working person doesn’t understand that this is a turning point in American history, Then I’m afraid that we’re going to get what we deserve.'


This video verifies what Pelosi and Reid have been doing since their 2007 take over of Congress, instead of allowing elected representatives to vote for their constituents, they threaten them with punishment IF they do not give them their vote for a bill. This is despicable, unconscionable behavior and i urge everyone here to write or call their elected representative and demand accountability with their votes. They all swore an oath of office and if this practice is true, which it appears to be true in my eyes, then everyone of the Congressional members practicing this vote pattern should resign immediately for breaking ethic codes, for abuse of power, for breaking their oath of office to the people as seen in this congressional letter to our Florida Congressional Representatives from Jacksonville:

We have a President who does not like to work with Congress and will circumvent it and the US Constitution every time he can.

The gridlock is Senate Majority Harry Reid:

Representative Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Harry Reid should be brought up on charges of ethic violations, abuse of power, lying to the American people, lying to the CBO to get positive scores on bills, for circumventing the US Constitution, for trying to tear down our Constitutional Republic,  for breaking their oath of office to the people of the United States of America. 

Those two people along with their like minded colleagues are unconscionable and despicable people period, who continue to lie daily to the American people about their true agenda and intentions.

Comment by Frank Wise on October 26, 2011 at 11:11am
They are drinking the cool-aid
Comment by jerome w clampitt on October 26, 2011 at 10:33am
I seriously doubt ten percent of these idiots can list these demands for you... Firstly, it simply won't work, period... Secondly, giving a benefit of doubt to the hazy ten percent, the remaining ninety percent have strong moronic values... Enough is enough, bring out the fire hoses and rubber bullets !!!
Comment by Douglas Newberry on October 26, 2011 at 10:27am
First off... this was a post in the forum, secondly its a month old.
Comment by Lynne Roberts on October 26, 2011 at 10:24am
You guys made this up...right?

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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