I read an article this morning about a 9/11 widow of the Pentagon attacks.  As I read it, I wondered how we could have changed so much.


In the days and months following the terrorist attack on America and the murder of 3,000 of its innocent citizens – we all came together in patriotism and love for our fellow man.  Flags flew on every mailbox in neighborhoods across the country.  Cars proudly displayed car flags and motorcycles held large flags blowing in the wind as they cruised down the interstate. 


I remember the feeling of respect that came for each other.  Instead of honking and blowing horns when someone hesitated at a red light, we politely waited for the driver to move.  We would let cars into traffic or insist someone with a few groceries in their cart go ahead of us.  We were peaceful, calm and caring about our fellow man.  We showed neighborly love.


What happened?


I ask this question in all sincerity.  Where did that feeling go?  How could we have moved so far to the other side of hate and disrespect for each other?


The media has removed showing any of the videos of that day.  Their reasoning is that we must move on and forget that terrible day in America.  Why?


The schools do not talk about it and history itself is null and void in our system school.  Why?


Political figures sent our children to fight wars because of this 9/11 tragedy and 10 years later we are still there.  Why?


Respect and honor is given to those whose relatives flew planes into our American sites and killed our family members.  Disrespect is given to those whose family members died.  Why?


Flying a flag is now against city ordinances and wearing a t-shirt with a flag on it is frowned upon in schools.  Why?


Saying the Pledge of Allegiance is ignored and in some schools the Pledge to the World is now being recited.  Why?


Memorials to the victims of 9/11 have taken too long to build and ten years later some still need money to fund these important memorials.  Why?


We might get the answers to “Why?” in our lifetime and some of us may not know until we walk through the pearly gates of heaven.  But one thing is certain, we will get the answer.  When we do, do not be surprised with the answer.  I am confident we will find those who hate “Love and Honor” will be the masterminds behind the tearing down of our American values. 


When love for our fellow man showed up the day after 9/11 – those who hate love went on a temper tantrum and set the wheels in motion to destroy us deeper.  They took down buildings on 9/11 and on 9/12 they began their attack to take down America from within.



The good news is this.  This country was founded on Godly principles taken straight from the Holy Bible by our founding fathers.  The Constitution was breathed into life from scripture verses used by these great men to set in place a country where freedom-loving people could live.  Our foundation is strong and evil men and women can strategize, organize and mesmerize against our value system all they want.  In the end, we win. 



Hopefully in a Sunday School class not far from here, a young child will hear the story of David and Goliath.  He will realize he can be David too and with simple prayers and a bag rocks, he can be a warrior for America when it’s his time to serve.



Speaking of David – we have our very own David Beamer who lives in North Florida.  He is the father of Todd Beamer, who said the words, “Let’s roll” on that fateful day ten years ago.  Todd and the passengers of Flight 93 died as they attempted to fight evil in the cockpit of that airplane.



Unfortunately ten years later, the memorial to these passengers has not been fully funded.  As money is sent across the seas to our enemies, our very own heroes are ignored.  Why?



The First Coast Tea Party asks for donations to keep our doors open and you readily give when the call is sent out.  We thank you for your gifts and this month we are asking a favor.  Please do not send your donations to us and instead send them to Honor Flight 93 Organization.  Your small “rock” will help build the memorial and will one day be a place where a young David will reflect on the love he has for his country. 


Please make your donations at:  http://www.honorflight93.org/


A special memorial:  Join us on Saturday, September 10th as the Tea Party Express bus rolls into town.  We will have a rally with speakers, music and other festivities and we will end the night lighting candles in memory of those who were murdered on 9/11.  Please join us for this special night.  For more information and to RSVP, go to:  http://www.fctpcommunity.org/events/tea-party-express-bus-arrives



And because it is Sunday- how about a Rocking Song to get your day started in the right direction?

Views: 479


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Comment by david weed on August 21, 2011 at 9:55am
Mr. Gawlik, you know the story is not right how? You spent how many years researching this? You have listened to how many victims stories? Educate yourself. Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, PNAC, CFR, study the history behind the countries and our governments involvement. The facts are there. Every day you have fewer and fewer liberties because of 911. I know the truth is hard to believe but you need to do the research I have done.  Mr Mobilian, as an international airline pilot, could you have taken a fully loaded 747 and made the sharp turn required to hit the Pentagon? Thousands of your fellow pilots say no. And this was an amateur that couldn't even fly a piper cub. I do have great respect for you as a pilot and the skill you have aquired over the years. Every time that bird takes flight it is you that gets the passengers there safely. Remember, there is no difference now between Democrats and Republicans [ there are a very few exceptions ]. Those in power try to divide us as a people because united they don't have a chance.  If you want real change, unite together to fight those in power. Our Masonic forefathers didn't say you are a liberal so you can't fight with us. We united as a HUMAN BEINGS through militias and later a military to battle the British. UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL.
Comment by Theresa Pletcher on August 21, 2011 at 9:49am

The Flight 93 Memorial looks like a half moon with a star and people are upset that such a design would honor heroes. 

The GOP is putting up PC RINO's and voters are staying home in droves while illegals and dumbocrats are turning out in droves.

I still let people with less items in front of me and now certain people expect it and I have been jumped in front of and when I see them in the parking lot their cars have dumbocrat stickers all over them.  As I sit in an air conditioned car I will stop in parking lots to people on foot cross to get out of the heat and they put their noses in the air and take their time while the car behind me honks and more times than not those same cars and people are wearing dumbocrat shirts and the cars have the stickers.  I see people first then after their behavior I see the rest.  It saddens me and I keep asking why? 

But, I'm still asking why after seeing what's happening in D. C. how Jacksonville could elect a part of that same kind of politician.  I've seriously considered shopping in a different county for the next 4 years. 

I also wonder why people can't see what is happening to them and their money and still support scum as the size of an item gets smaller and the price goes higher and higher.

We so need God in our lives...we call it a personal decision yet some people are so ready to recommend Nike over New Balance or Pillsbury of Martha White or Kellogg over Post...to anyone who will listen or parents to children but they keep quiet and say that their child needs to find out about God on their own...now who is going to tell them if their parents don't?

Comment by JL Gawlik on August 21, 2011 at 9:19am

Great blog Billie, thank you for bringing flight 93 to our attention.

Note to David: "What is wrong with this picture?"

The whole story that you told.

Comment by John F. Mobilian on August 21, 2011 at 9:14am

As horrible as this may sound, I feel it has to be said.  I will tell you where that feeling went and why.  It was still the beginning of the Bush administration and Democrats still believed that Gore won the election and it was stolen from them by crooked politics and ignorant voters here in Florida.  Jesse Jackson called Bush the "Illegitiment President" and it stuck.  The press turned, and everything else seemed to slip downhill from there. 

Enter 9/11:  We were under attack and 3000 of our innocent civilians were murdered by a pathetic faction of society that was hell bent on destroying our way of life and we all felt threatened......for a short while, that is.  George Bush took the reins and we headed out to make those who did this to us pay.

Soon, the Democrats realized that to much attention was being diverted from them and that the "Evil George Bush" was stealing their thunder and they needed that attention  to pursue their policies and thus came the division...in full force.  Mock everything a Republican says.  Insult everything the President says.  Always say the opposite no matter what the cost. 

If you all think I'm a little off the deep end with this, you should travel around this planet as much as I do.  I am an international airline pilot and have been for over 30 years.  I see it and I hear it every single month.  I listen to CNN International when I'm abroad because it's the only english speaking channel on the TV in most cases.  It is shameful that a company that is based right here in America has the power to throw the USA under the train. 

This may sound very simplistic, but I truely believe that this is the core of the problem with patriotism in this nation.  Why are we cowtowing to every minority group on the planet.  And for what ends?  Where has it gotten us? P/Cness  has gotten us to where we are RIGHT NOW in history: deeper in debt and more divided then before the civil war.  WE ARE NOT TEACHING OUR CHILDREN WHAT IT MEANS TO BE AMERICANS anymore.

We are being infiltrated with socialism at every level and Political Correctness is the driving force.  We had better get back to our basics before we lose who we are because I for one do not like who we are becoming. 

Comment by david weed on August 21, 2011 at 8:44am

It is very sad that 3000 of our fellow countrymen were murdered and it was murder. It is also sad that to this day we don't know the real truth about 911. Every attempt to get information has been stymied by government burecrats. Evidence of nano thermite [ powerful explosive ] was found in the dust of the two  towers. A third building fell that day, building seven. It was not hit by a plane, had only minor debri damage, and the office fires were not hot enough to melt steel. The owner of the building was caught on tape saying "we decided to pull it" a slang phrase used in controlled demolition. Jewish Mossad Agents [5] were caught filming the towers collapse and giving each other high fives. Their van had traces of explosives in it. Family members of 911 victims want another investigation and they deserve one. Our forefathers always told us to question government and not believe verbatim what they tell us. Look what has happened in ten years to this country. Unconstitutional wars, the unconstitutional Patriot Act, illegal searchs at airports, unconstitutional spying on private conversations, the authorization by Obama to murder US citizens, and the unconstitutional use of signing statements and executive orders to circumvent Congress's authority [ Obama is not a king ].

The now three illegal wars have cost the US trillions of dollars. Who had motive to murder 3000 people and what was that motive? To provide another "Pearl Harbor" as PNAC members said?  I could spend hours providing the answers to many of these questions. I have studied this for years now and it is a complicated issue and cannot be explained in sound bites. In closing one final explanation, the true meaning of the words " Al Qaeda " translate to data base. It was the name given to the data file by the CIA that contained the information on the money transfers and operatives in the Northern Alliance in Afghanistan. We owe it to those innocent who died, not only on 911, but in Afghanistan and Iraq, to find the true perpetrators of this horrendous crime. We are bound as true Patriots by our founding fathers to dig for the truth and not accept blindly that which the government tells us. And by all means say a prayer for 911 victims that died, their families, the soldiers that have given their body parts and their lives, and the innocents in the many unconstitutional "wars" that two presidents and a weak kneed Congress have given us. Say a prayer that the American people will finally wake up to what is being done to them and have the strength to take the country back from those that would destroy it. The CIA, NSA, Mossad, Pakistani, British and French intelligence have all stated that Osama Bin Laden died of terminal kidney disease many years ago.  Now the special forces involved in the current "raid" all die in chopper crashes? The body is dumped at sea?  A certain someone just happens to be very low in the American political polls? What is wrong with this picture?  Question, question, question what is said.

Comment by Sandy McCorvey on August 21, 2011 at 8:33am
Love, love, love this song!  The foundation of our nation was built on this Rock and we will stand.  We're enduring the hurricanes and tornados and tsunamis and earthquakes that are trying to shake us from our Foundation, but it's not going to happen.  There are forces from outside and forces from within our own country that are trying to make us forget 9/11, but we will never forget.  The sleeping giant has been awakened - with more seeing the truth of what is happening in our beloved United States of America every day - and we SHALL overcome. 

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First Coast Tea Party
1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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