I just can't seem to understand why these Democrates just keep ignoring the will of the people of this country. Do they not understand who they work for?
Listen to what is on the slate or the near future:
Cap and trade....you will be taxed for breathing.
Student loans....Now, only the governmen can give student loans.
VAT, Vakue Added Tax...Just another way for Obama to get into your pockets. He wants a 3% VAT so he can raise $45 billion per year to put towards the defecit. When did you EVER see the government d the responsible thing when they get their hands on a pile of money?
Bush tax cuts are ending at the end of 2010. Only for those people making over $200k......Trust Me!!!!
These are just a few things that are immediately in the works. Has this government ever heard of cutting out some of these free social, "Feel Good" programs that have kept them in office for over thirty years rather then continually raising axes on the masses? We are tapped out. There is no more monet to take from us. It's time to get these people out of office. Remember November....Vote the incumbants out...TERM LIMITS.
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