The GOP leadership and the conservative and tea party members of Congress came to a crossroads yesterday and stared each other down.
The GOP leadership didn’t like it. The Tea Party Movement did.
Here’s what happened:
These are the things We the People are doing BUT our government just doesn’t understand that concept. However, a bunch of Tea Party Members in Congress do and they showed up yesterday to send that message.
Paula, a Tea Party Leader in Florida, sent a note last night that was a good indicator of the showdown in Congress:
I listened to Mark Levin for a while tonight. Can I say angry doesn't explain how he feels right now? He said word has come to him from sources in Washington that Boehner, Cantor, McCarthy and the old guard Repub. leadership are badmouthing the tea party and among other things calling us extremists. He said they are twisting arms like crazy, but a huge rift is forming between them and the real conservatives in the House. Fifty four of them voted against the CR today. Apparently two thirds of the newbies are falling in line and marching to Boehner's dictate.
Read more about this rift here:
The Continuing Resolution is to keep the government funded. However, recently Michelle Bachmann stated that Obamacare – the big boondoggle of 2010 -- had already BEEN FUNDED through the devious acts of the prior Congress. Remember when Nancy Pelosi said, “We have to pass the bill to see what’s in it.” Well – we are finding out what is in it and it is not pretty. Nancy, Harry and King Obama cheated the American people by FUNDING OBAMACARE without going through the normal funding process. Nice, huh?
Every time we vote for another Continuing Resolution, we lose another 3 weeks to get our money back from this travesty. The money they stole from the American people totaled nearly $105 Billion in pre-funding of Obamacare!
By NOT voting for Continuing Resolutions, this allows the issue to be brought to the surface and dealt with. Remember our story above about “dealing with the real issues” and not just eating out less often? Same concept applies here. CONGRESS NEEDS TO DEAL WITH THE REAL ISSUES AND NOT BANDAID THE PROBLEM.
You can read more about Rep. Bachmann exposing this crime against We the People here:
So yesterday those who saw the truth voted their conscience. Those who either don’t get it OR are just playing the same old game in DC – didn’t vote their conscience (do they have one?).
What will you do today? Contact those who voted AGAINST the CR (see the list at and THANK THEM! You can find the numbers of those representatives at Tell them to Stand Strong and continue to vote like this until the chickens come home to roost.
Contact John Boehner’s office and give him a piece of your mind. Let him know it is his responsibility to listen to ALL members of Congress. If he thinks Tea Party Members are extremists, he better learn to love us ‘cause we’re sending more to Congress next year. And, if he cries, tell him to “get a grip.” There’s no crying in Congress!
Let’s roll – get those calls going today and pass along this information. We the People are well educated and the Tea Party Movement is dedicated to keeping you informed.
God Save the USA, pretty please…
Note to Roma and Tom: Unfortunately, we need something like the Patriot Act to leagally obtain information about terrorist activities. The problem would be the abuse of the Act! Federal judges cannot be depended upon to protect America; just look at how much lawyers and judges are hampering our troops in combat. It is definitely not a black or white situation.
"I have always considered it as treason against the great republic of human nature, to make any man's virtues the means of deceiving him." - Samuel Johnson
“Those who would trade our freedom for the soup kitchen of the welfare state have told us that they have a utopian solution of peace without victory. They call their policy "accommodation." And they say if we only avoid any direct confrontation with the enemy, he will forget his evil ways and learn to love us. All who oppose them are indicted as warmongers. They say we offer simple answers to complex problems. Well, perhaps there is a simple answer--not an easy answer--but simple.” – Ronald Reagan (1964 speech Rendezvous with Destiny)
I want terrorists either jailed or killed, and I am not very sympathetic to their 'Rights' having precedence over yours and mine!
No Tom the third grader was reference to the smartest people in the world running the country into the ground because they have no clue how business works. All they have managed to do is suck the life out of the economy. I sorry if you thought I was mocking your post, I wouldn't do that.
People need to start to understand that every time the government spends a dollar it one less dollar we can spend. Government produces nothing and beyond the scope of the Constitution they are nothing more then a parasite.
Again sorry for the misunderstanding.
Roma and Tom
Its happening right now, any third grader with a calculater can figure that out. Our leaders and the media are covering it up, but ask any small business owner and you will know, there is no recovery.
In the world there are about 192 countries, almost all have a debt problem. So you can see its only a matter of time before everyone starts to default.
"One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much, and one who is dishonest in a very little is also dishonest in much." - Luke 16:10 ESV
The Republicans had a chance to demonstrate their principles of fiscal responsibility and their resolve to stand by those prnciples! They missed the chance to show the Democrats that they are not geldings!
There are 19 Florida Republicans in the House; only 5 voted against the CR, and Ander Crenshaw (my representative) wasn't one of them.
"Their heads are no bigger than the ordinary: it is the atrophy of the chest beneath that makes them seem so. And all the time—such is the tragic-comedy of our situation—we continue to clamor for those very qualities we are rendering impossible. You can hardly open a periodical without coming across the statement that what our civilization needs is more 'drive', or dynamism, or self-sacrifice, or 'creativity'. In a sort of ghastly simplicity we remove the organ and demand the function. We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and bid the geldings be fruitful." -C.S Lewis, The Abolition of Man.
The Nation is drowning in a Lake of Debt, and Boehner is stymied because of the "No Swimming" sign in the House. This is 'Capitulation' not 'Responsible Leadership.' At least Marco Rubio and Five Brave Florida Conservative Republicans get it!
The Republican leadership has been timid in acting on real budget cuts, and growth policies. They mouth the right words, but do not speak with one half of the passion of the big spenders on the left. Cutting spending-entitlement and discretionary-is a moral issue. It is morally wrong for the government to pay off special interests, and beggar America for the next 3 generations. It is morally wrong to choke America's marvelous creative energy with the dead hand of socialist, anti American "czars." It is morally wrong strip down America's defenses because the Obama administration does not believe in American exceptionalism. It is morally wrong that this administration has moved bad policies through its czars and not elected officials. It is about time our Republican leadership really speak out on the moral argument and stop sounding like a bunch of CPA's.
I call on the governors of the states to convene a Constitutional Convention with only three amendments to be considered. Repeal of Obama-care, Balanced Budget, and FAIR (consumption) tax. We can no longer trust any DC politician.
Rick Scott, where are you?
The best reference for this issue is having to take the credit card from your college child who has maxed it out during spring break and can't seem to understand why they cannot just keep buying more beer. Our government is already drunk on spending money. This should be their sobering experience. We need some parents in the room (congress) who will stop the drunken binge. This was what November was all about. The whole Tea Party movement is about being a good parent. Most of us have been there on a personal basis and of which we speak. We just want our government to act as we do. It is not rocket science.
My experience running a business is that when my employees are spending my money, they are not nearly as fiscally responsible as when it is their quarter. Human nature. Government employees are not spending their own money and they act just like the college students. Perhaps if more polititians came from the private sector instead of academia or law school, and had to be personally accountable for their decisions, we would have a different country. Wisconsin is a good example of the temper tandrum exhibited by the irresponsible when some fiscal disipline is exerted to cope with what obviously is a dire situation. It's time for the parents to show up. Hope we have anough of them in congress to make the difference.
Thank God for giving our Founding Fathers the wisdom to have a congress with two year terms. Shortly, we will have the ability to load up some more congressional champions and repeat the message that seems to be ignored. I think that a repeat of the message will but us in an all out fight, and I am looking forward to it.
We'll also get a chance to add to the Senate, and hopefully, we will be more skilled at providing quality candidates who can win. Senator Nelson will be up for election, so will Obama.
In the meantime, we have to support our new Governor and get our City government filled with Vision, Values and Valor.
Last night, in our Small Business Group meeting, we decided to focus on the city council and the school board. We want to start attending the City council as a large group, let our city council know that we have their back and give them strength to make the hard decisions.
More to come.
Power corrupts, absolute power, corrupts absolutely. Here is the catch 22; if they stop spending we collapse now. If they keep spending we collapse when no one will loan us any more money. In a nut shell Congress has maxed out the MasterCard and Visa, they used the Discover to make payments on the Mastercard and Visa. Now the Discover Card is maxed out and they are using short term money from American Express to keep Mastercard, Visa and Discover up to date.
We are about to have our cards cancelled early because one of the biggest buyers of Treasuries, Japan can no longer buy our debt and has to liquidate the trillion they hold.
Its not going to be pretty folks. America will have a financial collapse and the sooner we end the ponzi scheme, the sooner we can start rebuilding America.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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