Why is this topic all over the news lately?, why is everybody from both sides of the aisle like Sen Rob Portman, Justice Roberts, Hillary Clinton, Sen Kay Hagan “evolving” on the issue?.
We have bigger problems and the liberals and rinos have been beating this drum for a couple of weeks now. It puzzles me, liberals don't need their votes because the gay community votes democrat no matter how many times they only get empty promises and doesn't make any sense for republicans because they will anger a big sector of their constituents
What made me wonder was the big push in social media by moveon.org, what is the role of George Soros on this?. I have two theories:
Like in the amnesty to illegal aliens issue, they are trying to convince the republicans that is a good idea, because you know that the democrats are such nice guys and like to give republicans advice in how to steal voters from them. I predict that abortion is going to be next, some rino will say that the party has to “evolve” to win...mine as well put Hillary in the republican ticket.
Same sex marriage has been struck down by voters most of the time it has been in the ballot, they are trying to circumvent the will of the voters by taking it to the supreme court.. If it's recognize by scotus, does it becomes the law of the land?, if it does. what happens when some churches refuses to marry them, its the church violating their court given civil rights?, but what happens to the 1st amendment then?. Can the federal government then mandate the church to marry same sex couples like they are forcing them now to provide birth control to their employees? What happens if they don't?
I think the people behind this agenda are misleading and playing with the feelings of a lot of people while trying to further erode our family structure and religion. No opposite party, no traditional family cell and no religion means further growth of the underclass needed by them to retain power and with no religion, there is a void that can easily be filled by the state with proper indoctrination.
Panem et circenses
Well, Doma has been tossed out like yesterday garbage, but with the dust barely settled, I guess we wait until someone can explain the whole decision.
And no one said anything about limiting your values. I have no truck with gays living together as a couple. And they have all the rights everyone else does including marriage (just not to someone of the same sex).
And this will be the last comment I make on this blog in response to you. Too many other things are going on, and playing footsie with you is a waste of time totally.
The government never limited marriage Amanda. God did.
Francisco, it is fitting that you chose "panem et circenses" to close. If you study your Latin, that is exactly what limiting marriage would be seen as, bread and circuses. Keep their attention on this while you do the things that really matter. That these little circuses are meant to divert.
Patricia, you think being conservative means imposing conservative values on everyone. I think being conservative is that the government doesn't get to impose values on anyone. It isn't their job and they stink at it anyway. Plus it is extra-constitutional to think they could if they wanted to anyway.
And when all else fails for a liberal, they revert to stomping their feet and name calling.
You reasoning Amanda is not going to sway me. I know you think you have chosen some things you think make a difference, but they do not any more than your first arguments. You just don't get that I am not wasting any more of my time telling you, I don't agree with you. I just am not sure how many ways there are to do that, but you seem not to get anyone telling you they don't agree with your viewpoint..............and you keep coming back and listing all the things you are just sure will make us all turn into "wall street occupiers" or where ever you are getting your lists of ideas.
A tree cannot consent to marriage, nor can a dog or a child, except in Mississippi and Kentucky.
These are consenting adults who threaten nothing. Four of the five states with lowest divorce rates all allow civil unions for gay couples. Seven of the top ten states with the highest divorce rates do not allow gay marriage. How on earth does a gay marriage affect yor marriage. Did you see the names on the amicus brief filed in relation to the Cali Prop 8 case? The list of Republicans supporting gay marriage is long.
Your argument is the same one used in Love v Virginia, and it didn't hold up then either.
And the woman in New York who brought the case against DOMA to the Supremes, she had to pay an additional $350,000 in taxes because the IRS didn't recognize her marraige. How is that fair?
Let me see if I have you right Amanda, since there are deviations in the bible then, we should allow for total destruction, because after all there are already some exceptions right in the bible? Is that right? And all the warm fuzzies about church's being able to do whatever they want. That is already not true. Military pasters, thanks to your friend in the white house, are already being forced to marry gays and not use the word Jesus. Don't even try to say the democrats won't force people to act against their conscience since it is already being attempted, and you may be gullible enough to believe your own rhetoric, but most people aren't.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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