We had planned our trip for a while and had no idea we would be here among the crowd of Occupy DC protestors.  But here we are - tea party members here for a conference on Values in America standing eye to eye with those who hate American values and all we stand for.


Do not be fooled with what you are reading or hearing on TV.  These Occupy individuals are not American freedom-loving people.  They stood on a sidewalk yelling at us about capitalism and how anyone who owns a business should give their money to the poor.  Anyone - will include a small printing company, a small contractor, a mom and pop coffee shop.  These people hate you and what you stand for.  They hate hard work, they hate having to pay their bills, they hate personal responsibility, they hate anyone who wants to take away their EBT cards, they hate those of us who love America.


Any organizations that starts with hate - would not be an organization we associate with.


When the tea party formed in 2009, we stood up for America and we loved the freedom she gave us through our Constitution, Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence.  We did not hurt anyone, we were 1.5 million strong, we left no trash behind and we took our signs home with us and turned them into letters to our representatives and voting for Conservatives in the polls.  That is what we did and will continue to do.


We will not be manipulated by thugs on the streets of NY, DC or Jacksonville who hate America.  


We still encourage you to stay away from those who will "occupy" our city.  Many cities are letting them do so without permits which is illegal.  We are certain our city of Jacksonville will not let these people do anything that is not permitted by law.


We hope this will not escalate because what we are seeing in DC is not pretty.  Watching Nancy Pelosi and President Obama encourage them is highly disturbing since they called us horrible, disgusting names when we marched peacefully.


Our country is upside down and inside out.  The people occupying the streets are nothing more than useful drones for the benefit of those behind them with billions of dollars sitting in their bank accounts.  How sad and how irresponsible this Occupy Protest has become.   How horribly sad it is that our President supports them.




Views: 1066


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Comment by Douglas Newberry on October 8, 2011 at 9:02am
I didnt say that OWS is like the Tea Party, I said that Billie's report sounded like tha same crap they said about the tea party.
Comment by Sandy McCorvey on October 8, 2011 at 8:53am
No, Mr. Newberry, you are mistaken.  The difference between the Tea Party movement and the Occupy movement is that the Tea Party was a call to bring our country back to our Constitution and the Occupy movement is a call to destroy capitalism and take our country farther down the road to socialism and the welfare state with its dependency on government. What the Tea Party stands for is bringing back the America that has been the hope of the free world since its inception.  We believe in the economic system of capitalism and the free market and giving everyone the opportunity to succeed and not be dependent on others.  We believe in personal responsibility and taking care of others out of the goodness of our hearts - and there is no country in the world who does that better than America.  We believe that we can make much better decisions about our own lives than the government can.  Listen to what the media is saying about Occupy and listen to what they said - and still say - about the Tea Party.  Don't you remember the vile "tea baggers" comments that were made about us - and still are made about us?  Don't you remember the "astroturf" derisive sneers made by Nancy Pelosi and others in Congress and the Senate?  Don't you remember Obama speaking about the rallies in DC and all over the country, and holding up his hand like he was holding a tea bag between his fingers and shaking it and laughing?  Don't you remember?  In stark and undeniable contrast, are you listening to what they are saying about Occupy now?  No, sir, Billie's report doesn't sound anything like what the media said about the Tea Party.  The choice is so starkly evident - we want our Republic and they want socialism.  This is a fight for the saving of America and we must....we absolutely must....win it.
Comment by Dennis J. Fleming on October 8, 2011 at 8:46am

Citizens should review history and the Bolshevik Revolution of Oct 1917.  That movement, led by Lenin, was the origin of the USSR.  The experiment in "central planning and control" failed after 72 years (1917-1989) of suffering by the people.  Those who promote additional government control of society should learn the fate of all non-producers in a communist environment.  They were "permanently relocated"!


Your review of history should also include the impact of class warfare in Germany in the early part of the 20th century.  One segment of German society was blamed as the source of all woes in the country.  It lead to the vilification of and partial distruction of that segment of German society. 


I, for one, have greater fear of government control than free market capitalism.


Consider carefuly what you ask for when you ask for greater government involvement in the life of citizens.

Comment by Douglas Newberry on October 8, 2011 at 8:18am
This "report" sounds pretty much exactly like what the media said about the Tea Party.
Comment by First Coast Tea Party on October 8, 2011 at 8:15am
It is not hard to discern the motivation of a movement. . .look at the faces and actions of those participating.  My plan is to stay as far away from this "occupy" crowd as possible. I don't want even the slightest chance of being seen with or associated with such individuals.  Also, I challenge anyone to show me a tea party event where members appear hateful of our fellow Americans.
Comment by Marshall Richards on October 8, 2011 at 7:52am

"How horribly sad it is that our President supports them."  True, so true.   But, Obama is a Marxist and that is what they do.  When and if the public realizes who he is and what he is doing, the US can start to recover.  It is our job to see that people are made aware of his intentions and the intentions of his criminal gang there in DC.  Very hard to get that across as some are as dense as stone.

Your assessment of the protesters is right on the money.  Thanks for the report.

Comment by Harriet Witt on October 8, 2011 at 7:51am
We must continue to represent true America.  These people will be load and angry. We will be proud and godly.  We cannot stop.  We are in this to the end.  I am proud to be an American.  I am proud to be a Christian.  I am proud to represent the Tea Party.  Every Tea Party event I have attended or marched has made me proud of what my country stands for and the others who love it as much as I. We must continue and hold our heads high.
Comment by Tim Clark on October 8, 2011 at 7:46am

This is Obama's get out the vote 2012 campaign.  I'm sure Reverend Right is the spiritual mentor for these people.  I think this video sums up the OCCUPY IDIOTS!


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First Coast Tea Party
1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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