We do not post complete articles due to copyright infringement.  If we could post this entire article now - we would.

Please know - this is one of the most important articles I've read lately and you should read immediately and then take action.  We are at war with the left and we are stronger and larger than them.  If we do not voice our opinion, you will let a small group of inept loons ruin America.

Please share this article with everyone on your email list.  Pass it around the world and get busy making your calls, sending your emails and stopping any funding of these outlets.  Do not spend your money with them and tell others not to either.

Here's the article.  Even if you don't like Rush - this is about freedom and fairness (which the left loves to throw in our faces)! 

American Spectator: Rally for Rush

God bless you and get busy - go now!  Report back in under comments and let us know what you did.

Views: 1136


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Comment by DURWIN WALTER DAVIS on March 6, 2012 at 2:34pm

All the republicans, excepting Paul, are touting their superior ability to run big government.  Romney is under the mistaken premise that he's going to be elected at a board meeting (electoral college) to GROW THIS CORPORATION TO BE ALL THINGS TO ALL PEOPLE (not necessarily citizens), efficiently.  I can't wait to see how that works.  He obviously inherited a lot of genetic material from his father; and I remember American Motors when George was CEO and I remember the slide downward until sold to Renault.

Comment by Kate Svagdis on March 6, 2012 at 1:48pm

Hi and love you guys, Valerie and Donna Hiles!!!

Comment by jean winters on March 6, 2012 at 12:44pm

Jay -- Could you list the sponsors that aired on Rush's show yesterday so that I could call them too and thank them.   Thanks.

Comment by Peggy McClain on March 6, 2012 at 11:20am
It's really sad...we tell people and really expect them to make good, informed decisions...but how do you get the truth to base those decisions on when everyone is surreptitiously trying to use them to advance their own agendas?
Comment by Barry Lee Phillips on March 6, 2012 at 6:37am

Like John, I have also listened to Rush for many years.  Rush was forcefully promoting conservatism nationally long before anyone else and for that I am grateful.  Also like John, I do not agree with everything Rush says, but the essence of conservatism that Rush promotes squares with my core values.  If we are going to be honest, Rush did stoop to the level of the left by using pejorative words which resulted in a personal attack.  As a result, he should have apologized and did.

There is no doubt a double standard exists. Leftists have not and will not hesitate to use that same kind of language against anyone who does not agree with their point of view.  They will do so and not apologize.  Did you notice that Sandra Fluke said the apology changed nothing?  Leftists never forgive anone who do not agree with their point of view. 

As for the advertisers, they knew what Rush represented.  At the same time, Rush knew the background of his advertisers.  That was a marriage of convenience, and as John pointed out -- a business decision.

That being said, let the war against the left continue.  They are my sworn enemies and I do not apologize for saying that.

Comment by Martha Carlson on March 6, 2012 at 12:49am

Sandra Fluke (on the TV-show The View ) crying discrimination over the public outrage that Obamacare is forcing birthcontrol coverage and Rush Limbaugh apologized for calling her out using a term liberals used towards others but still a bad term. But as you can read below she is not the poor little student she is being sold as but instead she is a liberal activist pushing radical ideas.  I'm glad I got the message right and will contact Legal Zoom and AOL to boycott them on behalf of Rush.   No wonder healthcare cost is sky rocketing when "elective" not life saving cost for such unqualified coverage is being forced on everyone.  It's the take, take, take mentality; birthcontrol pills were not covered back in the 70's & 80's.   Got this from an AOL blog, looks true but confirm:

 Sandra Fluke, Gender Reassignment, and Health Insurance,Stephen GutowskiMonday, March 5, 2012 - 7:35pm;  Sandra Fluke is being sold by the left as something she's not. Namely a random co-ed from Georgetown law who found herself mixed up in the latest front of the culture war who was simply looking to make sure needy women had access to birth control. That, of course, is not the case. As many have already uncovered Sandra Fluke she is, in reality, a 30 year old long time liberal activist who enrolled at Georgetown with the express purpose of fighting for the school to pay for students' birth control. She has been pushing for mandated coverage of contraceptives at Georgetown for at least three years according to the Washington Post. However, as I discovered today, birth control is not all that Ms. Fluke believes private health insurance must cover. She also, apparently, believes that it is discrimination deserving of legal action if "gender reassignment" surgeries are not covered by employer provided health insurance. She makes these views clear in an article she co-edited with Karen Hu in the Georgetown Journal of Gender and the Law.  The title of the article, which can be purchased in full here, is Employment Discrimination Against LGBTQ Persons and was published in the Journal's 2011 Annual Review. I have posted a transcript of the section I will be quoting from here. In a subsection of the article entitled "Employment Discrimination in Provision of Employment Benefits" starting on page 635 of the review Sandra Fluke and her co-editor describe two forms of discrimination in benefits they believe LGBTQ individuals face in the work place:

"Discrimination typically takes two forms: first, direct discrimi

Comment by FCTP on March 5, 2012 at 5:13pm

think about this - Carbonite has all our data.  Isn't that just fine and dandy.

Comment by Chuck Morrison on March 5, 2012 at 3:54pm

Not too sure I would trust Google with my communications or inquiries any longer. 

Comment by amanda choate on March 5, 2012 at 3:49pm
Donna, gmail is free, so it costs google for you to have an email with them.
Comment by Chuck Morrison on March 5, 2012 at 3:43pm

AOL  I doubt if anyone cares.  Free market and all that.

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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