Just when you think you can move on to another issue, here come the dirty tricks! 


Senator Bill Nelson is evidently behind a lawsuit that will be filed Monday (tomorrow).  It will challenge Governor Scott’s decision to return the taxpayers’ money to DC that had been set aside for High Speed Rail.  Lawsuit alleges he has overstepped his authority to do so.

Are Republicans behind this lawsuit too?  If so, we have a mess on our hands both with the Liberals and the Republicans. 

Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Read the article here:  http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/local/os-high-speed-rail-what-n...
  2. Contact Sen. Bill Nelson and Rep. John Mica and tell them to sit down and listen to the people.  We DO NOT want High Speed Rail and we do NOT want to pay for it.  Even if they say it will be paid with private funding and/or Federal dollars – we don’t want it!  HERE’S A BIG HINT:  FEDERAL DOLLARS ARE OUR DOLLARS!  Private funding ALWAYS miscalculates the cost and the taxpayers pick up the boondoggle.  You can reach Sen. Bill Nelson and Rep. John Mica at www.libertycentral.org
  3. Contact your State Representative and tell him/her not to sign onto any lawsuit.  Same reasons as noted in #2 above.  You can reach your Representative at:  http://www.myfloridahouse.gov/ and click on Find Your Representative tab.
  4. Contact our Governor and tell him to stand strong and don’t let the bad guys get to him!   You can reach him at:   (850) 488-7146
  5. Join us on Monday, March 8th when we Rally in Tally to Save Our State.  We will have a bus heading to Tallahassee early that morning and returning later in the evening.  No cost to you.  You’ll meet with your representatives, have a rally on the steps of the Capitol and you’ll get to meet some of the opposition as they show up in Tally on the same day.  Bring your signs, check the spelling and be responsible with what you put on them.  If you want to join us, contact our office at (904) 683-3945 and sign up today.

Let's get this high speed rail derailed now!

Views: 68


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Comment by Isirio Abelon on February 27, 2011 at 9:34pm

Sen. Bill Nelson has done nothing for Florida. Time to vote him out. I support Governor Rick Scott 100%. Adios.

Comment by J.R. on February 27, 2011 at 8:58pm


Governor Rick Scott Says Remove Collective Bargaining

(See:  Rick Scott: Remove Collective Bargaining and St. Petersburg Times

Florida Gov. Rick Scott says collective bargaining shouldn't be a constitutionally protected right in Florida.  Collective bargaining is the key issue in the protests in Wisconsin, and Scott told Bloomberg TV he'd like to see Florida's Constitution changed so that it no longer guarantees workers the right to collective bargaining. "It'd be great to be able to change it,'' Scott said. "Our state workers don't pay for anything into their pension plan. And we can't afford that — it's not fair to taxpayers. If you didn't have collective bargaining, would it be better for the state? Absolutely."

I know this isn't on the high-speed rail topic, but since some FCTP members will travel to the March 8th Rally in Tally outside the FL Legislature, they will likely get to speak with legislators about the high-speed rail issue and our urgent need to get rid of organized labor's collective bargaining economic stranglehold on the State of Florida.  Big labor is protected by FL's Constitution, which gives them permanent collective bargaining rights for public employees.  This enables their siphoning huge amounts of money out of Florida's economy, even in the devastating economic recession that's now bringing new waves of foreclosures in FL. That guarantee of collective bargaining rights for public employees should never have been put in the FL Constitution. The FL Constitutio

Comment by Joseph Theodore Troupe on February 27, 2011 at 8:38pm


Comment by J.R. on February 27, 2011 at 7:05pm
Correction:  A bill that passes both chambers and is then signed by the Governor becomes a law.  I know how I explained the process is a simplification, but that is basically it.  It's very important that FL citizens participate in the process and make their opinions known.  We live in a democratic republic and it is one of our vital freedoms to be able to participate in and hold our elected representatives' feet to the fire in the process... then hold them accountable for the votes that they cast.  We elect them to work in the best interest of all Floridians and have every right to expect that they will do so. 
Comment by Eric Ingram on February 27, 2011 at 6:35pm
I have one word for all of the folks who seem to think that any rail project with federal funding and subsequent oversight would be a good thing for the taxpayers...can you spell A-M-T-R-A-C-K?
Comment by J.R. on February 27, 2011 at 6:28pm

Just a quick note to clear up something earlier in this thread of comments:  First, in order to be certified and placed on the ballot for a General Election, the ballot initiative, which is a referendum, has to amass more than 67,811 signatures required by Florida law. If there's more than one referendum, they're collectively referred to as referenda (plural).  After satisfying the requirement for at least 67,812 signatures, the referendum is placed on the ballot as a numbered Amendment. After receiving the total number of votes required  in the General Election, the new Amendment is given a sequential number, following the most recent prior Amendment, and en added to the Constitution of the State of Florida.   Second, FL has a State Legislature made up of two chambers, like the U.S. Congress. There's only one legislature. Members of the House of Representatives and Senate (chambers) are collectively called "legislators." Each member is a "legislator."  When addressing them, "Representative" and "Senator" are appropriate, respectful titles to precede their names, depending on the chamber to which they belong They're "legislators" because they all legislate (originate/pass laws).  All states don't call their two chambers by the names Florida does, and one state has only one chamber.  In the FL legislature, a bill is originated, goes through a committee process, is debated, proposed amendments are approved/rejected prior to a final vote. A bill that receives the required plurality of votes, becomes a law. 

I hope many FCTP members will go to Tally on March 8th to discuss important issues with FL legislators, especially forced unionism/collective bargaining that drain FL's economy. 

Comment by Steven D.Upshaw on February 27, 2011 at 6:15pm
Ten years people. Bill Nelson has been trying to get backing and legislation for the high speed rail system for TEN YEARS! that is six years longer than this man should have been allowed to hold office.
Comment by Walter Hanford on February 27, 2011 at 5:31pm
PUSH BACK folks.   We need to kill this tax eating monster.  


Click the link below to quickly and easily send letters to our legislators asking them to stand behind Governor Scott and Senator Rubio and oppose federal stimulus dollars for High Speed Rail. Remember, this project will drain money out of our pockets FOREVER.


Please take the time to edit the email you send, so the staffer sees your email as an individual message, not just a form letter.  Many offices do not respond to form emails.  



Comment by Cindy Jordan on February 27, 2011 at 5:00pm

We all need to call this bum, and clue him in.  Apparently, he is not interested in what the people think.  He has forgotten he works for us.  I challenge everyone to call, email, and fax all of this offices tomorrow.  Tell him to drop it, or go home and pack, because he will not be back.  The next time he is up for election we need to put him on the hit list, and get him gone.  He acts like he is spending water instead of our money.  Let's get his attention once and for all.  We have to make a believer out of him.  Put signs on your cars, and in your yards.

Comment by R. Jankowski on February 27, 2011 at 4:56pm
Commenting on high speed rail and it's profitability:  Why should the State of Florida sink money into a project that will never be profitable?  What is it about the Federal govt. and state govts. and their obsession with investing money into failing enterprises?  It's not THEIR MONEY (duh).  A corporation that wanted a return for their dollar, would not build high-speed rail in Florida.  We don't have the population centers for it.  Floridians and tourists will not be separated from their cars.  I invite proponents of the rail system to take a bus or drive your car from Tampa to Orlando.  Now - get off the bus or leave your car parked and see how well you can get around Orlando without a car.   There is a great deal more involved than simply laying the rails and setting the trains upon them.  This venture would require mega capital to flesh-out the infrastructure that would get people from the train station to their true destination.  Train stations, with very few exceptions, are not destination hot spots. 

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The First CoastTea Party is a non-profit organization. We have no deep-pocketed special interest funding our efforts.

You may contact us at:

First Coast Tea Party
1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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