Dear Members: You Should Know About This

As many of you know, the First Coast Tea Party belongs to a Florida Statewide Tea Party Leaders Google Group.  We have been together for nearly two years now.  The group is a secured, confidential group and we discuss issues, thoughts and frustrations among tea party friends.  We do this to coordinate efforts in the state of Florida and bounce off ideas.


Today I was called by the press about an email that was written by me to this private email group.  The email was a part of a large discussion about the Tea Party and the 2012 election and focused on what happened here locally and how that could be applied to our future work.  My email called out the GOP Lawyers who advised the Mike Hogan campaign to let it go and concede.  To put it lightly, I felt they should have advised them to continue the battle and push hard to make sure … as Alvin Brown said “Count Every Vote.”   I mentioned a 2 hour phone conversation I had with Jerry Holland the day after the concession where I was asking questions to understand what happened and why the concession was so quick.  Jerry Holland was forthright and answered my questions with sincerity and professionalism.  My email indicated how upset I was that the GOP Lawyers did not encourage a fight because I knew the “political machine” would have fought hard and would have kept this process going a lot longer. 


To get to the point, either the “political machine” or a mole in our group (doubtful) stole that private email string and sent it to the media.


To say the tea party leaders were shocked and disappointed is an understatement.  To say my trust level has been shattered is another understatement.


Abel Harding called me to get a statement about the email.  It is circulating all over the media and of course they are running with it.  This is juicy news.


I spoke to Abel this evening and told him that was a private email that was stolen and the tea party leaders in Florida were very upset about that.  I stand behind the message of the email and believe the Political Machine did beat us and the GOP lawyers should have fought harder for a win.  We found out the GOP does not understand who Alinsky is and Alinsky IS the Political Machine.  No one organization or person is to blame for the loss of this race and ALL of us are to blame for the loss of this race.


The media loves this story and the GOP is not feeling good right now nor are we.  That message was between friends as we tried to understand who the GOP is and how to fight the Political Machine so we can win in 2012. 


These are all hard lessons for us.  All of us who worked together to win the mayoral race were stunned with the outcome.  The Political Machine beat us and that is the fact. 


What we must do is figure out how to beat the Political Machine in 2012 – by either coming together with a plan; setting up our own political party; OR hunkering down and wishing it would all go away.  At this point, I think we would all agree we must come together to figure thiout.  The GOP is weak about the Political Machine and so are we.  The Machine has massive amounts of funding and a grassroots system that surpasses all of us.  Without funding, a system and boots on the ground, we are going to be fighting an uphill battle that we will not win. 


The country loses, the GOP loses, the tea party loses and the people lose.

The end of this story is this:

  • We are getting under someone’s skin so they want to infiltrate our emails and our websites.
  • The GOP and Tea Party must figure out how they work together – if they do.
  • The Political Machine is alive and well in Florida and will not be going away until December 2012. 

Abel Harding will have his story about this sad state of affairs tomorrow.  There is also another story brewing that the local GOP leader and the Tea Party are in a pointing fingers match with each other and the tea party is being blamed for Mike Hogan’s loss.  That is an outright lie and no one in the GOP leadership or the Tea Party has said anything of the sort.   We are not blaming each other nor are we blaming the Hogan camp.  The blame lies within everyone who had anything to do with this PLUS the 300,000 peope who stayed home and did not vote.


We have gained one more notch in our political belt!  We are new to this political game and finding how dark and difficult it is.  These notches are hard to take but they are worth it all.


On another note: 

  • Please be aware that the Political Machine is trolling our website trying to have conversations with bloggers.  We are watching these conversations closely and will remove these people from our website when we see hanky-panky.
  • The day after the election a member received a phone call from someone asking about the bumper sticker she has “Take Back America.”  She told them where to get it (our office) and they asked her if she was a tea party member.  She said yes.  A few minutes later the same person called backed believing he was calling someone else.  She confronted him and he stammered with her until he hung up.  It appears the Political Machine is working from a list and trying to identify tea party members.  If you get a call, beware of that tactic.  As for me, I’m proud to be a Tea Party Member and will gladly say “Yes” when they call.

No one said this would be easy and no one said the press would like us.  No one said our friends would not rat us out.  No one said we would win every race.  But someone did say, “Any people that would give up liberty for a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”  That man was Benjamin Franklin and he understood that fighting for liberty would require a lot from each of us.  There are days I wonder if I have it in me to keep it up.  Then I cry my tears, wipe them away and say “Hell No – I’m not going away.  I owe it to my grandchildren and to those who fought and gave their lives for my freedom."


I am willing to risk everything I have and will continue to do that no matter what the press writes or what the infiltrators do to me. The months ahead will require strong, principled people to stand up to the Political Machine, stare it down and say:  “Machines don’t win, people do!”


Are you game for this?  Will you go with us?  Will we let the press or the Political Machine marginalize us or the GOP so Obama and his political class can win in 2012? 


I planned to take the last couple of days off and that has been impossible.  I will be taking next week off to recharge the batteries and prepare for the next battle.  I may write a blog or two while I am away but I do not plan to entertain the media or anyone else about the mayor’s race.  It is finished and there is no need to cry over spilled milk.  Instead, it is time to clean it up and figure out a way to eliminate the spills in the future!


And a final note:  “Be careful what you put in a private email.  It may end up as a headline one day.”

Views: 134


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Comment by Roy G Callahan on July 13, 2012 at 9:26pm

I'm with Michael Simmons. I don't care who knows I'm a tea party member. The republican establishment found that out day before yesterday when  they called with a candidate survey.

They asked about Senator Oelrich who is running for the District 3 seat and I told the person what I thought - he's ignorant as a rock about Agenda 21 and the Constitution; he also spent most of his time in the Florida Senate working for a noise abatement law because he lives by a lake and he doesn't like air boats.  When they asked me about Yoho, I told them is the only one of the three (Oelrich, Stearn's and Yoho) who filled out the Abigail Adams candidate survey. His answers showed he's not a Republican Hack, knows something about the constitution (he read half the federalist papers, all the anti-federalist papers etc.) Anyway, I knew they were fixing to ask me about Cliff Stearn's so I told them I felt the same way about Stearn's as I do about Oelrich; so don't bother to ask pointing out the fact Stearn's says he's holding Obama and his crew from Solyndra accountable yet nobody's going to jail nor is anyone lawyering up to defend themselves.  The lady hung up on me. :)

Comment by Michael Simmons on July 13, 2012 at 2:57pm

right on John, me too!

Comment by Michael Simmons on July 13, 2012 at 12:49pm

The Tea Party isn't about Republican, it certainly isn't about Democrat--it's about returning our country back to the principles it was founded on and preserving liberty for ALL. The biggest mistake the Republican Party can make is to think that we are in lockstep with them, and the biggest mistake the Democrat Party can make is to think that we are not relevant. Unfortunately, right now both are front and center in the debate. And frankly, I don't care who knows who I am-I'll fight till my last breath to preserve the greatness of this country against anyone who is stupid enough to take me on.

Comment by Patriot One on July 12, 2012 at 4:05pm

Silly people, nothing online is secure!! I can't believe anyone would consider anything with Google SECURE!!! A phone call is more secure then anything on line, even a cell phone. Oh by the way we have Drones over US Soil now so face to face in the middle of no where should be considered secure communication anymore. The Government has a back door or key to everything.

Comment by Holly Winsman on July 12, 2012 at 3:27pm

John, where did I write anything in regards to Right or Left? We have one party in DC period..  The Tea Parties have failed miserably in their quest for righting the wrong.  There have been nazi and communist infiltrators from the beginning and no one had the balls to stop them even to this day.  Now, three plus years later the cleansing is going to begin? Good luck with that one.  The only way to stop the wrong is to cut off their money and that takes a lot of work and it puts lives on the line. I truly doubt many Tea Partiers would be willing to do that. You can blog til the cows come home but we know that is not getting rid of those that have joined the black side. The black side started many centuries ago and are still very active today.  Their financial and tactical skills are superior from 1500 years of practice.  Also John,  why do you use only your first name? 

Comment by Holly Winsman on July 12, 2012 at 1:58pm

Well, I am very glad this happened, some are waking up to the fact that there is NO difference between the Republican Party and the Democrat Party.  Welcome to my world.  There are many on this site that are infiltrators just as there are many infiltrators in the Tea Party movement.  There is actually a Tea Party movement whose leader is a communist. Yes, I wrote COMMUNIST.  Everyone needs to wake up to the fact that there is no more "personal" anything unless it's done behind locked doors and even then there is no guarantee.  Welcome to the real world folks!!!!!!!!

Comment by J.R. on May 24, 2011 at 1:21pm

Patricia, I'm curious about that, because those paid workers were also provided housing and cell phones. If the housing and cell phones were put in the workers' names, they could have produced bills to show them living at that address, gotten a driver license, and registered to vote. That has been proven to have happened in other states in past elections, such as the 2008 national election.

So, I'll say it again: Audit the registrations for the past year and Audit the votes. The citizens of Duval County have a right to know if this was a fair election or if there was fraud involved in it.

We know the campaign wasn't fair and the candidate who won consistently avoided transparency, hid his education record, hid his employment history, hid information about his corporations and the numerous Boards of Directors of corporations he served on, and refused to answer highly relevant questions about same. He also refused to answer why he stated on his signed disclosure statement to the FEC that he is an attorney, when the Florida Bar Association says he is not.

So, why should we believe the voting was fair or that Alvin Brown has the qualifications, experience, and trustworthiness to be our Mayor? I personally don't believe it. And, I won't believe this was a fair election until it is proven beyond all doubt to have been so.

Comment by Kurt D Wullenweber on May 24, 2011 at 1:15pm

I would think you guys had already figured out that the republican party is just as afraid of the Tea Party as is the democrat. The republican insiders may well be more afraid and more willing to screw us than the dems, as they KNOW we can achieve the strength to run the rinos (insiders) out of control of the party. These political charlatans worked hard to get where they are and won't go down without a fight.

This is why we MUST all become steering committee members. Talk to Michael Jackson to find out how.

Join the National Precinct Alliance and find out how we can take over the Republican party from the ground up and save this nation. Waiting for the repubs to come around is a fools errand.

Comment by JL Gawlik on May 24, 2011 at 1:04pm
Then one must ask, is the GOP in Duval county being ran by RINOs? Look at all the RINO businesses that backed Brown. Question is what is the TRUTH? WHO is really WHO?
Comment by Patricia M. McBride on May 24, 2011 at 11:53am

Jeff, if that had happened, Brown would have had his shorts in a knot and been screeming for it to be investigated, but when it happens the other way around, we just brush it under the rug and are not allowed to ask any questions.  Gee, are we sure that there weren't more people voting in the districts than they had for registered voters.............and just how many people registered to vote in the last (say) 6 months in those districts.  Were the number of new registrations unusual or outside the normal stats over say the last 10 years or so.  If so, we have a problem Houston, and it needs to be checked out.  I have a lot of curiousity about how many people don't live at the addresses any longer and were only there during the time they were being paid by the democratic party and moved on afterwards.   Guess no one else is even a little curious huh?


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You may contact us at:

First Coast Tea Party
1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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