God created this great country of ours. We have a Constitution based on God’s law and a Supreme Court that meets in a building with Moses holding a copy of His commandments over the entrance. We are under God’s law and he has walked with us through the years as we followed His commands.
What does that mean for us as we move “FORWARD” toward a fiscal cliff brought about by our leaders who have out right rejected the sovereignty of God?
Does it mean that we will return to bondage forever in debt as indentured servants forced from our homeland by the foolish aspirations of men playing God?
History, teaches us that is correct! Each and every country that has turned its back on God has suffered. God seeks vengeance against those who do not follow His commands. The love of money is the root of all evil and to covet what the rich man has is to bring sorrow upon you. If you think the rich man is evil and you dislike what he does with his money, how do you think he will respond when you collectively seek to steal what he has? The rich have the ability to respond to “Change” faster and in a more defensive way than any other group in society.
“The redistribution of wealth” should never be the objective of a free democratic society. Equality for all does not mean that everyone has a right to an equal percentage of the national resources. Everything comes from God. He blesses those who bless Him and curses those who curse Him. He teaches us how to “profit” by following His commands. Therefore, if you wonder why you do not profit consider that if you had only followed God’s commands your well-being would have been like a spring or even a river over flowing with the bounties of life, a gift by the Grace of God.
Use wisdom as a defense, against the desire and the perceived benefits of having a lot of money. The excellence of knowledge that is wisdom gives a joyful life to them that have it. The opposite can be said for those with a lot of money where wonton living destroys lives.
We are no different as a country, if continue to recklessly spend borrowed “fake” money to sustain a carnal lifestyle we are doomed to suffer from sudden terror and “consumption”. And, if aren’t already, we will become subject to the rule of our enemies who hate us.
We the people of the United States of America have a choice, both heaven and earth will serve witness to the decision we make, it is life and death, the blessing of God or the curse.
America, I say choose life in order that you may live, you and your descendants.
Remember to whom we owe our debt for by loving the Lord our God, obeying His voice and holding fast to Him we may continue to live in the land that He gave our founding fathers.
'Equality for all; special treatment for no one’ should be our call!
My God Bless the USA!
By my hand on November 28th in the year of our Lord 2012!
Joe Story, better known as the average Joe for president; http://www.theaveragejoeforpresident.com/
Joe, in your world you forget free will whenver it pleases you and say that we are all part of God's plan. That is against everything written in the Bible. Once Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge we assumed our own fates. God does not promise anything to anyone on earth. Never has, never did. Not justice, not riches, not democracy, not freedom, not life, nothing. God, the biblical God, promises nothing to any man on this earth. All God's promises are realized in the hereafter. God makes no contentions on how we should be governed. He makes no claims in regards to anything of this earth. He set forth commandments to Moses. That is it. There are other rules of kosher and such, but that is it.
But you constantly speak of God's will, you don't know God's will, no one does. And when things break against you, then God is just testing you. Well you don't know that, that could the devil testing you. Or it could just be luck. You don't know. You may believe, but that ain't the same thing.
So stop prophesizing, because you don't know.
If God is talking to you, let me know. Ask him for some foretelling, that would be nice.
Joe, the miracle of God is faith. Faith in the unknown and the unknowable. You denigrate what that means by claiming to know God's wishes, wishes that can't be known. Just enjoy having that faith, it is a blessing, you are not promised faith by birth or allegiance or nationality or any other thing. It is a blessing, show some humility and thanks.
not quite the same Amanda, with Christianity: You, all those tyrants, Dictators and others you speak of have free will to do as you choose.....that does not mean you are free of the consequences of your actions.
First Patricia, you do know the earth is 4.5 billion years old and humanoids have been around for around 4 million years. Human were on the continent prior to the Europeans settling here they were known by various names describing their tribes. But even so, if you just start the clock when Europeans arrived, they did not arrive in America. There was no such thing as America. America is derived from a Nicauraguan tribal name. It was The New World. Imagine the excitement. But there was no nation known as America.
Now Joe, your argument is the same one forwarded by theocrats all the world over to push agendas that deny others rights. Muslims use Allah to diminish women and non believers. Jews to proclaim their righteousness over others. Christians to proclaim manifest destiny. And those are just those borne out of the Judeo-Christian world. But using your premise, then God places tyrants and dictators in power all the world over to do his will. So be it, and it was done.
1 God is the God of creation and He is the Creator of all things visible and invisible.2 God impressed his laws upon creation and he governs its operation accordingly.3 God gave his law so that people would seek after God and know what God requires of every person.4 Of course, the laws of God are right, perfect, and eternal.5 They apply over the entire globe and are written in God's creation because God is the Creator of all the earth.6 These rules also apply to all people and are written within each man, woman and child because God is the Creator of all people.7 God also reiterated the basic elements of his rules of right and wrong in the Bible.8
The implications of this situation are straightforward. Since God created all things, he also has the right to rule them according to his laws.9 He rules the nations according to his laws.10 His laws rule the nations irrespective of whether a given nation believes in God or recognizes his laws.11 This does not mean that the nations are perfect nor does it mean that people who do not worship God cannot rule.12 Nor does it mean that God will judge lawbreakers according to our timetables of justice.
It does mean, however, that God will not let a corrupt government rule forever.13 God judges justly on the earth and punishes lawless leaders and nations.14 Nations which forget God may completely perish.15 Nations which honor God and try to follow his laws, however, can expect to receive his care and protection.
From what I understand, God created everything in 6 days and rested on the 7th...............just because this country was not discovered by humans until it was, it does not necessarily follow that God didn't create the this country................. He did ................................
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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