One must wonder WHY the media would rush to such a judgement. Are they looking for a way to further smear our moment? Are they so controlled by the Liberals and the evil agenda that they are willingly to totally destroy any credibility that they may have left? Are they involved in sending out "False Flags" to create chaos and unrest before the elections?
One must wonder how ABC, A NEWS ORGANIZATION would not accept responsibility for their reporting but try to shift the blame to the "Social Media". What? They do not ensure the integrity of their words anymore?
You decide and be aware of what we face.
Accused by ABC
Breitbart News spoke to James Michael Holmes, the Tea Party member falsely identified this morning by ABC News' Brian Ross and George Stephanopoulos on Good Morning America as the possible suspect in the mass shooting early this morning at a screening of the new Batman movie, The Dark Knight Rises. He is a 52-year-old Hispanic conservative who joined the Tea Party after becoming disillusioned with the Republican party.
"It was freaky," said Holmes, describing his reaction when ABC News speculated that he was the culprit who entered a crowded theater and opened fire on dozens of innocent men, women, and children. He disconnected his telephone and says that he is worried about members of his family who might be contacted by the media.
ABC News has since corrected its initial report, but tried to share the blame with "social media" and "members of the public" at first:
An earlier ABC News broadcast report suggested that a Jim Holmes of a Colorado Tea Party organization might be the suspect, but that report was incorrect. Several other local residents with similar names were also contacted via social media by members of the public who mistook them for the suspect.
Now the correction has been updated, with ABC News and Brian Ross taking full responsibility, and apologizing:
An earlier ABC News broadcast report suggested that a Jim Holmes of a Colorado Tea Party organization might be the suspect, but that report was incorrect. ABC News and Brian Ross apologize for the mistake, and for disseminating that information before it was properly vetted.
Holmes reached out to Breitbart News to explain that he is not the suspect initially identified by ABC News, nor is he the James Holmes mentioned in a separate article by Breitbart News.
He is a conservative activist who has worked in law enforcement, and who used to work at the county courthouse in Aurora near the theater where the shootings took place.
He described his recent decision to join the Tea Party Patriots:
I felt a general dissatisfaction with what I guess I like to characterize as the establishment Republicans. I had been to Republican conventions to try to get involved, to see who I could join or get aligned with. I wanted to be effective in changing the outcome for my country. I wouldn't say I was stonewalled, nobody answered me in the Republican Party--not a soul would contact me. I even paid to get involved with the Colorado Hispanic Republicans and nothing happened. The only people that would really be open and honest and invite me to participate were the Tea Party Patriots. I had offers to come to this lecture and that lecture, and offers to come to trainings, so it was something that felt like it was politically active.
Photo credit: Colorado Independent
Well said Ken. Speaking of O'Reilly, I sent him this message a couple of days ago. He is a shill for the establishment.
Mr. O'Reilly
You sounded like a government shill while debating that Representative over the issue of guns and the need to register "weapons" with the government. You did a wonderful job writing the history of killing Lincoln but it seems you forgot the rest of American history. Compare and contrast the following as a reminder of why Americans oppose your ideas. If you believe that what happened in Germany (in this instance to the Jews) cannot happen here, you're crazy and a poor historian to boot. Do you trust your government? I don’t.
Those now possessing weapons and ammunition are at once to turn them over to the local police authority. Firearms and ammunition found in a Jew's possession will be forfeited to the government without compensation ... Whoever willfully or negligently violates the provisions ... will be punished with imprisonment and a fine.
-- Nazi Law, Regulations Against Jews' Possession of Weapons, 11 Nov 1938, German Minister of the Interior
That’s why I hope I can count on you to chip in a contribution by clicking the link below and help RANDPAC
Discussion of the Colorado tragedy hijacked by Ron Paul for President campaign.. even to include the don't forget to chip in to the RANDPAC plea for contribution.
Maybe not carrying "large amounts of cash" would have made him (OR) less of a target as well?
Wondering why he was carrying so much cash... mob? mafia? under the table operation?
"saved many lives that day".. Are you positive? Thief might have just robbed the place and walked out. Speculation.. Was OR arrested or did he have protection from assult charges?
Interesting you now call a common criminal a terrorist...
Perhaps the low elevation of Florida impacts the thought process....
Joshua...that was a great comment.
The point, Amanda, is FREEDOM. This nation was founded on the premise of freedom. We were given a constitution to limit government because the founders knew that governments ALWAYS seek to grow, ALWAYS seek more power, and that the outcome of unrestrained government is ALWAYS tyranny. The Founders knew that any government empowered to do many things for you can and will do many things to you, it's like white on rice, a natural law.
Not necessarily so. He may have been armored up, but return fire diverts attention. A lucky shot to the face would have done it.
The way I understand the federalist paper writings is the people should be at least as well armed as the army they are facing. That goes to automatic weapons - I'm not sure about RPG's.
Amanda you are playing stupid liberal head games. I've been a 2nd amendment activist for almost 60 years, and I've heard them all.
We are coming to the point where I say, "not just no, HELL NO, OUT OF MY COLD DEAD HANDS".
You aren't nearly as clever as you think you are, Amanda.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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