As we face the prospect that Hillary Clinton will sign the Arms Trade Treaty, establishing first-ever UN gun controls, those of us who believe in the Second Amendment need to gear up for a tough battle this fall.
     But there is a good prospect of victory.
     We have to realize that once the ink is dry on Hillary's signature, there are only two ways to beat the Treaty and its threat of UN imposed gun control - take back the Senate or beat Obama.
     The fact that the NRA has succeeded in getting fifty-eight Senators to sign on opposing the Treaty is irrelevant. If Harry Reid won't bring it up on the floor, it won't get a vote. And, in the absence of Senate disapproval or a renunciation by the president, the United States is bound by the Treaty under the provisions of the Vienna Convention which we have both signed and ratified.
     Nor will the Second Amendment offer us any protection. The Supremacy Clause in our own Constitution provides that treaties are the "law of the land" akin to a constitutional provision.
     The answer is to beat Obama and give the Republicans a majority in the Senate. Either will suffice to kill the Treaty. A Republican majority leader would certainly bring the Treaty up for a vote and it would certainly be defeated, ending its power over the U.S. and a President Romney will doubtless renounce the Treaty on taking office.
Voting for anti-gun control Democratic candidates for Senate won't work. Their leader would refuse to bring the Treaty up for a vote, regardless of how his members felt.
     We know that Obama is frightened to death of the gun issue. While he said, famously, that bitter people "cling to their religion and their guns," in the 2008 election, he hasn't touched the issue since. In his avalanche of liberal proposals concerning spending, taxes, health care, labor relations, the environment, and energy, he has proposed no added gun controls.
     So we need to realize that this Treaty is a declaration of war against the Second Amendment and we need to step up and battle. We have got to make gun control the issue that tips swing states like Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Indiana, Missouri, Iowa, and Colorado into the Republican column on Election Day. Now there is no way to save our right to bear arms other than to win the election. 

(Credits for the above to Dick Morris.)

I have read many articles related to the Arms Treaty and and decided to keep it simple. The most important thing that we can do is to send our respective messages in opposing of the signing


to sign the petition to stop the US from signing the Arms Trade Treaty!
Senate ratifies treaties. Congress holds the purse strings. Senate can stop the treaty; Congress can refuse to fund it.



                              Breitbart puts it this way:
     It's widely known that the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), being negotiated as I type, is simply gun control by another name. Although it is being sold as a treaty to lessen the number of guns moving across borders illegally, it will ultimately require a national gun registry to be enforceable: perhaps even an international gun registry.
And while all of us should be contacting our Senators to demand they refuse to ratify this ridiculous treaty when it comes before them, it behooves us also to remind them (and ourselves) that the 2nd Amendment transcends any U.N. treaty at any time and any place in this country.
     Our Founding Fathers recognized that part of our birthright as humans in general, but Americans in particular, is the possession of natural rights that cannot be controlled, denied, or otherwise constricted by a man-made government. They took pains to communicate this to us via the Bill of Rights, in which one of the rights they explicitly listed was the right to keep and bear arms.
     According to the Founders, the right not only to keep arms but also to bear the arms we keep, "shall not be infringed." Moreover, they held that this right, above and beyond all others, is "necessary to the security of a free state."
     Because this right transcends man-made governments, even the U.S. government, it most certainly transcends any treaty the U.N. can produce. This fact needs to pervade our psyches, as we need to be confident in the knowledge of the rights that are ours by birth.
The 2nd Amendment "shall not be infringed."

Views: 709


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Comment by Billy Bowlegs on August 1, 2012 at 4:22pm

Re-direct all Politicians to think about their OATH OF OFFICE;  think about why GOD is in Our Constitution.

One of the most important parts of America's "Organic Law" is the principle that we are a nation "under God."

 “The Organic Laws of the United States of America are presented in Volume 1 of the United States Code as the foundation of “the general and permanent laws of the United States.” This presentation of the four Organic Laws and all the Titles of the United States Code tells us unequivocally that the United States of America and the United States are separate and distinct entities connected almost exclusively to the two pairs of Organic Laws written about the same time.

The first two Organic Laws, the Declaration of Independence of July 4, 1776 and Articles of Confederation of November 15, 1777 are the first pair of Organic Laws which are connected to the United States of America, the Confederacy and the first and perpetual Union."

The last two Organic Laws are the Northwest Ordinance of July 13, 1787 and the Constitution of September 17, 1787, the second pair of Organic Laws which are connected to the United States, “this Union,” the United States, which include the governments of the 50 States, the federal territory within those States and Washington D.C., Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, America Samoa, Guam, and the Northern Mariana Islands. The Declaration of Independence describes an America where men and women are free to be governed exclusively by their Creator and the English common law.”

I copied the above and pasted here to give you direct quote of what Organic Law is.  

Our problem is that most Politicians swear on GODs word, then do what the hell they want and to hell with all others (you and I)!

Theoretically, GOD lives in our Constitution. However, the SCOTUS (at least the liberal Fed Judges) Group want to get that out of the Constitution. They cannot, without a Constitutional Congress established to revise the Constitutiion. Keep this in mind.

Theoretically, we have kept our mouth shut to long.

An example: The Supreme Court Justices and nearly all Government Employees (especially those elected) swear on the Bible that they will Uphold the Constitution (and defend etc).

First theoretical statement "that GOD is in the Constitution"; "second is that the demand is to SWEAR (All Politicians) on the bible" that they will uphold (except OBOZO who used the Koran).

Theoretically you cannot have it both ways, NO GOD, and NO SWEARING. "It is in the Constitution Mr. STUPID selectee).

Theoretically, if the Elected Ones swear on the "OLD FARMER's ALMANAC, Southern Edition", or the "Grolier Encyclopedia (all volumes for sake of having them struggle to hold it)" then we would not have a beaf with Politicians.

I do believe you will understand the theory at this point.

GOD is there and it will stay until the PEOPLE say no!; GOD is there to Stay; and that is until a Continental Congress is convened; and to hell with SCOTUS and anyone else (You politicians are Included who broke your Oath many times) and the ones who try to usurp or legislate from the bench.

Time to call all elected and appointed (and anointed ones) to task to get off the destroy GOD kick.

We will probably have to read this to many in order for them to grasp how important it is to say NO MORE, WE'RE KEEPING GOD/


Comment by Billy Bowlegs on August 1, 2012 at 1:02pm

Gona look.

Comment by Billy Bowlegs on August 1, 2012 at 12:08pm

New twist on Arms Treaty.  Why is OBOZO the Clown Government picking on JOE CITIZEN about Guns.  It appears the OBOZO OWS gang of thugs turns out to be the mass murdering kind of guy you would expect.  Have a nice day OBOZO and MICHCHOBOZO.

Comment by Billy Bowlegs on July 31, 2012 at 6:19pm

Roma and Tom;

Bill Nelson running against Bill Nelson.  Which of the loosers will loose with the other letting loose?



Comment by Billy Bowlegs on July 25, 2012 at 8:55pm

Yep Ken;

And still doing it.

Same reason there are not as many trains back when we were kids in the 1950's.

The old BOSTON GALLOPING GOOSE has been gone for ni on 65 Years.

Comment by Billy Bowlegs on July 25, 2012 at 5:24pm

Idiots, they walk amongst us and get elected and reelected don't they.

Why don't they take a look at the Jacksonville Rail JOB -  how much does ever taxpayer pay for someone to ride the train.

Comment by Billy Bowlegs on July 25, 2012 at 5:13pm

Has anyone heard from the Local Politicians that are in Washington.


Cliff Sterns


Corrine Brown


What do they say on the subject of loosing their jobs if the Communist take over.


You do realize there will be no constitution and as a result, no judges because it establishes them.


Guess we ill death squads and firing squads dealing with the resulting crime wave.


Say cliff where are you on this.

Comment by Billy Bowlegs on July 25, 2012 at 10:59am

UN Take Over Time.

Per Paul Harvey, this may be the rest of the story and Hilary is involved at the UN Level.

Comment by Ed Oertli on July 25, 2012 at 9:36am

This video from February 2012 at an internet cafe in Ocala Florida proves how very effective concealed carry is for protecting against criminals. How to stop a massacre: Surveillance video reveals simple, low-cost solution that works everywhere: See Video below:

 Make no mistake about it our Country and our Constitution are under attack. The Fact that we should all be Most Concerned about is Government Leaders / Dictators being Corrupt / Evil and Disarming Populations and then committing Mass Murder. See the Link and the List of Leaders in that

Horrible Category below:

12. Idi Amin Dada —— 100k-500k (most say 300k)
11. Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini —— >430k
10. Mengistu Haile Mariam —— 500k
9. Jean Kambanda —— 800k-1m
8. Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev —— >1m
7. Saloth “Pol Pot” Sar —— 1.5m
6. Genghis Khan —— >1.7m (just 2 cities)
5. Saddam Hussein Abd al-Majid al-Tikriti —— <2m
4. Suharto —— 8m + 10k’s of Allied POW’s
3. Joseph Stalin —— 20m
2. Adolf Hitler —— 6m (Holocaust) + 42m (European deaths in WWII)
1. Mao Tse Tung —— 70m Chinese + countless others of the Far East

 Let us Not Forget!  Don’t think it can happen again?   Hold on to your Gun Rights and our Constitution.  Oppose the “UN Small Arms Treaty” / Takeover. Spread the Word to everyone one you know. Call your Senators this week. Also, Call that Traitor—John McCain and Lindsey “-the Louse” Graham—as they say they are for the “UN Small Arms Treaty”.

Comment by Billy Bowlegs on July 24, 2012 at 8:56pm


Publix is upscale even in the smart's department.  You should go to Popeye's and try to order simple chicken.  I finally quit several years back.

One Pastor went out into the congregation's neighborhood.  He would ask the household senior to come to church and had they been going to church lately.

One said, "No Sir, I don't go to church, I get my chicken at popeye's.

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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