Alvin Brown declared the winner

Here's the link to the breaking news:


Lick your wounds, cry your tears, and man up.  We have work to do. 


And to the Tiny Union and those who said the Chicago Machine wasn't in town...explain why they were writing about it this morning if it doesn't mean anything. 


Sleep on that one Tiny Union - the Chicago Tribune even reports the news in Jacksonville.


We will talk more tomorrow.  Until then - get a good night's rest and know you did all you could to keep the machine out of town.  Be proud of yourself.







Views: 228


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Comment by JL Gawlik on May 19, 2011 at 12:05pm
It may have been over at the Shark Tank where i read that, i sent a letter to him about it, and he has not addressed yet, i have sent so many since January and just recently his office started replying back, i guess they finally got organized to do so about a month or so ago.
Comment by JL Gawlik on May 19, 2011 at 11:37am

Cilla, we now have Washington, D.C.'s ear right here in our very own BACKYaRD! AiN'T iT greaT?


JR, It was Fein. Thank goodness Pelosi is Speaker no longer. I shudder at that thought but Biden, goodness, his loose tongue could sink us! LOL! I have not heard that one on Gore, it was interesting to hear that he thinks President Obama is wrong to involve crops in fuel for obvious reasons it will drive up food costs and shortage across the board. The guy can actually think common sense sometimes.

Comment by J.R. on May 19, 2011 at 11:30am
JL, that attorney was Bruce Fein, the same constitutional law attorney who drew up the Articles of Impeachment against Bill Clinton, and Clinton was impeached on the basis of those Articles of Impeachment.  Clinton was not removed from office, that was the U.S. Senate's job to do and they failed to do it. The House of Representatives brings the case for impeachment and impeaches.  The Senate tries the case and decides whether or not to remove from office.  I believe they didn't remove Clinton, because they didn't want Al Gore as president, due to his nototious Hindu temple foreign money fundraising event, his crazy environmental ideas, and his heading up the illegal rushing through the naturalization process of 1 million immigrants who had not had their FBI background checks, in order to then get them registered to vote and to the polls. Not to mention Gore's 4 1/2 month military career in Viet Nam, with two personal bodyguards, reportedly smoking pot, and spending most of his time out in the elephant grass staring down the barrel of a gun. 
Comment by Cilla Whitcher on May 19, 2011 at 11:26am
Now we have Obama "lite" in Jacksonville.  Thanks to all those who choose to stay home and not vote.  "Don't ask for what you want because you might get it".  Well we didn't ask for it but now we've got it.  I didn't believe anything he said when he was running and I certainly don't believe he's any kind of conserveative.  So let's watch and see what Mr.Brown does and if he can keep any of his promises.
Comment by JL Gawlik on May 19, 2011 at 11:23am

Here are some more interesting facts that is hindering our economy and businesses:


If there is one thing that we can say for certain, it is that businesses are hindered by our onerous, burdensome web of government regulations.  Regulations are just another form of taxation in that they are costs that are imposed by the government, absorbed by the employer and paid for by the employees and customers in the form of lower wages and higher prices.  In fact, a recent report from the Small Business Administration found the cost of federal regulations to be around $1.7 trillion 2008.  Consider the fact that this represents almost half of our entire current annual federal budget of $3.8 trillion.  Imagine what businesses could do with this money.  They could hire workers.  They could invest it in new equipment.  They could lower their prices.  All of these scenarios sound like they have some positive economic value … don’t ya think?  Sounds like the very thing that Obama has been begging for since he took office.  But guess what?  Government under Barack Obama has only become MORE burdensome on businesses.  Take a look at more statistics from this report compiled by the Competitive Enterprise Institute:

  • In 2010, federal agencies issued 3,573 final rules.
  • While agencies issued 3,573 final rules, Congress passed and the president signed into law a comparatively “few” 217 bills. Considerable lawmaking power is delegated to unelected bureaucrats at agencies, an abuse addressed recently in proposals such as the REINS Act.
  • Proposed rules in the Federal Register have surged from 2,044 in 2009 to 2,439 in 2010, a jump of 19.3 percent.
  • Of the 4,225 rules now in the regulatory pipeline, 224 are “economically significant” meaning they wield at least $100 million in economic impact – this is an increase of 22 percent over 2009’s 184 rules.
  • Given 2010’s government spending (outlays) of $3.456 trillion, the regulatory “hidden tax” of $1.75 trillion stands at an unprecedented 50.7 percent of the level of federal spending itself.
  • Regulatory costs exceed all 2008 corporate pretax profits of $1.463 trillion.
  • Regulatory costs dwarf corporate income taxes of $157 billion.
  • Regulatory costs tower over the estimated 2010 individual income taxes of $936 billion by 87 percent – nearly double the level.
  • Regulatory costs of $1.75 trillion absorb 11.9 percent of the U.S. gross domestic product (GDP), estimated at $14.649 trillion in 2010.
  • Combining regulatory costs with federal FY 2010 outlays of $3.456 trillion reveals a federal government whose share of the entire economy now reaches 35.5 percent.

I’m not remembering the exact numbers here, but perhaps you remember a news story from a few months back where rule-makers in Washington took just six pages out of ObamaCare and turned it into hundreds of pages of new rules.  Well .. there are several hundred rule-making processes going on right now to create the rules for both ObamaCare and the Chris Dodd, Barney Frank consumer finance protection act.  You can only imagine how much greater the regulatory burden will be when those rules are passed. 

So Republicans are determined to do something about this.  Rep. Geoff Davis of Kentucky is introducing legislation called the REINS Act.  It will required Congress to give an up-or-down vote on any federal rule that is determined to have a negative impact on our economy of $100 million or more. 

I can’t wait to see the Libs and the Progs try to oppose this one.  It is a no-brainer.  Government regulations are costing our economy trillions of dollars.  So if a regulation is determined to impede our economy to the tune of $100 million or more … then we get rid of the regulation.  But why wouldn’t Democrats support a bill like this?  Easy: Because it takes away their power.  Government regulations are a form of power over you.  The more power the government has, the more power these politicians wield.  Simple as that.


Comment by JL Gawlik on May 19, 2011 at 11:13am
L♥Ve the progressive dribbles and platitudes, Kate.
Comment by JL Gawlik on May 19, 2011 at 11:10am

Vicky, That is funny... i am just glad all of this information is out there... at least it is for now. President Obama has also told the Department of Justice to ignore the Marriage Act, signed by President Clinton, right there is breaking his oath of office. That should be another issue, IF you break your oath of office, you are immediately relieved of your duties and removed from office.


Funny thing, Lee, Brown wants to make 'INVESTMENTS' Downtown. Sound familiar? That is not words of a fiscal conservative.


Great posts!

Comment by Barry Lee Phillips on May 19, 2011 at 11:03am

The "Alvin Brown Makes History ..." article in Thursday's T-U states that his margin of victory was 8/10 of one percent over Mike Hogan.

Not exactly a landslide is it?  Despite that, many who were contacted by the T-U for reaction to Brown's election as Mayor apparently want to spin it the same way as Obama's election.  Three years later, how is hope and change working for the people who voted for him?  It isn't.

Mr. Brown made some statements during his campaign that were seemingly conservative in terms of fiscal responsibility.  Frankly, I do not see how anyone can claim to be fiscally responsible and then throw taxpayer's money into that cesspool called the Downtown Development Authority.

I travel extensively throughout Jacksonville/Duval County.  I see all kinds of neighborhood blight that could have been fixed with money that went downtown.

Several people were quoted as saying that Mr. Brown has "a vision" for Jacksonville.  Here is the vision I want from any Mayor of Jacksonville.  Fix the potholes, fix the drainage system, fix the sewers, pick up the garbage, support the Sheriff in keeping criminals off the street, keep the water clean, run an efficient and cost-effective administration, and keep taxes at a level low enough to do the above and be a responsible steward of taxpayer's money.

All too often, having "a vision" translates into grandiose schemes that boost the vision seeker's ego and soak the taxpayers.

Comment by JL Gawlik on May 19, 2011 at 11:03am
Need to add also that Senator Marco Rubio has gone on record and stated that he believes the U.S. Constitution to be a living document also, and that bothers me.
Comment by JL Gawlik on May 19, 2011 at 10:56am

There is something going on under the surface, JR. I went to write Congressman Darrell Issa who is chair over the Oversight and Government Reform Committee and the Judiciary (right now he is not listed on it? weird.) at as well as Speaker Boehner and Senator Johnny Isakson over the Ethics Committee and a note came up that stated:

'** Our system is unable to send e-mail to this official at this time. Please choose different delivery method or click on official's name to use official's online form.'

Which has never happened before when i wanted to send a letter to him, several more people over at 9/ had the same thing happen also, which is odd. I finally hit send print letter and it went as well as posting it on the front of letter to leaders. I informed the others who were writing also and went to his site to send another letter. You can do that by going to or

I had read some where, it may have been at the tenth amendment center that a constitutional lawyer, his name escapes me, it was not Natelson, has drawn up legal papers for impeachment and has presented them to congress after the Libya incident. Something is in motion, i think. Everyone needs to press their elected representatives to stand up for the U.S. Constitution. Congress keeps passing massive bills that are completely unconstitutional. I have already told our Senator Nelson, he is gone, fired, last year. I know that is what many in the House are trying to change is the way bills are brought up must pass the Constitutional muster before they can be debated. Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann is having Constitutional classes after sessions and on Saturdays to educate the Congressional members. In my opinion i think before you even run for office you should be knowledgable on the Bill of Rights, U.S. Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and the Federalist Papers before you can qualify as a candidate, period. You should also believe in the Constitution, if you do not, then you do not qualify. That would of disqualified President Obama because he states that it is flawed, and that it does not mandate or allow for redistribution of wealth, it restricts government... duh, i wonder why? Take a listen:

National Debt Clock


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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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