Tea Party hothead Allen West blew up at fellow Broward U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Shultz for her acerbic take on the Republican "cut, cap and balance" plan. Schultz, the Democratic National Committee Chair, all but named West ("the gentleman from Florida") in her criticism of the budget-cutting plan, which she said ruined Medicare and helped "Big Oil and companies that ship jobs overseas."
When he learned what she said (standard liberal/Democratic fare), West promptly trashed her by email, which Politico first obtained:
From: Z112 West, Allen
Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2011 04:48 PM
To: Wasserman Schultz, Debbie
Cc: McCarthy, Kevin; Blyth, Jonathan; Pelosi, Nancy; Cantor, Eric
Subject: Unprofessional and Inappropriate Sophomoric Behavior from Wasserman-Schultz
Look, Debbie, I understand that after I departed the House floor you directed your floor speech comments directly towards me. Let me make myself perfectly clear, you want a personal fight, I am happy to oblige. You are the most vile, unprofessional ,and despicable member of the US House of Representatives. If you have something to say to me, stop being a coward and say it to my face, otherwise, shut the heck up. Focus on your own congressional district!
I am bringing your actions today to our Majority Leader and Majority Whip and from this time forward, understand that I shall defend myself forthright against your heinous characterless behavior……which dates back to the disgusting protest you ordered at my campaign hqs, October 2010 in Deerfield Beach.
You have proven repeatedly that you are not a Lady, therefore, shall not be afforded due respect from me!
Steadfast and Loyal
Congressman Allen B West (R-FL)
Wasserman Schultz spokesman Jonathan Beeton said in a statement: "I don't think that Congressman West is upset at the Congresswoman, but rather with the fact that she highlighted that he and other Republicans are once again trying to balance the budget on the backs of seniors, children and the middle class..As someone who lives in Congresswoman Wasserman Schultz's Congressional district, Congressman West knows that we have hundreds of thousands of seniors in South Florida who have paid into Medicare throughout their lives and now rely on this program to keep them healthy and active."
Read more: http://miamiherald.typepad.com/nakedpolitics/2011/07/dear-debbie-yo...
I agree that DWS took Weiner's place but also think they were both replacements in the role of the distractor from the Obama Drama Dem Show. The first drama dem I can remember was Alan "the Republican's want you to die" Grayson who again pulled people's attention away from the real problem in Washington.
As far as a comparison to Pit Bulls, I disagree. I have Pit Bulls as do other members of my family. Using Pits as an insult to DWS is more of an insult to the dogs. They are better looking, are never in an attack mode (misconception about all Pits), and have never attacked anyone or anything.
In regards to the crazy Cynthia McKinney and other political nut jobs, does anyone know where there is a compiled list of rants, votes, pork spending, misusing position for personal use, drug issues, DUI's, costume photos, quotes and other information compiled together, per individual, in one location to show each candidate/leader's inadequacies? I think it would be a great tool to show why these people need to be voted out and why we are where we are at economically, etc.
I think Allen West was gentler on D.W.S. than most Americans would even want to be after all the lies and attacks she has pulled on him. I know he was a lot nicer than I would have been.
But of course the Dems are always creating a dramatic, staged performance over what they consider political incorrectness from anyone who disagrees with them. It is a long used tactic on the Dems part to create a side show to cover up their mistakes or use as a diversion from real issues. Kind of like the Pres not having a sound, balanced budget proposal of his own.
Mr Ryan,
Thank you for that tremendous piece of work!
and more...
IRS Direct Deposit: Require the IRS to deposit fees for services it offers (such as processing payment plans for taxpayers) to the Treasury, instead of allowing payments to remain as part of its budget. $1.8 billion savings over ten years.
Require collection of unpaid taxes by federal employees. $1 billion total savings. WHAT THE HELL…!
Prohibit taxpayer funded union activities by federal employees. $1.2 billion savings over ten years. HUH?
Sell excess federal properties the government does not make use of. $15 billion total savings.(What are they? If it's Yosemite, no.)
Eliminate Mohair Subsidies. $1 million annual savings. MOHAIR? REALLY?
Eliminate taxpayer subsidies to the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. $12.5 million annual savings.(Hell yes!)
Eliminate Market Access Program. $200 million annual savings.
USDA Sugar Program. $14 million annual savings. NEVER NEW THE GOV’T WAS PROMOTING SUGAR.
Subsidy to Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).$93 million annual savings. THIS MUST HAVE BEEN WRITTEN IN BRITAIN. NOTICE THE SPELLING ON ORGANIZATION? NASTY BRITS, ALWAYS MEDALING IN OUR POLITICS.
Eliminate the National Organic Certification Cost-Share Program. $56.2 million annual savings.
Eliminate fund for Obamacare administrative costs. $900 million savings. ABSOLUTELY! ALLEHLUIA!
Ready to Learn TV Program. $27 million savings.
Eliminate death gratuity for Members of Congress. WHAT’S THIS, TO HELP PAY BURIAL FEES? DO THEY HAVE TO BE DEAD?
HUD Ph.D. Program.
Deficit Reduction Check-Off Act
TOTAL SAVINGS: $2.5 Trillion over Ten Years
There's more....
Trim Federal Vehicle Budget by 20%. $600 million annual savings.
Essential Air Service. $150 million annual savings.
Technology Innovation Program. $70 million annual savings.
Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) Program. $125 million annual savings.
Department of Energy Grants to States for Weatherization. $530 million annual savings.
Beach Replenishment. $95 million annual savings.
New Starts Transit. $2 billion annual savings.
Exchange Programs for Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, and Their Historical Trading Partners in Massachusetts . $9 million annual savings.
What the hell is this anyway…?(are we trading Alaskans for Hawaiians?) – Guess so… I think we should trade those two groups for their Hysterical Trading Partners in Massachusetts and throw in the entire population of Vermont to sweeten the pot. (You know what pot I’m talkin about.)
Intercity and High Speed Rail Grants. $2.5 billion annual savings.
Title X Family Planning. $318 million annual savings.
Appalachian Regional Commission. $76 million annual savings.
Economic Development Administration. $293 million annual savings.
Programs under the National and Community Services Act. $1.15 billion annual savings.
Applied Research at Department of Energy. $1.27 billion annual savings.
FreedomCAR and Fuel Partnership. $200 million annual savings.
Energy Star Program. $52 million annual savings.
Economic Assistance to Egypt . $250 million annually.
U.S. Agency for International Development. $1.39 billion annual savings.
General Assistance to District of Columbia . $210 million annual savings.
Subsidy for Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority. $150 million annual savings.
Presidential Campaign Fund. $775 million savings over ten years.
No funding for federal office space acquisition. $864 million annual savings.
End prohibitions on competitive sourcing of government services. Repeal the Davis-Bacon Act. More than $1 billion annually
It is truly unfortunate that Edmund Burke continuously is proven correct. I have always hoped I would be able to see more of John Locke in our society, but, alas, no.
Isirio Abelon: Thank you for your kind words, but no, I am not a good man. If Christ Jesus said, and I paraphrase, there is only One Who is good, and that is the Father in heaven, that places me very low on the goodness scale, if there at all. But, thanks again for the sentiment.
Billie's prayer was right on.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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