It's Official: Barack Obama Has Declared Himself De-facto Dictator Of The United States Of America.
While the tyrannical pronouncement went largely unreported by the Obama-media, Barack Obama declared himself de-facto dictator of the United States of America on Wednesday, possibly signaling the end of the United States as we know it.
In what can only be described as a blatant, totalitarian and authoritarian abuse of power, Barack Obama, decreed that Richard Cordray would be the head of his so-called Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and he made his declaration without the advice and consent of the Senate, and, by doing so, he clearly violated Article 2, Section 2 of the United States Constitution.
But do not be deceived, the Cordray decree is not just another run of the mill Obama abuse of power.
Through this seemingly insignificant but illegal act of defiance, Barack Obama stopped sticking his toe in the water and finally took the plunge and declared Congress irrelevant, and as long as Congress accepts its newly decreed irrelevance, nothing stands in Barack Obama's way. That's how tyrannies start!
We can't allow that to happen. The disease that is the Obama administration must be stopped and IMPEACHMENT is the only cure!
They Puff. They Pontificate. And Yet, They Do Nothing!
There's no doubt that Obama, by any sane person's reckoning, has crossed the line. And yet, our elected officials are still all talk and no action. What gives?
After blustering and pontificating that Obama's actions were "an extraordinary and entirely unprecedented power grab" that "would have a devastating effect on the checks and balances that are enshrined in our Constitution," John Boehner cowardly rolled over and said; "I expect the courts will find the appointment to be illegitimate.”
Excuse us Mr. Boehner? Wait just a minute. The Constitution is clear and your Constitutional duty is clear. And simply talking tough and punting your Constitutional duty over to liberal activist judges does not excuse you from doing your duty.
Barack Obama is not a king or a monarch. He is not our dictator and when the man or woman occupying the Oval Office violates the Constitution, the remedy is IMPEACHMENT and the jurisdiction to impeach lies with you, not the courts!
Mitch McConnell did no better. All he could muster was feckless outrage and say that Obama had "arrogantly circumvented the American people" and his decree “fundamentally endangers the Congress’s role in providing a check on the excesses of the executive branch.”
Just words… nothing but words.
But make no mistake, our founding fathers are rolling over in their graves over this dictatorial and tyrannical power grab and we are once again left to ask: What must this pretender do… how many times must this tin-pot dictator abuse the Constitution before our elected officials do what must be done to preserve our Republic and push to impeach this imposter and remove him from the office that he usurped!
The Media Is Lying To You. Cordray Was Not A "Recess Appointment" And Obama Knows That He Is Violating The Constitution.
I love your passion and wish more people had it. Although I think Ron Paul is sensational with understanding the Federal Reserve and how it works, his forgeign policy pronouncements scare me. He said recently, that "Having possession of a nuclear weapon brings with it, respect" and then went on to say, "Iran is just looking for a little respect. What's wrong with that"? WHAT'S WRONG WITH THAT.... is he serious? Ahmandejigad has already said publicly on several occasions that he wants to wipe Isreal off the face of the earth. Pauls stand on this does not give me warm fuzzies. Then he said, "If we build a fence along the border, don't forget, it won't just be a fence that keeps the illegals out but it will be a fence that keeps us walled in"! Sounds a little creepy to me.
I truely believe that Ron Paul would make a fantastic Treasurey Secratary in the cabinet of any one of these guys who are running. Have you every read the book "The Creature From Jekyl Island"? It's a fantastic book on the history of the Fed and how it has single-handedly destroyed our economy and Ron Paul wants to do away with it. I'm am totally in agreement with him on that.
I'm just trying to touch all the points you made.
George Soros should be deported to "Who Cares". If he wants to destroy an economy, let him move to Communist China and try to disrupt life there. Would be interesting to see how long he survived.
Rick Perry lost me when he told me I didn't have a heart if I didn't want to give illegal aliens free stuff, like a free education. C'mon Rick, wake up a smell the lilac's!
The Constitution is not taught in school any more. It's not politically correct. We don't teach our kids what it means to BE AMERICAN'S anymore. How sad is that? We can't even teach them about Washington or Jefferson or Adams or the like because they were "Slave Owners". How pathetic. It's our history whether it makes you feel good or not...period! These kids only learn from their liberal educators how screwwed up our country is and how horribly we've treated the rest of the world. I for one am sick and tired of that.
The IRS brings us to another serious point. If there were ever a time in this country's history when we need a Flat Tax, it's now. Freedom is not FREE. Everyone must pay THEIR fair share. And then we need to remind the politicians who they work for and we must DEMAND that they live within a budget. Why is that so freakin' hard for some people to understand?
I'm not a big gun advocate but I understand it is a constitutional right to keep and bear arms. I too am a Viet Nam era veteran and would fight to the death to defend the peoples right to do just that. I just feel that there are more weapons in this country than there are people on this planet. I don't understand why anyone needs an uzi machine gun to hund a deer. Can you tell me why? Not that important.
Janet Reno and Eric Holder are the quintisential racists and I'm not even going to give them any time. They are not worth it. Stuff Jesse and Al and Louis in this crowd. What roll model these twerps are.
Jimmy Carter has always been an embareassment to our nation bgut hey, he has to be happy with Obumer because he's no longer the worse President in U.S. history.
But please don't lose faith in our nation. We have not yet fallen into fourth world status yet. We still have a chance to bring her back from the brink if we think about where we're headed. I have traveled to almost %100 of this planet over my 37 year airline career and believe me when I tell you, I can never get back to the U.S.A. fast enough. There really is no place like home.
Term limits is the ONLY answer to our problems. Stop allowing these self serving politicians from destroying our country by thinking only of themselves. They should be required by law to follow the same rules and regs that they force us
I see a lot of educated banter from smart people who understand the free process and Rule of law. Laws that were established by our founding fathers in our constitution for the good of all freedom loving Americans. So if I am allowed I would like to offer my opinion in a simple way that most freedom loving Americans can understand. It is my opinion and in stating it I will then drift off into the sunset and leave it at just that "my opinion."
The American people elected Barak Obama to be our President. In doing so we elected a radical who cares nothing about our constitution, our rule of law or the process through which we govern ourselves. What he is doing is pure unadultrated bullshit and he is rubbing our noses in it every day. He knows he won't be re-elected in November so he is doing everything he can to undermine our country, our freedoms and our liberties in the time he has left. Our elected legislators could stop him if they chose to but they won't. We elected a bunch of pussies, people with no balls to represent Americas interest as the checks and balances and sowritten in our Constitution. They are the last people in the world you would want standing next to you in a brawl or fire fight. They lack the courage of conviction and Mr. Obama knows this so every day he goes against our laws and laughs at us. Why? Because he is allowed to and it is just that simple. He wants to destroy us and that is very evident to me. How evident? It should be as clear as a Goats ass to everyone because he does not hide his intentions, he flat ass tells us what he is doing. Unless the American people in mass tell this man he cannot do what he is doing he will not stop. It is just that simple. Barak Obama needs to be told enough is enough. You can hold meetings until you are blue in the face and it won't change a thing. The American people need to go peacefully into the streets and display to Washington and our representatives that they will abide by the laws of our constitution when governing on our behalf or we will find somone who will. Until the American people do just that Barak Obama will piss in our cheerios from now until November and that you can count on.
That is my opinion, thank you for allowing it and I bid you all farewell. JT
Here is help to rattle Congress:
Tell Congress to Condemn Obama's Unconstitutional Appointments! |
January 10, 2012
President Obama began 2012 by making four unconstitutional appointments. On January 4th, Obama appointed Richard Cordray to lead the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, a nomination Republicans blocked shortly before adjourning for Christmas. Obama also appointed three people to the National Labor Relations Board. Obama claimed these appointments were necessary "recess appointments." The Constitution does allow Presidents to fill vacancies while the Senate is in recess. There’s one problem, the Senate was not in recess when Obama made these appointments! As this op-ed by Former Attorney General Edwin Meese and the Heritage Foundation’s Todd Gaziano notes, “Article I, Section 5, of the Constitution states that neither house of Congress may adjourn for more than three days without the consent of the other house.” The House of Representatives did not consent to a recess longer than three days at the end of last year. Thus, the Senate is required to hold “pro forma” sessions in which some business is conducted, and Senators can vote via designated representatives during long periods of adjournment. As Meese and Gaziano point out, President Obama acknowledged that the Senate was still in a valid lawmaking session when he signed into law a piece of legislation passed by the Senate during a “pro forma” session on December 23, 2011. Conservative leadership in the House and Senate issued scathing condemnations of the President’s actions. House Speaker John Boehner issued a statement in which he declared: This is an extraordinary and entirely unprecedented power grab by President Obama that defies centuries of practice and the legal advice of his own Justice Department. The precedent that would be set by this cavalier action would have a devastating effect on the checks and balances that are enshrined in our Constitution. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell noted that two of the NLRB appointments were particularly egregious, because they were nominated only two days before the Senate adjourned, thus never had time to hold hearings on or debate those nominations: “. . . what the President did today sets a terrible precedent that could allow any future President to completely cut the Senate out of the confirmation process, appointing his nominees immediately after sending their names up to Congress. This was surely not what the framers had in mind when they required the President to seek the advice and consent of the Senate in making appointments.” Meese and Gaziano conclude their Op-Ed declaring that Congress must address President Obama’s unconstitutional appointments. |
we do what every red blooded patriot would do. do like our fore fathers did
thats what we do miss renee pappy
it takes GOD GUNS GUTS to KEEP AMERICA FREE need i say more.
well then mr john f mobilian get off your rear end and join the revolution, and get out of your comfort zone and quit complaining bout how things sometrhing for your country a very great man by the name of JOHN F KENNEDY said don't ask what your counrty can do for you but what you can do for your country. now do something, i've seen where you have run me down bout some of my posts and as far as i see you want it all done but don't want to do. i saw where you said bout the post of the militia, guess you don't know the consitution very well. IT STATE that people from the age of 18 t0 45 are the MILITIA and our NATIONAL GAURD. but being a veitnam veteran i'll take up arms to protect my country and belive me i;m way over 45. if all you want to do is complain then do it some place else we don't need people like you in our movement. we are here for the long haul how bout you. yes i've said some pretty rough things here but some one has too. GOD,GUNS,GUTS is what keeps AMERICA FREE. and if you don't like the canadates then run for the office that you want straighten out. i'm so tired of all the bickering and complaining on these boards when are y'all going to stand up????????????????????????????????? i've told y'all before me and my wife have stood the gaint down he's not so big as he makes out to be if me and my wife can do it so can y'all. stand on the consitution and GOD and you'll be victorious. and if little david can slew a gaint with a sling and a stone then just think what we the people can do, theres more of us then there are of quit complaining and lets get the stone rolling and bring back the country that our fore fathes gave us. so we can leave a legacy for our childern.
It is very evident and completely absurd to see these individuals, Walter Cronkite and Hillary Clinton speak against and apologize for America's very existance. This man says he will sit at the right hand of Satan and Hillary congratulates him for being a pillar in that effort. This is not the agenda they speak about when they are running for office. The media allows this to happen because they are complicit in trying to achieve the elimination of Liberty, freedom and the American way of life. A way of life that has elevated them all to a place and level they never would have achieved with out it. Jerry Tisdell
Ken; The biggest problem I'm seeing is that NO one is talking about what they plan on doing with the deficit. Why is that? George Stehbjsdfjgknisergnkusexrolis wants to know what the candidates think of contraception. What an ass. Diane Sawyer is trying to be "like totally politically correct". And God knows who that other guy was and what he wanted to know. All of this sniping that is going on between the candidates is pathetic. When you don't have a platform to run on, then try and discredit your opponent. That seems to be the way politics is run any more. I am totally disgusted with the way this campaign is being run. And the coverage is 24/7 with new polls coming out every ten minutes. Who cares about the small stuff. Who cares what the reason was that Gingrich got devorced. Who in this country has not made mistakes in their lives. I want someone to fix this country and fix it now. Republicans AND Democrats are responsible for the situation we are in and WE put them there. Now it's OUR responsibility to get someone in there that will forgo party bias and get the job done. We are not going to convince the 44% of Americans who still think Obumer is doing a great job so we must stop trying. They are blind to it and are probably the ones who are recieving the free stuff anyway. Why would they vote to have their free stuff taken away? It's time to clean house. And while we're at it, we need to demand radical change in the way the "Free Press" conducts their business.
All congressman are COWARDS even the teaparty ones we just elected are not filing articles of impeachment, seems only an armed revolution is left!
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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