Wisconsin Doctors handing out fraudulent excuses for teachers

The world has gone crazy. Remember when the kids who skipped school looked for a way to get a "doctor's excuse" so they would not be in trouble? The tide has turned - now the teachers are doing it!
ACTIONS: Send this video to: DRLEnforcement@wisconsin.gov & ask for a full investigation of these doctors.
Contact Phone:(608) 262-7769 AMA in Madison and ask them to investigate as well.

Views: 246


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Comment by Gigi Cimino on February 22, 2011 at 9:30am
The phone number is incorrect.  The correct number is (608)266-7482 and you will be reaching the same department as you would if you sent an e-mail.  This other number gets you an oncology office.
Comment by Bob Honiker on February 21, 2011 at 6:26pm

Many people I've corrected by trying to explain that we are a republic just answered, "whatever".  It's scary, their heads just don't work, or they've turned them off, but they vote, and in large numbers.

Maybe they aren't bright enough to see the parallels with historical events, accurate history isn't taught in government schools today, for that matter.

Any event which has occurred in any nation in the past will likely happen here and now if we repeat the behavior which led up to it. It is almost a sure bet, almost a natural absolute!

Comment by Bob Honiker on February 21, 2011 at 4:01pm

There is a very good reason the leftists would have our nation as a democracy, democracies are the easiest form of government to misguide and corrupt.

Without the rule of law no man is safe from tyranny.

My father would literally get red in the face and clench his teeth at mention of democracy. I reckon it rubbed off on me!

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on February 21, 2011 at 6:24am
I understand that the teachers union is going to protest in Tallahassee as well, and they will use the same kind of lies.  Governor Scott cut the education budget back to pre stimulus levels (the state can't afford to keep the same level of spending).  We are now seeing one of the bad things about the federal government injecting additional money into anything.  People get used to it and think the state will keep it up, so now I guess the question is, do we really want Obama meddling with the school system and "spending" more money in our state.  Even worse is the question that presents itself.  Did Obama do this on purpose to give the unions an excuse to do this?  Since most of the stimulus money directly benefited union workers, was this his plan all along to force states into a position that was worse than most of them were already in financially and give all his union buds an opportunity to do what they are doing............and how convenient for him to be able to use what is happening in the middle east as a spring board and try to compare the 2 situations.  And Roma, I would agree but with a different twist.  Democracy is when the majority decides and the majority decided they wanted the unions neutered which is what Governor Walker is trying to do to help cities and towns in the state in their negotiations with unions.  So now we have the minority saying sorry but democracy is only when we win.  Did you also notice they are using the Obama mantra of raising taxes on those nasty old rich people to get the money to continue their outrageous wages and benefits.  Let's all remember as well that people whose output is a stellar product might have a let to stand on, but the public school system (in spite of additions of money constantly) are putting out an abysmal product.
Comment by Valerie Sawyer on February 21, 2011 at 5:49am
What is happening in Wisconsin is going to happen right here in Tallahassee. It would behoove us to take note of the players and the tactics used so that when our time comes we will be prepared.  Know thy enemy, so to speak. This is a battle over who is going to run our state and our country - unions? or we the people?
Comment by Beth Korey on February 20, 2011 at 10:39pm

I am not surprised at the "in your face" the teachers are preaching, but the doctors?  What happened

to their oath. Are the like "rent a doctor" or they for real.  I think we need to support our principles

wherever they are happening.  It is the strength of the Tea Party that holds us together as a unit

and we finally figured out, that we have a voice, and no matter where the problems are occuring,

we need to give support.  It can happen here at any moment....

Comment by Richard Stotts on February 20, 2011 at 8:18pm

Yes, I did send the email, thanks for the investigative work to discover this.

Comment by Phyllis Riik on February 20, 2011 at 7:35pm
I think Rush Limbaugh did a fabulous job of informing his audience  and supporting the governor of Wisconsin last week on his show.
Comment by Bob Honiker on February 20, 2011 at 6:22pm

Russell we either hang together or we hang seperately! If something happens to patriots in

Wisconsin it can just as easily happen to us.

Those standing against us are organized on a national scale, and we will resist them on a national scale.

Before the last elections I sent money to several candidates outside of Florida, not much, my retirement income isn't much, but our candidates raised millions of dollars 5 and ten dollars at a time. When Joe Wilson said, "you lie", in the next 2 days about 2 million dollars rolled in, from all over the nation.  We are a national force to be reckoned with because we stick together, not as a tightly organized group but as millions of informed activist individuals.


Comment by Patricia M. McBride on February 20, 2011 at 6:01pm
Russell, if this is not right for you and you choose not to do it, certainly you understand we will support your decision.  And yes, there are many problems everywhere right now and many, many problems in our state and locally here in Jacksonville.  Many of us are following this event in Wisconsin because of the significance of what is happening there, and I hope you will understand and be kind to those of us who choose to write letters (we seem to do a lot of that of late).  Your post sounds angry, and I know how that feels, but I have never been mad at the tea party or my friends in the tea party.  I have been grateful for you and every single person involved in this organization no matter what their part was as determined by them.  The concern I have is probably different in some ways from yours, but please understand none of us means to offend you in any way.  When you say many of us do not agree with the governors plan for education in this state, I certainly understand your feelings are quite obviously different from mine.  I want our education system privatized, so what is happening in Wisconsin won't happen here and children will be getting an education that contains those things they will need for their grown up lives exclusive of propaganda about religion, politics or anything else.  The education of our children is probably the most important thing we do and nothing, no matter how pressing on teachers, should be an excuse to close down the schools and turn their backs on their students.  I am sorry if I have said something you don't agree with, but there is the reason I remain focused on this issue.  No person who lies about why they are absent and accepts a fraudulent excuse from a doctor should be in a classroom teaching children..........they send the wrong message about principles and ethics.

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Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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