Americans for Allen West encourage him to run for President in 2012. For everyone who wants to get to know this man of integrity, principle and guts - join the website at

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Comment by JL Gawlik on May 21, 2011 at 3:28pm
LOVe this, i know the artist of the baby in hand, that is Camille Allen, a polymer clay sculptor. That is what i like to do, is sculpt in polymer clay. Great video. Will share this one also.
Comment by Cynthia Howell on May 21, 2011 at 12:36pm
I for one am excited to see men such as Herman Cain and Allen on the ticket.  We saw this past week that Gingrich is still part of the Washington machine.  I also agree that we must diligently research each candidate, and not rely on their rederick.  Lastly, I would like to say that we need to remember we are all on the same team and read each other's comments carefully, not jumping to conclusions. Otherwise the opposition can just sit back and watch while we destroy each other.
Comment by Kate Svagdis on May 21, 2011 at 10:01am

OMG Cilia, how do you have any hair left on your head? I would be bald from pulling my hair out-In 2004, I saw drunks being drug into Gilmore St for fraudulent votes and the poll workers ignored complaints including the uniformed 'deputy' because it was race not quality.

2000,heard from poll worker's husband Corrine Brown went into poll to direct voters how to vote.

I have come to believe no skin in the game, no vote. And then again, as you say, 63% voters too lazy to show up or make time.

CJ, dems and GOP ignore us and allow loopholes for GE, themselves, etc. obama only paid 27% tax, not 35-38%.

Stop ALL subsidies and let the free market work.

Let us drill for oil and refine it now.

obama's 12 month pretend moratorium lift is NOT in the news-the pretend part!. 

GOP not fighting the Agenda Force ad killing granny. GOP not fully supporting Ryan plan and forget Bill Nelson

Comment by Cilla Whitcher on May 21, 2011 at 9:45am

I've known about Col. West for a long time and admire him a lot.  He would be an asset to any ticket as president or Vice. 

I must agree with Tom and Roma an uninformed voter is a "bot" .  I saw it first hand as a poll watcher at the Northside Voter Office.  This office is located right across the mall parking lot from Corrine Browns re-election office.  The "bots" walked right from her office, with a copy of a ballot already marked, and came in and copied what was on their ballot. Is this what our forefathers, fathers, brothers, mothers, sister and friends fought so hard for over the pass 235 years?  I think not.  Voting should be a privilege, something to work at, study, and be glad in the knowledge that you did a good thing by voting wisely.  It is truly a sad state of affairs that a city the size and scope of Jacksonville presents such a poor showing at the voting booth. 

Comment by C J Krebs on May 21, 2011 at 9:44am
Kate you are right on about the GOP plus continuing big tax
breaks to Big Oil who has merry way with us. Excuses and more
Comment by Kate Svagdis on May 21, 2011 at 9:03am

whoa! I'm stunned. JAX just got infitrated by OFA/ activists and you're throwing Hitler into the mix.

Both men are hard-working American Christians without apology. You may question their backgrounds, but before you say 'Hitler' speak to someone who endure a concentration camp or communist takeover of Cuba.

Heck, Crenshaw supported TARP and got re-elected by GOP.

GOP has NOT stopped the Fed Reserve for nearly 100years.

GOP has NOT voted for FAIR tax when they had the chance.

My vote is Plain, West, Cain, BUT I'll continue to listen to them, not attack them.

The media does a good enough job of smearing conservatives, we don't have to do that.

Comment by C.B. "Cork" Motsett on May 21, 2011 at 8:17am

"Mob of Bullies"? Please re-read my and William's comments. We did not make a personal attack on you. All we've asked is that you refrain from the use of the highly insulting and emotionally charged comparisons of Herman Cain, Allen West and Hitler. There are absolutely no grounds for such comment and doing so only detracts from your argument.   A comparison could have as easily been made with President Obama who came to office with a clear history of socialist beliefs, clear and unambiguous statements of his intent and no track record of achievement in any field but who was and is a powerful orator with very strong financial backing from those who'd destroy our economic strength and freedom.

Frankly, I take great umbrage to your apparent accusation that I have mistreated or slammed you. I assure you I have not.

If you re-read the comments you'll see we both strongly support your premise for the need for diligent research before making a decision on who to support. I wish the nation had done so before the last election as the information was readily available. But at the same time we are asking you to refrain from reckless and insulting comparisons.

As far as I'm concerned enough said.  Let's move on to the real issues of whether or not either Mr. Cain or Mr. West represent a viable candidate for President.

Comment by C.B. "Cork" Motsett on May 20, 2011 at 9:56pm

Comparing anyone to Hitler is an insult. There can be no other conclusion.  He was evil personified and someone no one should ever be compared to without damn good cause.  Let's leave it at that. No more name calling, directly or indirectly.

One issue we must all be sensitive to is how those of us in the Tea Party are smeared as being Racist, bigoted and mean.  Comparing anyone to Hitler is uncalled for and it's extremely dangerous to do so when speaking of two Black men.  While I'm sure you meant nothing racist or prejudicial in your comment it is just this type of comment that can be taken out of context to hang us all.

Your point about not supporting someone just because of what he says in a political speech is well taken and good advice.  Nothing else need be said.

Comment by William Korach on May 20, 2011 at 8:24pm
Sorry Tom, but Hitler was very clear about his intentions decades before he became Der Fuehrer. In "Mein Kampf" he wrote of his intentions about the Jews, about conquest of Russia, and the rest of the program. He gave speeches about his intentions, and built up his own army the Brown Shirts. To say Hitler became leader of Germany because he was a good speaker is to grossly misunderstand History. The Germans knew exactly what they were getting, they just denied after they lost the war.
Comment by William Korach on May 20, 2011 at 4:56pm


I think it is a poor choice of words and syntax to put Cain and Hitler together in the same thought. Of course Cain is not like Hitler, and of course you know it. Enough Hitler hype.

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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