Mr. President... I'm disappointed and discouraged...

Now this is what I'm talking about! A man who will stand up in Congress!

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Comment by Jim Ryan on June 17, 2011 at 8:21am

We believe every American deserves the honest truth about Obama’s REAL
economic record, and how his liberal policies are digging the grave deeper by
the day. Reveal the truth about:

How Obamacare raises taxes by half a trillion dollars, while devastating the
highest quality healthcare the world has ever known.

  • Why Obama’s failed stimulus plan was nothing but a political slush fund for bloated public employee unions.
  • How many jobs Obama’s stimulus really “saved or created.”
  • How Obama’s fantasy of “green” jobs and hatred of “Big Oil” are really to
    blame for $4 dollar gasoline.
  • Why Obama’s dithering and refusal to FULLY extend the Bush tax cuts nearly sent America
    into an economic depression.

America must learn the truth about the REAL Obama economic record.
The national media won’t tell them. 
You need to know how to seperate the truth from the

The fact is a Democratic incumbent candidate's  DNA is 99% lies.  

 A Democratic voters  DNA is 75% stupid AND 25% thief.

Comment by Jim Ryan on June 17, 2011 at 8:02am

Feel alittle like Paul Harvey:  sorry about that but "and now you Know the rest of the story"  Goodday


Government action delivered a powerful bang for the buck…

We have put the American economy on a firmer foundation for future
We now know Geithner’s spin was only a stalking horse for Obama’s latest bid
to convince Americans recovery is just around the corner.

But the fact is, recovery in NOT just around the corner. America’s economy is
in deep, deep trouble. Whistling past the grave yard, as wild government spending and liberal
policies dig the grave deeper by the day, is no economic plan.

It’s a recipe for economic disaster! What’s more, the national media will never tell the truth about Obama’s failed economic record. 

In fact, they’re hell-bent determined to perpetuate Obama’s fairy tale of economic recovery, a massive fraud of the highest order. They want Americans to believe the economy is on the up-and-up, new “green” jobs just around the corner, and the doubling of the price of gasoline only Big
Oil’s fault. 

And the national media gladly echo Obama’s latest tale: full recovery will
“take us several years… we're moving in the right direction.” Stay the course.

But to stay the course would be national suicide. Here are the facts about
Obama’s record on the economy:

  • At Obama’s Inauguration, the price at the pump for gas was $1.83. It has more than DOUBLED since and now some say it could even TRIPLE to $5 or $6 a gallon!
  • The official U.S. unemployment rate has jumped back up to 9%. But this
    pathetic number only puts a smiley face on the real misery. Unemployment spikes
    to a whopping 15.9% when one counts Americans who’ve grown so discouraged
    they’ve given up even looking for work or those who’ve settled for part-time
    work (Bureau of Labor Statistics).
  • According to Zillow, home prices have plummeted “at their fastest rate since the Lehman collapse.” Now called “zombie homeowners” because they’re financially walking dead, an all-time record “16.3 million families are upside-down on their home loans.”
  • A study by the New America Foundation finds “8.5 million people receiving unemployment checks and over 40 million receiving food stamps. At the current pace of job creation, the
    economy won't return to full employment until 2018.”
  • Wal-Mart’s CEO says its customers are “running out of money” with purchases “dropping off by the end of the month even more than last year"
  • The Wall Street Journal says “the dollar today is lower than at any time since major currencies began floating in 1973. It is 13% lower than it was 30 years ago and 28% below its
    2002 recent peak.”
  • Standard & Poor’s, the independent credit rating agency, downgraded the
    outlook for the United States to negative from stable, saying within two years
    there's at least a one-in-three chance it could lower its long-term rating.

The fact is, Obamanomics are a disaster – the meltdown after the earthquake.

That’s why it’s so important to tell every American the truth about Obama’s failed record on the economy. 

This is the inconvenient tr

Comment by Jim Ryan on June 17, 2011 at 7:55am

I can appreciate that some fellow tea partiers might think the following is a bit harsh.  I believe losing however is harsher and that our country cannot afford repeating the mistake of having someone as incompetent as Obama re-elected as President.  With that in mind I submit the following, some of the "talking points" have been pasted from another source as a reminder of the facts.  Here it is:

                        Campaign Strategy 2012:   This is the winning strategy .... 
                             Conservatives get mad... You have to call it like it is.    
                            The media for years has been telling everyone who will listen that
                                                 Republicans are stupid
                             and they and their liberal Democratic friends are smart. 
                                                 The facts say it ain't so.  
These self proclaimed smart people voted Anthony Weiner into office election after election by wide margins.                  This does not suggest they are very smart, does it? I submit it makes them stupid.
         And it's about time we started to remind them of this and calling them for what they are --Stupid.
                                                  Mean spirited you say?  
                  Since when is it okay for Democrat's to say mean things that are not true and thats okay.          
                  But if Republicans and Conservatives tell the truth with an edge then its "mean spirited." 
                                                           T.S. I say.
               We need a national campaign and a candidate that will call their Candidates Liar's and
                                                  their Voters Stupid.          
                 Their policies have failed for decades and they keep calling themselves smart. 
                            I call them stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, and more stupid.
     Why this strategy you ask?        The fact is no one likes to be told they are stupid.
                                                   No one likes to be reminded they are stupid. 
                                                   No one likes to prove to the world they are stupid. 
So when it comes down to voter turnout some percentage of them will stay home and not vote.
                      WHY???    Because they are tired of being STUPID.  Don't want to be called Stupid.
                         And don't want to prove the fact and eliminate the doubt that they are stupid.
The proof is in the facts -  Democratic lies and voting for liars makes you STUPID or a Thief or BOTH

“Welcome to the Recovery!”                 Remember when Obama’s Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner trumpeted this condescending blast to Americans in the New York Times last August?     I don’t know about you, but I found it simply infuriating.

Here’s what Geithner said:

The economic rescue package that President Obama put in place was
essential to turning the economy around…

Actions since the fall of 2007 of the Federal Reserve, the White House and Congress helped save 8.5 million jobs and increased gross domestic product by 6.5 percent relative to what would have
happened had we done nothing…

Government action delivered a pow

Comment by DC Belle on Wheels on June 17, 2011 at 6:44am
Yep! He's my newest hero on the Hill.
Comment by YVONNE & MICHAEL APPELL on June 17, 2011 at 6:43am

Billie - excellent!

Comment by Bob Honiker on June 17, 2011 at 6:38am
They believe that spending other people's money is their job and raising taxes is the only way they know to get it.
Comment by Patricia M. McBride on June 16, 2011 at 1:05pm
Thanks for posting Billie.  What an honorable man and how discouraging it must be when a group of folks just don't get it.  The problem is theirs and of their making and yet Obama and his cronies don't want to change anything..........just raise taxes and continue spending money we don't have!

National Debt Clock


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1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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