Mind Blowing Speech By JBS Founder Robert Welch In 1974!

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Comment by John Harvel on April 2, 2011 at 6:53am
Vintage is a well used term... I've always found more inspiration within the Declaration of Independence since our constitution has been amendmened a little to often by those not worthy of such a task. And, I'm not sure how to actually label myself politically or religiously since I usually feel the need for a shower after contact with the members of the various groups. I guess if I had to choose a title it would be a radial capitalist with a desire to live my heaven on earth. I'm actually quite content with the ten commandments and very pleased there are not more than ten. My wife is a happy Catholic... she's already accepted the fact she's going to hell.
So the tea party is a natural place for me to dwell and try to inject a little reality into the discussions at hand. I tend to see this left-right thing as the pendulum of doom. It seems to move lower with each swing and nobody seems interested in disrupting the mechanism from which it swings. A monetary system based on debt can never overcome it's inherent indebtedness. A government allowed to invest their unbudgeted funds in the private sector will overwhelm the private sector and can dictate the corporate structure of the world. The basic political struggle has been who shares in the spoils of government instead of removing the opportunity. The solutions are much more basic and simple than getting anybody to realize the obvious problems. People elect representatives and keep getting leaders trying to survive one more election cycle.
Comment by Bob Honiker on April 2, 2011 at 4:25am

We must be about the same vintage and one of my first jobs in the early 60s was driving for the local Standard Oil distributor. I hauled heating oil and a lot of the fuel and lube products used by the contractors building !-95.

We've had many modern day prophets, Robert Welch was one of them. I can recall the JBS activists being branded as radical, out on a limb extremists. I've always been a constitutional conservative so I found myself agreeing with them, but it wasn't a popular stance to take.

The same tactics used against Robert Welch and the JBS then are out in force today, but now it's the Tea Party Movement being targeted. The source of the attacks is the same, marxists in one form or another, and the misguided fools corrupted by their brainwashing, the "useful idiots".

I'm afraid the problem will always be the same, but we've got to keep fighting it.

Comment by John Harvel on April 2, 2011 at 4:01am
As a young man fresh out of high school back in the 60's, one of my jobs was delivering heating oil. One of my accounts was this enormous building that housed the John Birch Society. It was these twisted old men that I befriended that helped to corrupt my mind to never take for granted anything, not even their anti-communist, anti-UN propaganda.
Of course my anti-social mindset never allowed me to become a member. But it did resonate better than Jane Fonda's "better Red than Dead" message. So I've spent a life time watching in horror all these statements becoming reality and the American people welcoming the communist state and calling it the American Dream.
If you ask the average tea party member about our highly progressive income tax system, they will tell you taxes should be lower (not abolished). They will tell you Social Security should be reformed because it has solvency issues (not that it's unconstitutional). They will tell you we are becoming a socialist state. While most believe we are becoming a little bit pregnant, I hate to inform them we've already given birth.
The problem is still the same.

National Debt Clock


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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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