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At 7:35pm on April 7, 2011, Mary Kaye Lane said…

Thank you for the welcome. I am a political junkie (Conservative - BIG TIME). Right now I am up to my eyeballs in teaching. There's not much I can do right now until I retire in June. However, I'm really looking forward to this new challenge.

What are these "gifts" ?

At 8:19pm on March 08, 2011, JL Gawlik gave FCTP a gift
At 1:02pm on February 28, 2011, BM LINK said…


Here is a quick idea for your people in DC. In the budget fight why not  include all the left over monies from the TARP PROGRAM and the STIMULUS PROGRAM. Lets dry up that well now so they can't spent it.  Thanks.  

At 9:31am on February 15, 2011, Rick Mullaney said…
At 1:59pm on January 17, 2011, Dorothy Brown said…
Billie, thank you for all you do to  keep the truth before America!! God bless!
At 1:00pm on January 10, 2011, gary crosby said…
knew  right off,  that the politicans would use this as a tool , to divert  attention  away from what they were doing  to the american public.
At 4:38pm on November 30, 2010, Jim Kuhn said…
"Who the Hell do you think you are?"....Excellent, Excellent, Excellent!!!! thank you for posting this one!
At 7:17am on November 10, 2010, Lynsey said…
Thank you for being our voice!!!! 
I think one thing to consider in cutting back on foodstamps is that kids eat free for breakfast and lunch at school. That needs to be factored in when calculating benefits. Why would the tax payees pay for these kids to eat twice for the same meal? I think that alone would help to cut it way back. I also think that junk food shouldn't be allowed. We work to feed our kids and can't afford junk food from quick stop, why should we be required to buy it for people who are unwilling to work? Stay strong! You are speaking the words that we would speak if given the chance! Thanks for what you do!
At 9:46am on November 6, 2010, Wellford C. Reed, Jr said…
Wow! Billie and all the others you brought to the cause worked wonders. As a transplant from Richmond, VA where I thought we had a super active Tea Party group, you left them in the dust. I'll make time to help you keep the pressure on those we have helped put in a position of government responsibility.
At 8:36am on October 13, 2010, Mary Jane Travis said…
Billie- I wrote an earlier comment but I am so new at this it didn't go - thank you and Carol for hosting an inspirational mtg. Tuesday night at the S. Beach Community Center. Hank Madden gave us some useful info, the other Tea Partiers hellped us to select the right choices for Nov. 2 ballot and last but equally important and very patriotic and was the powerful powerpoint presentation by Bob Tipton. Thank you all and God Bless America
At 5:58pm on October 9, 2010, Robert Blades said…
We are in St Austine and First Coast is a so much bigger group perhaps you should reach out and see if they would be interested in bonding. I think it would be a good move on their part and provide a lot more energy overall.
Just a thought
At 7:23am on September 12, 2010, Tina Meskel said…
So proud of all of you. thank you for speaking - so eloquently - for and representling all of us!
At 8:40pm on August 17, 2010, Joseph Theodore Troupe said…
< Billie, I remember your writing the ICW West group hasn't found a meeting place, yet. I was riding by Angies on the corner of Beach Blvd and S15th St (across from the beaches cemetary) and their sign board was showing a message that the Beaches Tea Party meet there this Wednesday night.

Perhaps you might talk with the owner of Angie's to secure a meeting place. Just a suggestion................. joe troupe
At 10:33pm on August 16, 2010, Joseph Theodore Troupe said…
Billie, I tried to send you a very nice article by Dick Morris on the Tea Party, but the system is not designed for copying and pasting articles or for forwarding them to you for your review. You probably subscribe to Dick Morris, any, so it probably isn't any loss................. joe
At 10:56am on July 29, 2010, someone gave FCTP a giftAnonymous
Thanks for all you do!
At 12:49pm on July 28, 2010, JC Follender said…
In response to your query: I live in East Islip, a small town on the south shore of Long Island. I'm usually pretty busy, but would still be interested in joining any tea party group within 'striking' distance, just not sure how to find them. Am seriously contemplating joining the gathering in DC on 9/ll--logistics and expense being the serious part of 'seriously contemplating'.
At 11:10am on June 7, 2010, Terry Criss said…
My concern, Billie, is the wording of the FTU article which places the tea party squarely in an article about a candidate for office who was involved in corrupt and fraudulent activities. Scott may be remorseful about the HCA situation but that was only after he was caught and ousted. HCA paid the fine and he went on to make millions elsewhere. After all, he was able to afford an $11 million ad campaign. It all reeks of the same "icky" stuff that is all over Capitol hill these days. I don't care how much he may have cleaned up his image or how much business acumen he may have, fraud is fraud. I would expect the tea party and one of it's organizers to be far removed from any candidate who has already been involved in fraud. No discussion after the fact would change my vote. He will just sound like all the rest of the sleazy politicians I am sick of.
At 9:04pm on June 6, 2010, Rebekah Sharp said…

Amazing...simply amazing. You are only saddling up next to Rick Scott because of what Rick Scott can do for you. Rick Scott is a thief, liar, fraudster, scum sucker of the earth. How dare you say he is "one of us"? And from the looks of your posts, you most certainly are using the Tea Party group to continue to endorse him. Please stop using the words "we" "our" 'us" when YOU are personally endorsing Rick Scott. Sounds like he is rubbing off on you already. Let me quote directly from TU article that appeared in today's Metro section these are your words "Rick is fresh and new. He brings to the table a business acumen that McCollum doesn't," said Billie Tucker, an organizer with the First Coast Tea Party.

"Part of the tea party movement is personal responsibility," Tucker said. "If he comes out and says, 'Hey, we screwed up. We fixed it,' does that mean we never let him do anything again?"

And how dare you use Rick Scott's own web page to "Check out the truth"

Here is a true link to check out Rick...
information is available on the Wikipedia website. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_L._Scott

Also the mission statement of the FCTP specifically prohibits the endorsement of candidate, and I quote "We are NOT affiliated with any political parties or interest groups and do not - as a group - support any political candidate."

So what did he offer you?

Rebecca Sharp
Jacksonville Beach, FL
At 3:22pm on June 6, 2010, Terry Criss said…
I was surprised to see your endorsement of Rick Scott over MCCollum in the FTU today. Corruption is the problem in our government. Backing Scott whose company committed the largest Medicare billing fraud in the country is NOT what I see as whom the Tea Party should be backing. He was only sorry AFTER he got caught. You are entitled to back whomever you want. Just don't say that the Tea Party does also. I doubt many do. And we shouldn't!
Terry Criss

National Debt Clock


The First CoastTea Party is a non-profit organization. We have no deep-pocketed special interest funding our efforts.

You may contact us at:

First Coast Tea Party
1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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