Will Political Correctness Come Back to bite Michael Bloomberg? The “Secret” that Media Bias is NOT Reporting.

This is well worth the read. It has some very interesting points like the DOE made loan guarantees to 168.9 million shortly after the OWS group moved into Zucotti Park and there are just so many little connections..................it will make you wonder!  Wonderful documentation.  All I's dotted and Ts crossed!

WHY is media bias keep this under wraps? Michael Bloomberg’s live-in domestic partner, Diana Taylor just so happens to sit on the board of the “private company” that owns Zuccati Park. Is this WHY Bloomberg is allowing the “Occupiers” to stay? Fear or threat from the “Occupiers” AND Moveon.org along with the AFL-CIO?


First THIS:

Because first ladies are seen more than heard, and because Diana Taylor, billionaire New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s live-in girlfriend, sits at the gilded nexus of finance, politics and philanthropy, her new interview with the New York Observer is impressive.

Taylor, 56, sizes up professional women and the wage gap (“they’re really smart but…not really good at advocating for themselves”) and the time-suck of kids on a woman’s career (“I never had to run home and help anybody with their homework”). Taylor also talks about how much of the roster of Republican presidential candidates “scare me,” while Sarah Palin is “doing just fine” without running.

Taylor, a former New York state banking official and one-time contender for Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand’s (D-NY) seat, is a managing director with investment firm Wolfensohn Fund Management. She is also a board director of Sotheby’s,Citigroup, ACCION International, a microfinancing organization, and the After-School Corporation, among others



So apparently since the park is private property and owned by a big multi faceted and multi asset international corporation….oooohhh…remember when they were they EVIL!!!! Bad multinational conglomerate!…what are we protesting again Mindy Moonunit?…I forgot…errrp…so anyway…the owner of this property among many others is “Brookfield Office properties”…they are part of Brookfield Asset Management Inc…bigass company worth around 150 billion or more…

So Mayor Bloomberg says there’s nothing really he can do until BPO decides the protesters ought to be evicted and they were nice enough to issue this public statement saying they weren’t going to do that….awww…see how nice?…Well I would guess that if Mr Liberal Mike Bloomberg felt like asking them he probably could….


Yes that’s correct…NYC Mayor Mike Bloomberg’s long time lady Diana L. Taylor is on the board of directors for Brookfeild Properties…

Here she is here:

[link to www.brookfieldofficeproperties.com]

and here..

[link to topics.nytimes.com]

Now this seems to be fairly common knowledge to some in NYC, but it certainly is NOT being reported in the news at all…So the Mayor who claims his hands are tied?…maybe not so tied since his woman is on the board of the property owners…

So what else is this Brookfield outfit up to?….

Well we got the namesake…John E. Zuccotti he’s on the board of BPO…so who is he?…well Mr Zuccotti was on the Board of directors of WELL POINT HEALTH NETWORK…for years…remember them?…they were THE most Evil health insurance company just yanking the po sheeples benefits away that only Obamacare could save us! from…in fact Obama went for the throat in rhetoric on them…I find that highly ironic that the protestanistas are camped out in a park named after a board member of one of the most demonized and the largest and most evil health insurer in the country…lol…what we potestin again Mandy?….lol…..dumfuks…

You can read about him here:

[link to people.forbes.com]

Ok so more ironic than sinister…so what else is Brookfield up to…

Well BPO…that’s just the property division who might they donate money too?…they are a multi billion division…so they probably give some good bucks out…well not so much, not publicly anyway…they did however hire a lobbyist firm for a couple years several years back, paid them a couple hundred grand over 2 years…in fact was there largest client in their first year.

Little start up lobbyist outfit named….

Oldaker, Biden & Belair

Nahhhh…ya think?….oh yes you thought right…that is the Biden name of VP Joe Biden fame and that Biden is his son..Robert Hunter Biden…

Can check that below and I won’t even bother getting into how Hunter was on the board of Amtrak while Joe “Mr Amtrak” Biden was pouring money into that sucking vortex of money waste.

[link to en.wikipedia.org]

[link to www.opensecrets.org]

[link to www.opensecrets.org]

So….so far we got the Mayors defacto wife on the board of directors and some old payments to the Vice Presidents son’s lobbying firm…there must be more..this huge corporation is just coming off as far too nice….even with the Mayors wife on the Board…the Bloombergs are only luke warm with the Obama’s anyway…and I’m sure they don’t like the protesters stinkin up some one the nicest areas downtown…so there has to be more pull somewhere…

Well there probably is….and it’s a bit higher up the food chain…

One of the big divisions of Brookfield Asset Management inc is…
Brookfield renewable power…and guess who’s govt has an ASSLOAD of Green energy money…stimulus money…federal loan guarantees and all that money moving right to the very same property owning multinational conglomerate that owns that dinky little park….OUR GOVT…

Here’s just a few and I’m sure we could find a TON more if we wanted to look a little deeper.

Peanut mil or 3 grant to make a turbine that will harm less fish for hydro electric plants being tested at Brookfield Renewable Power School Street Project in Cohoes, New York

[link to www.lloydgcarter.com]

Local49 is happy about this stimulus funded hydro-electro plant in Minnesota..price tag to the stimuloss package unknown.

[link to www.local49.org]

Brookfield Renewable Power

This company traces its history back to a Brazilian electric utility incorporated in 1899; today, it’s headquartered in West Virginia and manages renewable energy projects in the U.S., Brazil and Canada, including 167 hydroelectric stations and two wind farms. A publicly traded company, Brookfield maintains stable revenues thanks to long-term power contracts, and uses this advantage to help pioneer next-generation projects in wind and thermal energy. Besides specializing in renewable energy, the company has also donated nearly $4 million to local sustainability projects. Brookfield also voluntarily meets the low-impact standards put forward by the Ecologo Program and the Low Impact Hydropower Institute.

Brookfield is currently working on a wind energy project in Coos County, New Hampshire, financed in part with theDepartment of Energy’s partial guarantee of $135.8 million in loans. The Department of Energy says the project will result in 198 construction jobs and and save some 12,000 tons of carbon pollution once it is up and running.

Wow 198 temporary jobs?…that’s less than a million a pop, pretty good by govt standards!..

[link to www.good.is]

Hmmmm…this is odd….they have almost half of their 168 power generating stations in…..New York….

[link to www.brookfield.com]

Massive move being made here….huge bet on “Green Energy”

Brookfield to merge hydro power assets into global renewable energy powerhouse September 13, 2011

Brookfield Asset Management is looking to merge its hydroelectric and wind power assets into the world’s second-largest public renewable power company in a move designed to cash in on the growing demand for cleaner power.

The conglomerate said Tuesday it plans to combine Brookfield Renewable Power Fund’s (TSX:BRC.UN) hydroelectric stations and wind farms with those of its wholly owned subsidiary Brookfield Renewable Power Inc.

The merger would create Brookfield Renewable Energy Partners LP — or BREP — a global, publicly traded partnership focused on renewable power, primarily hydroelectric, in Canada, the United States and Brazil with assets of about US$13 billion.

[link to www.canadianbusiness.com]

whoops…price of poker went up another 30 million…

A NH Solyndra? Wind farm gets fed loan

In the name of “green energy,” the Obama administration is using taxpayer money to subsidize a New Hampshire wind farm that is a subsidiary of a hugely profitable company.

New Hampshire’s largest wind farm, the Granite Reliable Power project under construction in Coos County, is jointly owned by BAIF Granite Holdings, LLC and Freshnet Wind Energy, LLC. BAIF owns 75 percent of Granite Reliable. BAIF Granite Holdings was created earlier this year by Brookfield Renewable Power, which is a subsidiary of Brookfield Asset Management of New York.

That company, which runs clean energy operations around the world, has deep pockets. It reported net income of $454 million in 2009 and $3.2 billion in 2010. Brookfield Renewable Power financed the creation of BAIF Granite Holdings from its Brookfield Americas Infrastructure fund, which was reported in February to have $2.7 billion in assets. With that kind of backing, it is curious that the U.S. Department of Energy announced it would guarantee up to 80 percent of a $168.9 million loan for the Granite Reliable wind farm project last week.

[link to www.unionleader.com]

Department of Energy Finalizes Loan Guarantee of Nearly $170 Million to Granite Reliable Power

September 23, 2011 – 3:31pm

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu announced today the Department of Energy finalized a partial guarantee for $168.9 million loan to Granite Reliable Power, LLC. The loan guarantee will support a 99 megawatt (MW) wind generation project that will be New Hampshire’s largest wind farm.

[link to energy.gov]

Well now…454 Million net income in the 2009 and 3.2 billion in 2010….that’s quite a rise in profits…

Now…..why would a huge and very rich company that had 3.2 Billion dollars in profits in 2010 need or be able to get a Loan guarantee for 168 million…which the Dept Of Energy announced finalizing on….Sept 23rd 2011….not long after the OWS protests started really getting going…a 168 million dollar loan guarantee with no visible reason why behind it….to the very same corporation that owns the very same Zuccotti park the protesters are camped out in….

Maybe they ought to form a circular protesting squad….

Link to Original Post:

Thread: Company that owns Zuccotti “Protester” Park Just got 168 Million Loan Guarantee from Obama DOE!!!!…Thick as Thieves!!!!



Brookfield Office Properties:

Diana Taylor:



A question that SHOULD be asked: HOW MANY phone calls have been made between Obama and/or Biden to Bloomberg in the past couple of weeks?


NOW ADD THIS from the COMMUNIST PARTY USA newsier People’s World:

Occupy Wall Street blocks eviction attempt

October 14, 2011

After a firestorm of protests that involved hundreds of thousands of online petitions, signatures and phone messages to New York’s Mayor Bloomberg, and the arrival in lower Manhattan overnight of thousands of Occupy Wall Street supporters, a threatened “clean up” eviction of the demonstrators was postponed Friday morning.

Yesterday, Bloomberg had threatened that the city would use force if necessary to evict the protesters who have been camped in the privately owned Zucotti Park for nearly a month. Bloomberg said the eviction was necessary to “clean up” the park and that the protesters would be allowed to return, but under strict rules. The rules he put forward would have, in effect, shut down the round-the-clock protest.

MoveOn.org and the AFL-CIO cranked up an enormous on-line and email campaign to fight the threatened eviction. In just two hours, more than 20,000 signed the AFL-CIO petition calling on Bloomberg top respect the First Amendment rights of the demonstrators.

Vincent Alvares, president of the New York City Central Labor Council, rushed to City Hall where he met with Bloomberg, urging the mayor to allow the demonstrators to remain in the park.

AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka denounced the threatened closing of the park: “It is clear that what is being threatened in Zucotti Park is nothing but silencing the voices and stomping out the rights of Americans. The AFL-CIO stands with Occupy Wall Street and the 99 percent of Americans just trying to level the massively unequal playing field.”

Representatives of the real estate firm that owns the park met with Occupy Wall Street supporters [Does this include Diana Taylor?] early this morning and reached an agreement to develop a clean-up campaign that would not include forcible eviction.

The victory was celebrated by everyone in the encampment today.

People camped out in the park note that they have been cleaning the park since the protests began. They have formed an official Occupy Wall Street Sanitation Operation.

“You want to cleanup something? Clean up those crooks on Wall Street,” New York Councilman Charles Barron commented late yesterday.



Michael Bloomberg, a BILLIONAIRE

Diana Taylor, Bloomberg’s live in domestic partner is a managing director with investment firm Wolfensohn Fund Management. She is also a board director of Sotheby’s,Citigroup, ACCION International, a microfinancing organization, and the After-School Corporation, among others. INCLUDING Brooks Properties Corporation.


Top Donors To MoveOn.Org Voter Fund Were Herbert And Marion Sandler ($2,505,014), Peter B. Lewis ($2,500,000), George Soros ($2,500,000) and Stephen Bing ($971,427). (Political Money Line Website,www.tray.com, Accessed 3/18/05)

  • Sandlers Were Fourth Largest Donors To Democrat 527 Groups, Giving $14,009,039, Including To The Joint Victory Campaign And Citizens For A Strong Senate. (Political Money Line Website,www.tray.com, Accessed 3/18/05)
  • Peter Lewis And Billionaire Philanthropists George Soros And John Sperling Have “Bankrolled The Pro-Pot Movement.” (Joel Stein, “The New Politics Of Pot; Can It Go Legit?” Time, 11/4/02)

o Lewis Was Second Largest Donor To Democrat-527 Groups In 2004 Cycle, Giving $23,997,220, Including To Joint Victory Campaign 2004, ACT NOW PAC, America Votes 2004 And Democracy For America. (Political Money Line Website, www.tray.com, Accessed 3/18/05)

  • Soros Said A “Supremacist Ideology” Guides Bush Administration, Which Reminds Him Of Nazis. (Laura Blumenfeld, “Soros’s Deep Pockets Vs. Bush,” The Washington Post, 11/11/03)

o Soros Contributed The Most Money, $27,030,105, Of Any Donor To 527s In 2004 Cycle, Including To Joint Victory Campaign 2004, ACT NOW PAC, And Democracy For America. (Political Money Line Website, www.tray.com, Accessed 3/18/05)

  • Bing Described As “Playboy-Producer-Philanthropist” (Eric Alterman, “The Hollywood Campaign,” The Atlantic Monthly, 9/04)

o Bing Was Fourth Largest Contributor, Giving $13,952,682, To Democrat-527s In 2004 Cycle, Including To Joint Victory Campaign 2004, Voices For Working Families, And Campaign for Americas Future. (Political Money Line Website, www.tray.com, Accessed 3/18/05)

MoveOn.Org PAC Raised $31,870,607 In 2004 Cycle. (Political Money Line Website, www.tray.com, Accessed 3/18/05)

  • MoveOn.Org PAC Gave $203,442 To Democrat Candidates And $0 To Republican Candidates In 2004. (Political Money Line Website, www.tray.com, Accessed 3/18/05)
  • Howard Dean’s Democracy For America Gave $5,000 To Moveon.Org PAC In 2004 Cycle. (Political Money Line Website, www.tray.com, Accessed 3/18/05)



MoveOn has received financial support from numerous leftist organizations, including the Tides Foundation, the Shefa Fund, the Stern Family Fund, the Steven and Michelle Kirsch Foundation, the Compton Foundation, and George Soros‘s Open Society Institute. Following a September 17, 2003 meeting between Soros and Boyd in New York, Soros and his associates gave nearly $6.2 million to MoveOn over a period of six months. The contributions included $2.5 million from George Soros personally; $2.5 million from Peter B. Lewis of Progressive Insurance; $971,427 from Stephen Bing of Shangri-La Entertainment; $100,000 from Benson & Hedges tobacco heir Lewis Cullman; and $101,000 from Soros’ 34-year-old son Jonathan Soros, an attorney and financier recently promoted to deputy manager of Soros Fund Management LLC.

Jonathan Soros has become personally involved with MoveOn.org’s activities. In December 2003, he collaborated with techno-rocker Moby to organize “Bush in 30 Seconds,” an online contest for the best 30-second anti-Bush TV ad.



The Secret Financial Network Behind “Wizard” George Soros



Do the “Useful Idiot” Occupiers even realize they are being played by Corporations and Billionaires/Millionaires?

How do the Occupiers THINK people like Soros, Bloomberg, Peter B. Lewis, et.al made their MILLIONS/BILLIONS?


Is the Obama Administration colluding with the $$$ benefactors to prolong Occupy Wall Street to push Obama’s job package?

“Be not intimidated…
nor suffer yourselves to be wheedled out of your liberties
by any pretense of politeness, delicacy, or decency.
These, as they are often used, are but three different names
for hypocrisy, chicanery and cowardice.”

Quote by:

John Adams
(1735-1826) Founding Father, 2nd US President



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Comment by Tim Clark on November 8, 2011 at 6:56pm

Bloomberg is a bottom feeder crustacean!  He does not deserve anything other than contempt!

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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