I will develop this further, but I wanted to put a couple of thoughts down before they get away.


I could not help but notice that this very unusual earthquake began in the VA area, went into DC and was felt as far as NY!!  Virginia is basically the "womb" of our nation, NY the "wallet" and DC the "seat" of government.  I can't help but think that SOMEONE is trying to get our attention!!!  And in the three most significant places in America.  It is alarming to hear that as a result of these tremors and quakes, the Washinton Monument now has cracks at the top!  It would seem to be a physical demonstration of the cracking and eroding of the sound principles of freedom,  individual responsiblity, moral restraint that were the strength of this nation.  I can only think that this is a warning and even a "spanking" on our "seat",  feeling it in our "wallet" and being reminded it's time to come back to where we began.


There is another time in our history, when a natural occurrence was used to turn the tide of this nation. It was during the War of 1812, when the British decided that we would not remain free and they were going to take us back!  They burned the capital (oddly enough on September 11th!!! Why have we not been taught this? And why has this significant correlation not been made known in all the reports and documentaries that have been produced on September 11th of 10 yrs ago?!)   Pres. Madison had to flee the capital and was making certain all others got our safely, too.  It looked like we were going to be overcome by this British comeback.  Our shortlived American existence was hanging by a thread.  Strangely,  a storm of hurricane proportions literally came out of nowhere and decimated the British troops.  It was a heavenly rescue, by an Unseen Champion, like in biblical accounts. 


Significantly, this was also the time when our present national anthem was penned by Francis Scott Key, while he was held on a British ship in 1814.  Would he see the magnificent flag over Ft McHenry still flying at dawn as it had the night before?


I am certain that these natural occurences are tools of a Supernatural Power.  With Kindness or Judgment they have been and will be leveled against our enemies or us.  We, sadly, have become our own worst enemy!!  Therefore, is it not crucial that we do the humble thing and take notice?  To heed the proverbial "writing on the wall".  I hear a loving Voice that is calling in solemn warning.  The plea, if you will, of a Parent yearning to see their child make the right choice.  I can only pray we do.



Found this quote that was so appropriate I just had to add it.


"I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, that His justice cannot sleep forever."

                                                                                         -  Thomas Jefferson



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Comment by Dvora Fairfield on August 24, 2011 at 11:56pm
B"H   I so appreciate all the comments that have been posted. The concerns are all so moving. We truly are a nation with strong ties to the Bible and Judeo-Chrstian underpinnings. We are, most of us, a people of faith and conviction. So crucial is it that we come together, regardless of denomination and persuasion, under the banner of "IN G*D WE TRUST" and let G*d take care of our differences. As we stand united, shoulder to shoulder, not breaking rank, we can bring this country back from the brink of decay and destruction.  If unity in evil, as in the account of the tower of Babel, could be powerful enough to bring about their ends, how much more will a people united in good accomplish? With G*d's help alone and love of neighbor, the spirit of America can be restored.  Behold how good and how pleasant it is when brothers (and sisters) dwell together in unity.............It is where HaShem commands a blessing; even life forevermore!! Ps 133.  Prayer changes us. G*d Bless all of you.   Shalom/Peace  
Comment by Dvora Fairfield on August 24, 2011 at 11:31pm
B"H  Thank you Vic for your comment.  I was wondering if you knew who aired the documentary on the War of 1812 that gave this account? I wish I had DVR'd it. 
Comment by Katherine Mooneyhan on August 24, 2011 at 1:12pm
I stand corrected. According to the "Washington Weather" the thunderstorm/torndo was in Washington, DC as stated by Vic Cirillo. Glenn Beck is correct: Do your homework!
Comment by Patricia M. McBride on August 24, 2011 at 12:22pm
Too darned bad it won't work for the current group and it's leader in the white house!
Comment by Vic Cirillo on August 24, 2011 at 12:20pm

This would be the fore mentioned storm, it did get the British out of Washington, but they then headed towards Baltimore.

“There has been some disagreement over the years about whether the Washington storm of 1814 was a tornado, strictly a severe thunderstorm, or perhaps even some kind of tropical system. However, the descriptions of the storm and the manner of its destruction seem most consistent with a tornado, so this has become a widely accepted account of the storm. The account in "Washington Weather" also tells of a British admiral who asked a local woman whether the storm was typical of the weather "in this infernal country." The lady told him that it was a storm specially sent by God "to drive our enemies from the city." The admiral retorted that it was sent to help the British destroy Washington. I’ll leave the divine meaning to your interpretation. But, nevertheless, British troops wasted no time in abandoning Washington after the storm hit. And they haven't been back.”

Comment by Katherine Mooneyhan on August 24, 2011 at 10:53am
British General Robert Ross entered Washington on August 24, 1814. They were held off for two hours by American Commodore Joshua Barney with 400 sailors and 120 Marines.  The bulk of the American militia forces commanded by the incompetent General William Winder ran.  Scared by the British Congreve rockets. Madison tried to organize the resistance. He rode to the front while writing a note to is wife...Dolley to get out of the city. She and a black youth took the famous portrait of George Washington to safety. British Marines entered the Executive Mansion unopposed. After eating the dinner prepared for the Madisons, Gen. Ross ordered the men to burn the President's House, The new Capitol Bldg., and the Library of Congress.  On September 12, 1814 Gen. Ross was mortally wounded. September 13-14, Fort McHenry was bonbarded. This was the inspiration for Francis Scott Key's poem, "The Defense of Fort M'Henry". The British withdrew to the island of Jamaica to prepare their next attack on America. I cannot find a historical reference to Washington burning on 9/11 and I did not find reference to a storm of hurricane proportions decimating the British.  Please don't take me the wrong way....I think our country is headed in the wrong direction...and we are going down hill because we have turned our back on our Heavenly Father. "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord", Psalm 33:12a. I think it is dangerous to rewrite history to flavor our stories. That's happening in our school text books right now.  Please do more research on your facts or share with us where you got your information. My information came from "America The Last Best Hope", by William J. Bennett.
Comment by Barbara Y. Martin on August 24, 2011 at 10:00am

PRAY...hold the hand of a non-believer....come together in numbers. Listen, join, know the reasons you will vote for the person to represent YOU. DO NOT ACCEPT COMPLACENCY from those you know are uninformed. Challenge their views, and you can do this if you yourself are knowledgeable.

Thank you, Billie for sharing and THANK YOU, Dvora for this intuitive, thought provoding post.

Now I will share.

Comment by Robert Young on August 24, 2011 at 10:00am
Thank you for bringing this to my attention. In my 73 years of life, I had not heard this before. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. May God continue to bless America. We, as Americans, have a duty to put God back in our schools, our lives, and our hearts. I would like to see the Ten Commandments displayed in every Government office, not for their religious context but to remind all Government officials that these are good rules to live by and to govern accordingly.
Comment by E. A. Temin on August 24, 2011 at 9:56am
Excellent blog, Billie, and SO true! Think God is trying to get our attention? I do. Maybe we need to start carrying signs that say, "Repent for the End is Near!"
Comment by Joe Story on August 24, 2011 at 9:35am

The American people need to be filled with the sense of urgency; the nation has been standing idle while its character, heart and soul are crumbling around us. We have lost sight of that which we are as a people and where we are going as a nation.


I fear for my country. Fear warns us of danger. It makes us notice things so we protect ourselves.  I fear that we have lost the heart and soul- actually the Spirit-- that made America unique in human history because as individuals and a nation we have turned our backs on God. Fear isn't a failing. Sometimes it is a weapon, but sometimes it's a shield too, like now, it draws people together in prayer for our country.

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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