OK, it hasn't been called just jet but the Presidential election will be a foregone conclusion by the time anyone reads this.
The Tea Party is supposed to support and promote the principles that this country was founded on and the founding fathers believe in.
President Obama claims to represent the true American values, and yet these are values that the majority of the Tea Party would not recognize.
Our culture is changing before our eyes and we appear to be completely incapable of stopping it or slowing it down.
Do we need to change the focus of our outreach to the community and perhaps offer more education on what we believe and why?
How do you reach the 47% that Mitt Romney was demonized for? What percentage of them are salvageable?
How do we bring more minorities into the fold? We have to be not only welcoming, but reaching out to those willing to listen.
Does the Tea Party need to start fielding candidates of our own? The republicans have not proven to be politically astute in picking the best candidates. Would we do any better?
Do we need to get out front of candidates, whether our own or GOP candidate? What their fundamental positions are on fiscal responsibility, interpretation of the constitution and bill or rights, freedom of religion, 4th Amendment rights etc?
Do we find a candidate that stands strong on all the things that we believe in or do we accept the milquetoast candidate that does not stand up for our principles but promises not to offend anyone with their principles?
How do we make our principles not be scary to the citizens of the new normal, the people that have adapted the new cultural norms and see our values as a representation of antiquated ideas best left stored away in the attic?
Do we need to define and come to agreement with exactly what our principles are and which are most important to us to be promoted at all costs.
2014 is still two years off but if we want to change the outcomes for the mid-terms and the even more distant 2016 elections we need to be making decisions now so that we have a clear plan.
There will be finger pointing and blame assigning coming in the near and long term, but we need to be level headed and avoid as much of that as possible.
I am hoping to see a better effort over the next two years and moving forward.
Amanda, wrong again, and you have to know you are. Maybe you are just trying to start an argument? Certainly you are the odd man out on here.................so why bother?
Bugger off Amanda. You are very wrong in your very condescending assumptions.
Conservative and Republican groups out spent Democrat and liberal groups $4 billion to $2 billion dollars in this election cycle. It was the message that failed. Allen West spent $13.77 million in his race and lost.
Sheldon Adelson spent at least $80 million through above table sources and who knows through other superpacs. Karl Rove spent $326 million dollars and Republicans lost the WH, Senate and seats in the house. AFP spent untold, no truly untold but hundreds of millions, to no avail.
It wasn't the media, it was the candidates. Mitt Romney was the one playing Santo Claus, promising 20% tax cuts but giving no clues as to how they would be paid for plus spending an additional $2 trillion on defense. Whoooooeeee! Ryan can't give any numbers on how the budget gets balanced, it just will be done eight years, yet the one he offered doesn't balance until 2040!
Gary Johnson offered real changes, and he was unafraid to stand for something.
And JL I will assume that you, like the people who booed Rick Perry off the stage for his state's version of the Dream ACT, don't support it. And that you are okay with having the govenment tell you that even though you were raped, it is God's will, and you are going to have to bear that child.
Well if a pregnancy, produced by a forcible, legitimate rape, that was not ended by the magic vaginal interventaion, is God's will, then we certainly must accept this election as God's will also. So I just say, thank you Jesus, four more years.
I do not know what to say when a very honest and honorable man who was doing a lot of good was defeated. WHAT happened to the great support he had? This is despicable and evil but the district did the voting themselves. There lost. I wish he would move up here but then they need A LOT more conservatives down there.
JL, here is at least one group we were up against. And they took a champion..............Allen West down or at least were involved in his loss. Our state legislature helped as well with redistricting.
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We took down Allen West and some of his best Tea Party friends.
Dear Marcie, Over a year ago, we decided to create CREDO SuperPAC in order to take down some of the most odious and extreme Tea Party Republicans in the House. People like Allen West who were just too crazy to serve in Congress and who set a new low for what is acceptable from Republicans in public life. On Tuesday we did just that. We took down Allen West. And Joe Walsh. And Chip Cravaack. And Frank Guinta. Dan Lungren is trailing his opponent as final provisional and absentee ballots are being counted. And Michele Bachmann got the biggest scare of her political career — she retained her seat by a shockingly small margin of just over 4,000 votes. To put in perspective just how difficult it was to pull off this feat, you need to know that 98% of incumbents win re-election. It is against those astonishing odds that we defeated five Tea Party Republicans who not only enjoyed the deep coffers of being a sitting member of Congress but who also were backed by tens of millions of dollars in rightwing super PAC ads which flooded the airwaves with negative television advertising attacking Democratic challengers. To defend the most extreme band of Republicans in federal office in history, outside groups spent hundreds of millions of dollars, mainly on broadcast television ads. The response of the Democratic establishment and some of the biggest liberal groups in Washington DC was to fight fire with fire, launching big money ad campaigns and millions in direct mail. We went a different way. We fought fire with water. Instead of raising and spending millions in anonymous contributions, we built our campaign with the donations of nearly 70,000 CREDO activists and customers, giving one $20 bill at a time. Instead of spending millions on huge ad buys in the districts, we empowered over 3,000 local volunteers to get involved and hold their extremist representatives accountable, deploying proven voter contact methods in the most cost-effective ways. Our campaign shaped these races, and put our progressive values squarely in the local and national conversations in this election. We hired progressive organizers and opened local storefront offices that quickly became community gathering places for activists working on our campaign. We held protests in their districts, we packed their town hall meetings, we got local and national journalists to cover the Tea Party Ten's extreme statements and actions. And then of course we knocked on over 120,000 doors. And made over a million phone calls. And had the volunteer-to-voter conversations which are the single most effective way to move voters. Thanks to this work, and in the wake of the defeat of Allen West and the other Tea Party Ten members, all Republicans are now on notice: If you continue your attacks on women, Medicare, minorities and the middle class there will be a high price to pay. In the districts of the Tea Party Ten and Michele Bachmann, we were up against nearly $30 million in spending by conservative super PACs. We won five races but we didn't win them all. We fought valiant efforts to defeat Tea Party Republicans Mike Coffman (CO-6), Mike Fitzpatrick (PA-8), Sean Duffy (WI-7), Jim Renacci (OH-16) and Steve King (IA-4) but Republicans prevailed. We didn't pick any of these races because they were easy; we picked them because they were hard, close, competitive contests. Many of them we chose at the end of last year, knowing a lot would change but wanting to get started building this campaign, because we know that volunteer-driven field campaigns cannot be built overnight. We're proud of the work we've done, and so thankful to the donors, volunteers and activists who got involved and worked to make it happen. We look forward to continuing the fight together as we move forward. We learned in 2008 that election night is not the end of our work but the beginning. And now that we've built CREDO SuperPAC we're not about to hang it up on the shelf. Of course, there were a few other things decided on Tuesday as well. We're pleased to see our friend Elizabeth Warren will represent Massachusetts in the Senate, and that Tammy Baldwin will become the first openly gay Senator in American history. We also cheered the defeat of some of the most appallingly anti-woman Senate candidates like Todd Akin in Missouri and Richard Mourdock in Indiana. And of course, it's difficult to see Mitt Romney's defeat as anything other than a resounding referendum on his ideology, and a great disaster averted for our country. We will now continue to push President Obama not to deal away Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security benefits and to show at long last the real leadership we so desperately need to fight the urgent threat of climate change. There is much to do. But Tuesday's defeat of Allen West and his Tea Party compatriots from the House was a clear victory for grassroots activism and a clear defeat for the Tea Party ideology that has gridlocked Congress and worked to move us backwards. We are grateful to everyone who has stood with us through this — CREDO's biggest electoral effort ever — in the past year, and for your continued efforts to fight for the progressive values we all share. Thank you so much for everything you have done. Becky Bond and Michael Kieschnick CREDO Action from Working Assets CREDO SuperPAC has worked to defeat ten of the most extreme Tea Party Republicans in Congress — Allen West (FL-18), Dan Lungren (CA-7), Joe Walsh (IL-8), Chip Cravaack (MN-8), Sean Duffy (WI-7), Mike Fitzpatrick (PA-8), Frank Guinta (NH-1), Steve King (IA-4), Mike Coffman (CO-6) and Jim Renacci (OH-16) — and Michele Bachmann (MN-6) too! Learn more at www.credosuperpac.com. Paid for by CREDO SuperPAC, www.credosuperpac.com, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. |
What i saw happen in the elections were LIES/Deceit told by Obama, his campaign, Party and MSM. I saw none of the above addressing questions being asked by people about Benghazi, i saw blatant character assassination even the rolling out of that despicable Gloria Allred to try again to taint Romney's character. I saw the constant pounding that Romney was wealthy off the backs of China, he killed the wife of a former worker who worked at a steel mill that Bain Capital invested in, Romney was going to give the wealthy a $5 Trillion dollar tax break. Romney was going to over turn ROE vs WADE. I saw many other lies spread by Biden, Obama, Stephane Cutter, David Axelrod, Jay Carney, Bob LaBolt and many other Obama staffers. ALL the above was disproven but it was believe by voters right up to the election day. I even saw one young lady claim that Romney was a socialist, communist. Obama and his campaign have stooped to new lows and have brought the Presidential campaigns to playing very dirty and it will unfortunately continue with the help of MSM press/MEDIA.
We are going to have to fight LIES/Deceit with TRUTH/Facts.
We are going to have to explain WHY conservatism, fiscal responsibility, FREE MARKETS are much better for each individual person than massive centralized government, taking from those who have to those who need preventing individuals from rising as high as they can in society thru their hard work and education.
Okay Richard lets go local. What can we do about jacksonville, Duval county into pushing it back to conservatism. I personally was shocked to realized so many of our prior elected officials were RINOS and not TRUE Republicans/Conservatives. I am very confused on how these candidates are vetted. It is very clear that Progressive Marxists have taken over the Demoncratic party, the old party is dead. I have a harder time finding information on a local or state candidate, judge etc. and that is NOT the way it should be. It should be harder to find information on the Federal level. We need to change that and get the information out. I was also very disappointed to find out the Nelson-Mack debate was over before i found out about it. There is a problem finding out all the above and it needs to be corrected. We need to concentrate on local elected officials, state elected representatives as well as the Federal ones. The Local and State decisions affect us more and more immediately.
When people start talking about Tea Party Control, i remind them that the TeaParty is NOT a party nor is it one person, it is a movement of the FOUNDATION of our country, it is the JUDEO~CHRISTIAN FAMILY PRINCIPLES AND VALUES that are the fabric of our US Constitution and Country.
Obama does not know how many states there are, now many colonies there were, that we are and always have been a Christian nation, that religion is part of our lives, nor does he know or understand what we stand for. Every time he starts talking about what we stand for as a country, I think I am listening to someone talking about another country..............he is talking about another country and the one he dreams of is not the United States. It is what he wants and what he thinks we should be. It is not what we are, who we are or what we stand for period!
I was hoping to get that discussion down to the local tea party level and maybe the state and national level. I don't know about you, but I am a bit tired of sitting down and listening to Dick Morris, Carl Rove, Britt Hume and Megan Kelly (thought I respect them both), or worse yet some democrat shill telling the republicans (they never talk about the Tea party when it gets down to candidates and tactics) other than to bring up people like Sharon Angle, Christine O'Donnell or any of the other perceived Tea Party Failures) what they need to do to be successful.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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