A dear friend called me yesterday. She is a believer in Jesus Christ yet confusion and fear had caused her to panic. The news was not good. Our debt is unsustainable; our President is calling out the Judges of the highest court in the land; the internet is filled with reports of large caches of ammunition being purchased by Homeland Security; and anger and hate-filled speeches by special interests groups are occupying the streets.


America is experiencing dark days and many of us live in fear every day. Yet history tells us…our future is bright and we will win this war.


America was founded by men and women who loved the same God I do. They believed in freedom because Christ came to make all men free. They believed the chains of tyranny by kings and rulers would never be permitted on the shores America. They put in place documents that would protect the people from the government. The people knew it was their job to protect and defend this special country they called home.


These same men were willing to put their lives on the line for people in America --many they did not know. They were called by a feeling that appeared within others too and manifested itself inside the founding documents. Our founding fathers were part of a grassroots movement that paved the way for one of the greatest countries of the world – America.


Like many of us in the tea party movement, we were called to a time such as this. We felt something wasn’t right in our homeland and we stood before our governmental officials and told them so. The battle has been tough; many of us are weary; and fear of something bigger happening soon has many of us wondering if we are tough enough to continue to stand. And daily we ask, “Are we too late to save America?”


As my friend and I said goodbye, my stomach was in knots and fear was beginning to set in after our conversation.  Then I looked outside to the green grass, the clear blue sky and the cool breeze gently blowing the out door summer kitchen curtains. I thanked God for my friend who cared so much for her country. I thanked God for my home and the blessings He has given me. I thanked Him for my friends and fellow patriots.  I thanked God for my mother who quietly slept in her room after a tough morning fighting the painful cancer in her body.


I thanked God for waking us up and bringing millions of people together to fight tyranny in America. I asked for His continued blessings because we really do not deserve them. We turned our back on Him and little by little took Him out of our culture and let the sinful nature of others rule the day.


“Why would God give us another chance?” I wondered. And the answer came quickly – “Because tomorrow is Friday, that’s why.”


Good Friday – the day Jesus was nailed to a tree while those who loved Him ran for the hills and abandoned Him. As He died, He said, “Forgive them for they know not what they do.”


That’s why I believe America will rise again. Evil men will always try to take down good but they never fully succeed. They can kill you; they can threaten you; and they can hurt you – but – there will always be others who will rise up against them. You can’t keep a good man down – or a great country down either.


It’s Good Friday and today is the day Jesus died. The world thought it was over. It was finished. Those who hated His message of Love thought they had won.


But Sunday would change all that.


Those who hate our message of Freedom believe they have won too. They scheme behind closed doors; they whisper evil messages to each other; and they believe their strategy will work.  But God promised -- “For those who believe in Him” – we win in the end!


You may feel scared; the days may be dark; and fear may be the norm of the day. But, America will rise again – because Sunday’s coming. And even better than that  -- If you believe in Him, your Sunday’s coming too!  How cool is that?


I wish you great joy this Easter and when you feel down and discouraged, take a listen to “Rise Again.” The song and the message will rise you up.



Happy Easter,

Billie Tucker

Views: 564


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Comment by Steve Tikas on April 6, 2012 at 8:39am

The only time that all hope is lost is when all lose hope. 

I agree that we are facing dark times and many in this country are blind and don't see it.  But please remember that when our Founding Fathers fought the British for our freedoms they were in the minority.  So just because you feel that there are many that would rather live with the soft tyranny that we have today it is no different then what the men who started this country faced.  Freedom is not free it takes dedication and determination to maintain it.

If you love freedom and liberty keep your head high and keep fighting for it.  Also remember freedom is only real freedom when everyone enjoys the same freedom.

Comment by Yvonne Godshall on April 6, 2012 at 8:37am

 Thank-you Billie~ Yes, we all have been afraid, but as you said let us NOT forget we were given another chance. Blessings to you and prayers for MOM. I know the pain, but HE gave me another chance and I THANK HIM every day.

 A most inspiring message. Happy Easter to you and yours. GOD BLESS.

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on April 6, 2012 at 8:23am

A wonderful uplifting post Bille.  Thank you and, Happy Easter.

Comment by Bunny Harrison on April 6, 2012 at 7:30am

In line with a friend's wishing us "an inspiring and enriching" Easter you, Billie, have done just that!  Yes, we are fearful that darkness will fall upon our nation, but live in the sure and certain hope light will overcome it.  Easter blessings, Billie, and to all our members.


National Debt Clock


The First CoastTea Party is a non-profit organization. We have no deep-pocketed special interest funding our efforts.

You may contact us at:

First Coast Tea Party
1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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