Along with 40 or 50,000 of my closest friends, we rocked the House of Represenatives today! Starting at noon on the West Lawn, we could be heard by the legislators inside as we listened to speakers that included John Voight and President Obama's own second cousin who is a physician. Several congressmen who spoke commented that we could be clearly heard inside when we chanted "Kill the Bill!" At 2:30 we moved to the House Office Buildings where the chanting continued as congressmen crossed the street from their offices to the Capital.

Later, the crowd completely surrounded the Capital building and marched around continuing the chants of "Kill the Bill!" A crowd formed at the southeast corner of the Captial. Some of the conservative congressmen came out and began addressing the crowd. Someone from the crowd provided a bull horn and they stood on the steps and one after another addressed and updated a crowd of probably 5,000. One of the congressmen noted that it was the first time he had ever seen the Capital surrounded just like the walls of Jericho!

While we were outside, the Rules Committee was trying to meet on the 4th floor to decide how to handle debate before the vote on Sunday. The crowd was so loud outside that the Speaker eventually abandoned the meeting because they could not hear. During the day, House Leadership abandoned the Deem and Pass approach. Thanks to the Patroits chanting "Kill the Bill!", "You Lie!", and "Nancy!" We may have changed the course of history.

Thanks to all for the calls and e-mails. Several of the congressmen reported that we were making a difference, not only in moral support for them but in changing the direction of the legislation and the undecided as well.

We will be back at 11:00 AM Sunday morning for the next round. We are expecting a vote at around 2:00PM and as of 3:00 today the whip count had the yes votes at 214 and the no votes at 217.

Keep the lines burning all day Sunday. This will not be over until November!

Views: 63


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Comment by Jim Last on March 25, 2010 at 10:01am
I still say that political correctness is killing this country. My ACORN allies told me to refer to our group as law abiding and moral so you wouldn't figure out that I'm not really an ally.
Comment by Jim Last on March 25, 2010 at 9:35am
Good luck finding a more law abiding, moral group of people. Ms Davis, either you are extremely gullible or you are exhibiting the kind of political correctness that is killing this country. Your post lacks credibility in my opinion.

God bless the USA.

Jim Last
Comment by Kay Ragan Durden on March 24, 2010 at 11:59pm
Yes , Corrine Brown voted Yes. Now we must fire her!!!! Wake up Duval Ct. We have a few jumping into that race. Mike Yost was the first to announce and he is going strong. Keep your ears up on this race.
Comment by Forest Wilson on March 22, 2010 at 4:08pm
Now its time to THROW THE BUMS OUT. Have a candidate for the third district (Corrine Brown)! - announced on Liberty Show on Saturday, March 20th, 2010. We need to eliminate the progressive caucus - Ms. Brown is one of the progressives. Let's make sure no progressives are re-elected come November. Go to and see who they are. THEY MUST BE VOTED OUT OF OFFICE. LETS ROLL! Forest
Comment by Peggy F. Talbert on March 21, 2010 at 6:34pm
Thanks for keeping us informed, wish I could have been there with you. I am Making phone calls from Jax. and praying. And watching you all on Fox News. God Bless all of you. And God bless our Republicans who are standing strong.
Comment by Ronald V. Leverock, Jr. on March 21, 2010 at 4:14pm
WTG Patriots you're making a difference....people all across this great land are waking up and this is just the beginning!
Comment by Beth Hazen on March 21, 2010 at 3:04pm
Hello Everyone,

We left DC after singing and praying on the Capitol lawn this afternoon. While there, Ken and I met with news reporter Surae Chinn and her camera man (a Seminole grad) from WUSA9 out of DC. They did not attend the event on Saturday and did not know that we had a lot of Patriots in attendance. Today, Sunday was a much smaller gathering because most folks had to get back home. (Unlike our Liberal counterparts, we do not get paid to attend events like this and we all have to work. lol) Anyway, I told her I wished that she would interview our very own Billie Tucker as head of our First Coast Tea Party group. While I was talking with her, I saw Billie crossing the lawn to the rally. Surae did an interview of Billie and today's events are supposed to be on the 11:00 news tonight.

I mentioned to Surae that we personally had not heard any slurs and I would not doubt that it was a plant from the other side to make us look bad. I did video Barney Frank and a friend who taunted the crowd at the event. They were leaving the House Ways and Means committee meeting and the friend did everything but blow a kiss to the crowd. I did not hear slurs being yelled out to anyone in the group.

Everyone I have talked to on the 3 marches I have participated in, know that the Liberals are looking for anything they can find, or where they can not find it, create something to make us look bad. Therefore, most people are overly cautious of what they say as to not be misquoted. I personally last year, witnessed Congressman Alan Grayson's office doing this very same thing. He twisted a comment by a 65 year of real estate developer from Orlando who after Grayson screamed and yelled at a group of people in his office. The gentleman who was clearly not a threat in anyway to Grayson or anyone else stated that Grayson was politically dead next election. Alan Grayson posted on his website that day that death threats were made to him. It still might be posted. If a death threat did happen, you can rest assured that the person making the threat would have been made an example of and placed in jail. No one was arrested because it did not happen. These people are being trained to look for and listen to certain words that they can couple with other things and take them out of context.

Another example comes from yesterday. We visited Xavier Beccera's D-CA, office and asked his staff how he was voting. We were told that he was voting the way his constiuents from Los Angeles voices' wanted him to vote. He knew how they wanted him to vote from the many town hall meetings he held. And since we all know how these town hall meetings are infiltrated by union members or loaded with key supporters, I asked if the group of people he was listening to were US citizens. A lady from another room came out and asked us to leave because we were being considered rude. I videoed much of the event where we were asked to leave just for asking the question. We were not irrate or rude. Our Congressional personnel just think they are above WE THE PEOPLE and they do not have to answer any questions. They do not want us at our CAPITOL unless we side with them. Our rights are being chisled away as speak.

We actually made videos of trying to go to various offices and speak with Congressional members or their staff. We tried to visit with Rep. Allen Boyd, but his staff had the doors locked and they had the phones off the hook so they would not have to take calls. If they were not in the office, the only reason the door should be locked, then the phone line should not have continually gave us busy signals and should have went to a voice mail.

From the DC's Channel 9, WUSA9.COM's website, I read that Charlie Rangel said that blacks do not attend these events. Another lie. There are not as many as I would to see there but I personally know several who disagree with all of this. And, I actually had my photo made with a WWII black, military man. It took an extra effort for him to be there because of his age. He was having to sit on a stool. I went over to shake his hand for serving his Country and told him how much I appreciated him. A young black lady standing close by, asked if she could have a picture of me with him. I said yes and asked her to take a picture with my camera too.

All and all, the comments people are making are false. We must realize that the LEFTIES are planting lies in the various media and plants within our groups, to discredit the voices of concerned American citizens. Continue to pray for our Country and be active in its legislative and political processes. We all need to be heavily recruiting friends, family and neighbors. This year's election is very crucial!
Comment by Robert H. Formby on March 21, 2010 at 1:52pm
We, the First Coast Tea Party Prayer Team had 45 individuals attend our Prayer Vigil last night. Each one present prayed aloud that God would move in a mighty way to convict all Representatives to vote to keep our Republic safe and secure and to vote no on the Obama healthcare bill.
Comment by Peggy Hall on March 21, 2010 at 1:22pm
FOX is giving it some coverage. So far, every time they go to break, they replay the KILL THE BILL chants. They also showed witch Pelosi taking her victory lap. May every congress man and woman look into their hearts and vote for the people and not for politics. Their oath is not to the party or to Obama or Pelosi.
Keep up the good work. We are very proud. I only wish I could have made the trip with you.

May God bless and save the USA.
Comment by Valerie Myles on March 21, 2010 at 12:18pm
Way to go, I am proud of you guys!!!

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First Coast Tea Party
1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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