Ladies and Gentlemen: We are presently in Washington, DC for a Values Voter Summit. Values Voters Summit is made up of Conservative organizations who come together to learn from each other.
During our stay we have been with many who went to the Occupy DC "March" just to see what was going on. To see it first hand is to watch an organized group of communists, thugs and mis-guided people shout about things they do not even understand. It has been revealed this am that Van Jones PAID for hispanics to carry signs which they could not read or understand.
Nancy Pelosi said the Tea Party Movement was astroturf and today we call her out about that statement. This Occupy Protest IS Astroturf and manufactured by the left to ensure Obama gets re-elected. The people who are showing up are violent and have damaged property and hurt other people. This is escalating and although we laugh at these people because they can't even say why they are there -- we urge our members to be careful and stay away from these "so called protests."
We have watched our blogs and one or two in this tea party are stating they will go to these protests and stand with these Communists. Let it be known that should you do that - you do not represent the tea party movement. You are there as individuals and you have no authority to speak on behalf of the First Coast Tea Party. We also question if you are a true tea party believer or if you are in here solely as a mole for your own personal beliefs.
In no way would tea party members stand with Communists - they are the complete opposite of who we are.
Go to their website at and you can see the names of the organizations behind this uprising. Do we stand with these people or these organizations?
God bless you and stay safe.
I have a question for everyone here. If the protest can be moved away from the crazies that are on Wall Street and other towns and directed to End the Fed like it should be would the people here be willing to stand with the people that are on Wall Street now. That is under the assumption that they change their tone and stop calling for an end to capitalism (or at least be more specific and say end to crony capitalism) and some of the other stupid things that some are calling for. If the movement moves away from the Soros funding Michael Moore labor union involvement and moves towards real people with real valid concerns.
Will the Tea Party be willing to put aside some differences and stand up against the real enemy which is not the people that are marching on Wall Street and stand together to protest the Fed and crony capitalism? I'm just trying to see where people stand.
Yes Mr. Newberry you are right. Like you said Alex Jones says some stuff that I hear it for the first time and I just can't believe it because it goes against everything I was brought up believing and everything I want to believe is true. You know like our government is actually for us and wants to keep us safe. But like you said the more I research it and most important go into it with an open mind the more I find out it is true which makes it even more scary. I, like you, am just seeking the truth wherever that may lead me. I'm not here to tow a party line on either side and I will call both sides out when they are wrong and stand with either side when it is right.
I'm one of those newly awakened people, probably about a year or so now, so I'm just learning about a lot of things on the fly. Society is made up of a collective consciousness so as more start to wake up it will make it easier for the rest of society to wake up to what is really going on. The globalist plans are far along but I believe there is still time to save our country, and the rest of the world from these horrible people. Many of my friends, and even my pastor at church, don't think there is time but I always think things can change especially if enough people want it to change. It is getting to that point were enough people want it and something will break one way or the other. It will either be FEMA concentration camps or the 2nd revolution.
Hi Steve,
I agree that Alex Jones can be a little "over the top". He is sort of a "shock jock" of truth. I have listened to him for some time and when he says something that I cannot believe, so outlandish that it just cannot be true... do some research. More often that not he is right on target and quite frankly... scary accurate.
I know that some of the things he says are hard to hear. They shake the foundations of everything we have known and been taught to believe.
Sadly, and fortunately he has the "nads" to call it like it is.
Agenda 21, GMO food, flouride in the water, media black-outs on inportant issues and so much more. I fear for my country because the globalists are so close to achieveing their goals.
Pitting left vs right in a big game of blame is just one of the tools the elites use to continue to fly under the radar. It is time for all good people to wake up, stand up and move against the rotton core of elite leadership that has been ruling this planet for hundreds of years.
Many on this board will NOT accept the truth.
Wars based on lies... Gulf of Tonkin, USS Liberty, 9-11 and more. People do not want to know the truth because it is hard to imagine anyone or anything so evil and dispicible.
But hiding from truth, sticking ones head in the sand, hoping that it is not true will NOT save you.
I have good reasons to NOT trust EVERYTHING he says, and yes, his "style" can be off-putting to many. But the truth is what it is and unless we are "man enough" to accept the real, whole truth about what is going on around us... we are sunk.
So many people think it is about Obama, the communists, socialists, muslims etc... That they cannot or will not even open their eyes to the real, whole truth.
As long as we continue to flip the coin of doom, republican / democrat we will always be slaves to the global elites.
I for one will learn the truth. I am not afraid of the battle of good vs evil that is upon us.
I will not hold it against people that they call me nuts... a conspiracy theorist or what ever because I know that "waking up" is a process and some are further along than others.
People will get there in their own time, at their own pace as their psyche can handle it. Many will not even attempt to go "down the rabbit hole" because they truly DO NOT want to know how bad it is.
I cannot even say I blame them... knowing that the money is debt, the media is lying, the food is toxic, cures are hidden etc etc etc ad nauseum is NOT an easy thing to undertake.
BUT, unless people are willing to stand for truth and goodness, the fight will continue by those who are in the know, who are "awake" and willing to accept what is.
To the naysayers I will say this... Until you wake up, we will be fighting FOR you.
God Bless America... Humanities best, last hope for freedom.
Nowonder he was shot he was actually honest. He even calls for people to point out a mistake he makes. Ever hear politicians now-a-day ask for that.
The stuttering man doesn't deny anything he just says there are no trespassing signs and says he disrespects Alex Jones. Very good video thanks for posting.
Here is but a small peek at the lies and the liars... and yes... all of your beloved republicans are in on it too.
Juan; The matching text for the "Beast of Jekyll Island" would be Bill Benson's book, "The Law That Never Was" about the illegallities committed by the "Husseins & Holders" of their day to pass "The Personal Income Tax". Its the only book officially banned for ownership in the USA. It is sooo powerful, it blows away anything by Che Gueverra or Mao Tse Tung. The MainStreamMedia and the liberal/commies do not want you to read this factual, historical book.
Yes Mrs. McBride the Fair Tax is the way to go because in the Fair Tax there is a provision the repeals the 16th amendment. Without that it will become just another tax. Even if Mr. Cain doesn't do it like you said just imagine what another politician might do. Imagine for a second if we had 9-9-9 and the 16th amendment was not repealed during Obama...Scary I know. I know Mr. Cain says 9-9-9 is only a stepping stone to the Fair Tax but it still scares the crap out of me.
Mr. Newberry those quotes where awesome and really show the type of people like the Rockefeller and Rothchild's really are. They are horrible elites in every sense of the world who think that they are better then everyone else and should rule not only America but the entire world. I know for a fact that these quotes are just the tip of the iceberg. People like them, Kissinger, and the like work thru the Fed and the banking system to control our politicians and us as people.
Alex Jones (yes I know some of you might think him a crazy conspiracy nut and to a point he is) has been spearheading an End the Fed (or OccupyTheFed) movement and anyone that really wants to help this country and stop much of the corruption that plagues our country should look into it. Please don't let the fact that Alex Jones being one of the main people stop you from supporting the movement. He protested the Dallas Fed and their subsidaries this weekend and it had a good amount of people. This is where we need to direct our anger not at Wall Street or even Obama as both of these are symptoms of the problem not the problem themselves.
Here is a video.
Mr. Davis I'm trying to find some information about what you said about Bachmann but I can't find anything would you please post a link to something I can look at. If that is true I will have gained a lot more respect for her.
Ron Paul is the only one that has an entire career and not just something on paper of working against the Fed so he still has far more credibility then Mrs. Bachmann but I would love to see another politician that actually has the guts to do something more real then just talk (like Rick Perry) and who jumped on the End the Fed bandwagon now because it was popular. Popular mostly due to Ron Paul pushing the issue for so long.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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