Ladies and Gentlemen:  We are presently in Washington, DC for a Values Voter Summit.  Values Voters Summit is made up of Conservative organizations who come together to learn from each other.  


During our stay we have been with many who went to the Occupy DC "March" just to see what was going on.   To see it first hand is to watch an organized group of communists, thugs and mis-guided people shout about things they do not even understand.  It has been revealed this am that Van Jones PAID for hispanics to carry signs which they could not read or understand.  


Nancy Pelosi said the Tea Party Movement was astroturf and today we call her out about that statement.  This Occupy Protest IS Astroturf and manufactured by the left to ensure Obama gets re-elected.   The people who are showing up are violent and have damaged property and hurt other people.  This is escalating and although we laugh at these people because they can't even say why they are there  -- we urge our members to be careful and stay away from these "so called protests."  


We have watched our blogs and one or two in this tea party are stating they will go to these protests and stand with these Communists.  Let it be known that should you do that - you do not represent the tea party movement.  You are there as individuals and you have no authority to speak on behalf of the First Coast Tea Party.  We also question if you are a true tea party believer or if you are in here solely as a mole for your own personal beliefs.


In no way would tea party members stand with Communists - they are the complete opposite of who we are.


Go to their website at and you can see the names of the organizations behind this uprising.  Do we stand with these people or these organizations?  


God bless you and stay safe.






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Comment by JL Gawlik on October 11, 2011 at 10:52am
@Steve Tikas Then just go stand with the protesters, period, you can go with Amanda and several others here who have stated that they support the protests but don't associate us or FCTP with your cause. End of discussion.
Comment by JL Gawlik on October 11, 2011 at 10:47am

Isn't that so true, Bob? What i have seen of many of the protesters, i would not want to be involved.

What i do not understand is why there is just a few people, who are posting on this blog, trying every way they can to encourage people to join in by trying to change the reality of what really is going on.  

A protest is not going to change the Federal Reserve, voting in candidates who want to change the way Washington, DC and Congress does business will. 

A protest is not going to change the way banks, financial businesses do business, the private sector deciding where they will do business will.

I would rather use my energies making real changes and promoting truth, facts and honest, honorable candidates and getting the word out.

These people have the right to protest, i will support that but i will not support the very people who are backing this movement to destroy our Constitutional Republic, our government, our US Constitution, our economy period for their ideologue of Marxism, that is the reality of this whole protest.

I will not ever stand shoulder to shoulder with these, obviously misguided 'useful idiots', many whom are being paid to do so, and all are being fed by these disingenuous groups of unconscionable people and organizations.

IF anyone supports these protests, that speaks volumes of where they really are coming from in my opinion.

Comment by Bob Honiker on October 11, 2011 at 10:44am
Steve I know things about those demonstrations that I can't post on a family friendly forum. We don't want to be associated with them.
Comment by Steve Tikas on October 11, 2011 at 10:39am

Mr. Honiker if you read one of my other statements I'm very clear that I don't agree with some of the things these people say and I don't like some of the things that they have done.  Here is my exact quote from earlier: "I'm not saying this in defense of them as I think many of the things they are saying are wrong and I don't agree with many of the ways they have gone about things but I say these things because many views given on here are not accurate."

I was in the military and am very proud of my service and am damn proud to call myself an American.  I proudly fly flags at my house.  I can't say I like the police because I'd be lying to you but I would never do that to anyone's property as that doesn't fall in line with my morals.  So no I don't appreciate that either.  But I'm also not going to lump everyone in because of the actions of some dumb asses just like I don't lump the views of all the Tea Party people together because I think some are very closed minded and don't understand freedom or liberty and only give it lip service when it suits their views on things.  To do that you are allowing the actions of a few to dictate your views on the many and that also doesn't fall in line with my morals.

Comment by Bob Honiker on October 11, 2011 at 10:32am

Steve have you seen the photos of people defecating on police cars and American flags?


Comment by Steve Tikas on October 11, 2011 at 10:24am

I'm with you Juan you are right this is bigger then right vs left.  Tea Party vs OWS, gay vs straight or any other way they try and divide this country.  That is what I was hoping I would get when I asked the question about if the Tea Party would be willing to put their differences with OWS asides and concentrate on End the Fed but other then you and Mr. Newberry no one else is willing to do that. 


It really does sadden me that people aren't willing to put asides differences to take up the fight against the biggest and most dangerous enemy of the state.  When I get like that I remember that our founding fathers started and fought the revolution with a majority of people in the states being opposed to it so that gives me hope that even without support of some we can still win.  But damn it would be so much easier if people would see the real enemy and it is not Wall Street or the people protesting Wall Street it is the Fed.

Comment by JL Gawlik on October 11, 2011 at 10:24am

Patricia, the really interesting news today is that the protesters are marching today on private homes of JP Morgan Chase, CEO Jamie Dimon, billionaire David Koch, hedge fund honcho John Paulson, Howard Milstein, and News Corp CEO Rupert Murdoch.

Almost sounds like enemies of George Soros? LOL! Interesting to note also:

Occupy Wall Street: Coming to a mansion near you:

A Lesson For the Occupy Wall Street Crowd:

Democrats embrace the occupiers:

Comment by amanda choate on October 11, 2011 at 10:14am

When did trying to limit the corporate takeover of our government become a liberal idea. TARP was what got the tea party started. The tea party petitioned the pols, these guys are petitioning the money sources.

Patricia, girl, you are sure are sure. That much certainty usually results from other sources.

Comment by w. lee dungan jr. on October 11, 2011 at 10:04am
liberal intelegentsia  spits out a bumper crop of bleeding heart cry babies and 99% of them aren't dummycrats, OH PU LEEZE!!!
Comment by JL Gawlik on October 11, 2011 at 9:59am
Very well stated Patricia!

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1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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