Attached is the link from FOX News related to the breaking news on the attack in Libya that left four Americans dead.
      I sat in shock and then moved to anger, paced around the house and decided that it is time for all Americans to stand and begin the shout of “We are NOT going to take it anymore !”
      I cannot get the images from my mind of OUR men fighting for their lives, of calling for help, for being told to “Stand Down” when they knew that other Americans needed their help. They had to know that going against the orders of their Superiors would place their careers on the line. For them, the lives of others was of greater value than their own . I see them calling again for help, knowing full well that help was available. I see them scared, yet believing that AMERICA would never abandon them, knowing that their brothers would come. In the end I see them fighting the last good fight and knowing that AMERICA had left them there to die alone.

Glenn Beck said it today: The media will not report this so it is up to “us” to get the message out. I have contacted every news media that I know of, I have pounded it out on my facebook page that we must take a stand and demand justice for these men.
Now I ask you to do the same.
This is the link to the FOX News story:

Here is part of the conversation that Glen Beck had with Mr. Woods the father of Tyrone Woods:
Charles Woods was on with Glenn last night on TV and again on radio this morning to talk about the incredibly shocking interactions he had with the President, the Vice President, and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Woods goes over those stunning details and also reacts to the breaking news that the administration denied his sons calls for help 3 times. How did he react?
“We have a report in just now that there is a source that has confirmed that there were at least two requests for help sent to the CIA when the attack in Libya commenced. Both of the requests were denied. The two SEALs that went in to help the ambassador went in against orders. They died four hours after the attack began. They report now that two SEALs who were at the CIA annex one mile down the road had a position that they could have coordinated artillery or mortar support but they were told in no uncertain terms to stand down,” Glenn told Woods on radio.
Rather than react to the breaking news with outrage and anger, Woods simply called the order an act of “cowardice” that did not represent the strength and character of America.
“That is cowardice by the people that issued that order. And our country is not a country of cowards. Our country is the greatest nation on Earth. And what we need to do is we need to raise up a generation of American heroes just like Ty who is an American hero. But in order to do that, we need to raise up a generation that has not just physical strength but moral strength. We do not need another generation of liars who lack more strength.”
“Glenn, I totally respect what you’re doing. You’re doing this every day. And like I said yesterday, I have to make sure that I have total forgiveness towards everyone. Like I said yesterday after the president spoke, the representative from Libya came up to me and said he was sorry. Afterward I sought him out and I said total forgiveness. I may be coming across a little bit strong, but I sincerely from my heart, I want to have total forgiveness towards everyone, but I also want to see justice and I also want to see the people who were involved change the direction of their lives for the better. I want the best for them as well.”
GLENN: Last night, last night I spoke to a man on television who is a remarkable, remarkable man, Charles Woods, father of Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods. Tyrone was killed in Benghazi. Charles is a guy who lives in Kona, Hawaii and has just, has remarkable peace and was not planning on speaking out at all about his son’s death in Benghazi, nor saying things about what he experienced on the tarmac as his son’s body was coming off of the plane in the flag draped coffin. But when he heard that the memos that the White House knew at 5:00 in the afternoon that the Secretary of Defense was in the Oval Office at 5:00 in the afternoon, the president was there, that Hillary Clinton also had these cables that have been released and that CBS has reported and verified that there was a drone in the air. If there wasn’t a drone, because now Geraldo Rivera’s saying there wasn’t a drone, if there wasn’t a drone, then that has you have to ask a question: Why wasn’t there one? This was a seven hour battle. Why was there not a drone? We had people that were stationed and ready to go in Spain and in Sicily. You could have had people to help these guys within the hour.
At 4:00 the White House gets the first notice, at 5:00 another notice. Goes all the way, the last notice is about mortar fire at 11:57 p.m. The White House didn’t what, they didn’t go downstairs in the situation room? Really? The Secretary of Defense, this is going on, an embassy or a CIA safe house is under attack on September 11th and the Secretary of Defense doesn’t have access, the president doesn’t have access, they don’t go downstairs? Really? We have asked the White House. They haven’t responded. They won’t tell us where the president was during the attack. We know that he was in the Oval Office at 5:00 with the Secretary of Defense. We know that. Other than that, they won’t tell us what the White House did, what the White House knew, they won’t tell us where the president was.
We have after this interview last night with Charles Woods, we reached out to Joe Biden’s office; no comment. We reached out to the State Department for a comment; no comment. This story is huge, but ABC and CBS and NBC and MSNBC and CNN, they’re not going to play this story. They are not going to cover this story. And it is really important that the word gets out because this goes to honor. As you will hear from Charles, he’s on hold now as we go to him, I want you to listen to who this man is. I have not been struck by anything that smelled at all like politics. He was not going to speak out… until he started reading the cables.
Woods: Oh, it’s fine. The one thing I really wanted to emphasize, Glenn, is this is not about politics. Allow this to allow this would be political would be to dishonor my son’s death. This is about honor, this is about integrity, and this is about justice.
GLENN: Okay. So you weren’t planning on saying anything at all about your son’s death and
Woods: No. Actually, Glenn, my immediate family had made the decision that we were not going to make any public statements, but as I mentioned yesterday, this week, the past few days it did become public knowledge that within minutes of the first bullet being fired that the White House actually did know in realtime that my son and the other heroes that were defending American lives would be slaughtered and immediate air support was denied. And now it has come out that people in the White House, they knew the capabilities. They knew you that there were C 130s that were ready to respond immediately. They knew that in less than an hour, the perimeters could have been secured and the American lives, including my son, could have been spared. But, you know, they heartlessly, for seven hours, watched my son and the other American heroes there fight numerically superior forces and they basically watched him die. They knew he was going to die if they did not send immediate air support, and they took the cowardly action: They chose not to do that.
GLENN: Charles, I want to bring you to we’ll talk some more about the president and Joe Biden, but I want to bring you to Hillary Clinton because I think this is critical in the timeline of the story. The president said during the debates when Mitt Romney said, “Where were you guys?” And you said that this was a video. And the president came and said, “No, no, no, I did not say it was a video. I said on September 11th that this was a terrorist attack,” but and so now the whole media is spinning that, yes, that’s really what he said, and everybody’s trying to cover for this president. But you say when you were on the tarmac at Andrews Air Force base to receive your son’s body, Hillary Clinton came up and spoke to you.
Woods: No. Actually, Glenn, this was not on the tarmac before the president spoke at the hangar that was televised. There was a building, very nice, fairly large room where there were couches in four different areas of that room, and each one of the four families was being represented, was comforting each other in each one of these four pods. And so it was not on the tarmac. It was actually in a building.
GLENN: Okay. And she came up to you and she said what?
Woods: Basically Hillary, she came up to me and, you know, she looked quite frankly very worn out. She came up to shake my hand. I shook her hand and I put my arm around her shoulder and, you know, she did express sympathy, “I’m sorry for what happened to your son” and then she, I guess to comfort me, said, “We will make sure that the person who made this film is arrested and prosecuted.”
GLENN: This flies in the face now of everything that they said because now they’re saying that they no, they knew that it was attack. Again, this verifies the story that they are now trying to cover that they were blaming it on this video. Did any of them talk to you at all about a terrorist attack, or was it just this film, and is this the only thing that they said about it?
Woods: You know, Glenn, I really don’t want to cast aspersions about any particular individual, okay? There were people in the White House who were morally not strong, who watched my son valiantly fight against superior forces for seven hours. There were people in the White House who made the decision to deny their cries for help. I don’t want to suggest any particular people. Those people, they know who they are. And they need to have the moral courage to stand up.
Woods: There are people that did not have the moral strength. They know who they are. My son showed courage. Now it is time for those people to stand up and to make a change in their lives for the better. I don’t want to pinpoint any particular person. I do not want this to become political.
GLENN: I understand that and I’m what I’m trying to do, Charles, is just ask for the facts on because this is not political. This to me this is so important because Libya shows that we have changed as a country the way we treat our military. We always go in and get the last man. We always risk all to save. That’s who we are as Americans and they are
Woods: That’s exactly right. And when Ty went into the Navy SEALs, that is what he went in for was to save life, not to take life. When he first went in, he went in to become a medic. Each team, each Navy SEAL team has a number of individuals. Each one of them has a different set of skills. His skill set was to become as skillful as an emergency room doctor. That’s why for two years he was with the ambulance service in San Diego with the San Diego fire department, not dressed as a SEAL but dressed as one of them so that he could do that because that is always the policy of the SEALs and every other military operation that they never abandon their men in the field. They never leave anyone behind. That’s the way our military works. That’s because our military has a high code of ethics.
Woods: No, I really Glenn, I appreciate very much what you’re doing, and this is such an important issue, I don’t want it to be forgotten. I don’t want it to be swept under the rug. But all I want to do is I want to honor my son and I also want to give those people who did not have moral strength, the opportunity to voluntarily stand up and show the moral strength now that they should have shown while they were watching for seven hours my son fight while they were allowing my son to be murdered, when they showed a lack of moral courage to send in and respond to the cries for help.
GLENN: We have we have a report in just now that there is a source that has confirmed that there were at least two requests for help sent to the CIA when the attack in Libya commenced. Both of the requests were denied. The two SEALs that went in to help the ambassador went in against orders. They died four hours after the attack began. They report now that two SEALs who were at the CIA annex one mile down the road had a position that they could have coordinated artillery or mortar support but they were told in no uncertain terms to stand down.
Woods: That is cowardice by the people that issued that order. And our country is not a country of cowards. Our country is the greatest nation on Earth. And what we need to do is we need to raise up a generation of American heroes just like Ty who is an American hero. But in order to do that, we need to raise up a generation that has not just physical strength but moral strength. We do not need another generation of liars who lack more strength.
Woods: No, Glenn, I totally respect what you’re doing. You’re doing this every day. And like I said yesterday, I have to make sure that I have total forgiveness towards everyone. Like I said yesterday after the president spoke, the representative from Libya came up to me and said he was sorry. Afterward I sought him out and I said total forgiveness. I may be coming across a little bit strong, but I sincerely from my heart, I want to have total forgiveness towards everyone, but I also want to see justice and I also want to see the people who were involved change the direction of their lives for the better. I want the best for them as well.
GLENN: I mean, amazing. Amazing. Listen to that. His son, I just was handed this report in the middle that said they were told to stand down. They were told to do nothing and they were like, we cannot let people just die, our own people just die. And they went in and they had to have known. There’s no help coming. They had to have known they were going to go in and fight. And I tell him that, and listen to that man. You can’t tell me that’s about politics.
GLENN: That is about honor. This is what this race is about. Because that’s who we are. You just have to find the honor again. We have to reach higher than what we’ve reached for. Please, this story is not being told yet anywhere. Please get this story out to everyone you know. Take it. It will be posted up on TheBlaze. Last night’s episode was already posted. This will be posted. Take it. Facebook it. Tweet it. Put it everywhere you know, as many places as you can. Send it to everyone you know. This is critical. Because this is really what it’s all about and it shows they’re lying. In a very dangerous and very callous way.

So are you ready to stand? If you are then here is the contact information. Call, email, go to their websites and do it every single day until something is done. We must not let this issue fade away like so many other wrongs. It is time, it is past time.
Call the White House: Comments: 202-456-1111 Switchboard: 202-456-1414
Call: Rick Scott: 1-850-488-7146
Call: every member of the Florida Congress: Go to:

I believe that this is the Committee and number to call to request a hearing. WE THE PEOPLE want a hearing on this issue PRIOR TO THE ELECTION. OGR Committee: (202) 225-5074
Another patriot shared with me some feedback he got when he made his call to OGR Committee. They recommended that we also call the minority committee. Here is the number.
(202) 225-5051
PLEASE MAKE YOUR CALLS TODAY. Get everyone you know on board. We need to hit them HARD on this issue. Put it on your calendar to call 1 time per day for the next week. We are talking about a total of 5 minutes to make both phone calls.
Call your local elected officials: From your City Council representative to the Mayor’s office and voice your concern. Ask them to help with the local news outlets. All Americans need to hear this information.
Then call:
CNN 1-404-827-1500
CBS: 1-212-975-4321
ABC: 1-212-456-777
MSMBC: 1-212-664-4444 or 1 201-583-5000
PBS: 1-703-739-5000
CNBC: 1-201-735-2622 or 1-888-369-4762
And our local TV stations:  Yes every one of them who refuse to put things like this out there, things all Americans need to know.

This is a lot of information and it will take time but does it even begin to compare to the 6 hours that these men fought? They gave “ALL” now it is up to us to give back in their honor. We must not let this issue fade away, we must demand answers and justice.
As always, God bless you and may God Bless our America


And lastly if any of you are free on Monday night then why not go mingle with some MILITARY Men and Women.
Combat Veterans for Romney Recognition,
Monday, 29 October at Republican HQ 525 SR 16 (just west of St. Augustine.) 6:00 PM Sharp
For information call: 1-904-461-7046
Honor Our Heroes…Blue Sky Blue Grass Band…Good Food and an Iron Determination to Hire Romney as our new Commander-in-Chief

We will honor local decorated combat veterans Ron Birchall, USA (Special Forces), Jay Morris, USA, Tom Waskovich, USA (SOG), Jake Iles, USMC, John Nolton, USN, and CIA Operations. We are also honored to welcome Billy and Karen Vaughn, parents of SEAL Team Six hero Aaron Vaughn who was KIA in Afghanistan. The Vaughns say “Obama painted a target on our son’s back.”

John Nolton says: “Obama has inflicted damage on the Intelligence Community through politically-motivated, selective leaking of classified material, ..and the politicization of valuable intelligence. His foreign policy is dangerously weak, self-apologetic, and incompetent starting with the Cairo speech in 2009 and ending in Benghazi last month.

The Vaughns’ and Our veterans will share with you why we need to fire Obama and hire a new Commander-n-Chief.

Plan of the Day for Monday
1800: Blue Sky Blue Grass Band plays as guests arrive
1830: Assemble for Pledge of Allegiance
1845: Introduction of Combat Veterans, and recognition of all veterans
1855: Reading of the citations (senior award)
1905: Vaughns & Veterans speak
1945: CHOW is served, Blue Sky plays on
2030: Event concludes

This will be an exciting event, so lets get the word out to Veterans, their families and friends. Young people are also most welcome.  Bill Korach

Views: 1215


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Comment by amanda choate on October 30, 2012 at 10:19am

The president denied them assistance? I hadn't heard that!

Comment by Leanne King on October 29, 2012 at 2:32pm

Amanda, the information you provided is exactly the reason that WE THE PEOPLE are LIVID.  If the media did its job we would not see anything but the truth. While there may well be different opinions as to what was known and when we KNOW that 4 Americans died alone and without the aid of their brothers who stood ready to help. That alone is all most of us need to know. The facts around the video are no longer the major issue. America failed these men and that is UNACCEPTABLE and we will not stand silent ever. The man at the top is responsilbe, that is where the buck stops as the saying goes. Pointing fingers and firing or moving others out of their jobs is not an ok solution. This is too big and too important to this country. There never should have been a question as to sending help. I will stop at this because I could rant on and on.  The point remains, our men asked for help and it was denied. We have to know that as they fought they were believing that the country they loved and served would come with help, as they died they knew we had left them to die alone. SHAME

Comment by amanda choate on October 29, 2012 at 11:10am


If anyone really cares about this story, this is a part of the story that we must address.

Intelligence Stressed Libya Protest Scenario

In Reports to Obama, CIA Didn't Alter Assessment of Trigger for Violence for 10 Days, Even as Witness Accounts Disputed It

[image] Reuters

Four Americans were killed in the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, on Sept. 11, 2012.

WASHINGTON—President Barack Obama was told in his daily intelligence briefing for more than a week after the consulate siege in Benghazi that the assault grew out of a spontaneous protest, despite conflicting reports from witnesses and other sources that began to cast doubt on the accuracy of that assessment almost from the start.

New details about the contents of the President's Daily Brief show the extent to which top intelligence officials made the wrong call in their initial analysis of what happened on Sept. 11 at the U.S. Embassy in Benghazi.

New details about the contents of the President's Daily Brief, which haven't been reported previously, show that the Central Intelligence Agency didn't adjust the classified assessment until Sept. 22, fueling tensions between the administration and the agency.

More time passed before the administration divulged details about the intelligence reassessment in early October, when the State Department acknowledged the mistaken conclusion. Administration officials said intelligence officials make decisions on what may be divulged, but intelligence officials said it is up to the administration to decide what information to release.

At the same time, questions have been raised about why the White House relied so heavily on the daily intelligence report and wasn't more proactive about seeking corrections once conflicting accounts about the protests began to emerge in news accounts and elsewhere.

Administration officials' response is that the White House relied on the intelligence community to provide its best assessment.

The problems were aggravated by infighting among U.S. agencies that appears to have slowed the continuing work to understand what happened. And the new disclosures about the President's Daily Brief are likely to raise new questions about intelligence surrounding the Benghazi attack, which resulted in the deaths of U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans.

U.S. Government Reaction to the Benghazi Attack

Follow some of the administration statements on the Libya attack.

The daily intelligence brief, compiled by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and based to a large extent on information from the CIA, is the most authoritative intelligence report prepared by the intelligence agencies and is read by the president and his top-level advisers.

The CIA has played the central role in providing the intelligence on Benghazi included in the daily brief because it had officers at the scene of the attack in Benghazi and other intelligence capabilities on the ground inside Libya.

The CIA was consistent from Sept. 13 to Sept. 21 that the attack evolved from a protest. The current intelligence assessment still notes there is conflicting evidence about whether there was a protest earlier on the day of the attack.

The daily brief repeated that same assessment about a protest on Sept. 15, one day before Susan Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, used similar language in television interviews based on talking points that were provided to her that afternoon by the CIA.

That weekend, officials at the office of the Director of National Intelligence began to seriously question the accuracy of the assessment after receiving new information Sept. 15 and Sept. 16 from sources that suggested the consulate attack wasn't preceded by a protest.

Intelligence officials didn't tell Ms. Rice about the conflicting reports before she went on air because they weren't sure the information was conclusive, officials said.

Despite the building doubts at the office of the Director of National Intelligence, the CIA stuck by its assessment during a deputies-level meeting at the White House on Sept. 17.

According to officials, a CIA representative at the Sept. 17 meeting assured participants the agency had reviewed all available intelligence and wasn't backing off its determination that there were protests.

By around Sept. 18, according to officials, the national intelligence office privately concluded the preponderance of evidence shows there hadn't been a pre-attack protest. But that new assessment wasn't made public.

Based on new information, the CIA developed on Sept. 20 its new assessment that there wasn't a protest directly preceding the attack and provided that information to top national security officials at the White House. It took until Saturday, Sept. 22, for the CIA to update the daily intelligence brief to refute the previous assessment. The new one concluded there was no protest.

A spokesman for the national intelligence office, Shawn Turner, declined to say why the revised daily brief wasn't presented before Sept. 22.

"We generally don't discuss [such] details," Mr. Turner said. "That includes what's contained in the brief, when it's updated and when it's delivered."

CIA analysis was focused more on whether there was forewarning of the attack and who was behind it, a senior U.S. official said, adding that the question of a protest preceding the attack is the least important component of the analysis.

"What's getting lost is how small this change actually was….It doesn't matter whether there were protests ongoing at the time," the senior U.S. official said, adding that the analysis reflected from the beginning that "the attack was conducted by terrorists and most likely inspired by events in Cairo."

Many intelligence officials are concerned by signs that the White House is placing blame on CIA, officials said. Comments during the Oct. 11 vice presidential debate by Vice President Joe Biden, who said that the White House presented information as provided by the intelligence community, were seen as criticism of the CIA.

"Biden threw it at the agency in the debate," said a former CIA official. "We're the whipping boy again."

The White House dismissed the concern. Since the Sept. 11 assault, the intelligence community has "continually pursued all leads and provided in a timely way the best possible intelligence to support policy makers throughout the U.S. government," said Tommy Vietor, the White House National Security Council spokesman.

Comment by amanda choate on October 28, 2012 at 11:44am
My source is the US congressional investigation via the Wall Street Journal. It is there you can read it yourself. It was failed in its accuracy, but the source nonetheless. I didn't make it up nor do I see this as partisan. This is about having our intelligence agencies enhancing our security. The CIA conducts the majority of our drone strikes, is their info in these matters as incomplete. We entrust and provide wide lattitude to them, is this reflective of their proficiency. Military, State, and covert sources are responsible for providing actionable intelligence as well as proscribing security measures. That is what is really at issue.
Comment by Barbara Brightwell on October 28, 2012 at 11:13am

I've been posting this information as a Comment on the Facebook pages of the White House, ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNBC, PBS, and CNN.  Now, I've been blocked from making "comments" on Facebook.  We ALL need to do this folks.  I've also emailed my senators and congressmen/women.

Comment by Mati Wade on October 27, 2012 at 6:37pm

This is to Amanda Choate.  I believe you might want to check your facts a little better.  The sitation room in the White House was watching everything in "real time".  They knew during the attact what was going on.  Also, the CIA is not taking a hit on anything.  They were NOT telling the Pres that it was related to the video.  That's bogus information.  You might want to reconsider you news sources.  

Comment by Kate Svagdis on October 27, 2012 at 3:46pm

The only one who say stand down is bHo. The military goes into action SOP and only stop when recalled by the President.

The lies are infuriating. So many people don't serve in the military they like their heads buried in the sand.

I have been calling offices everyday since 9-11-12. This is corruption at the highest level.

Anyone in the military knows exercises, deployments. alerts, ships at sea ( if we have any ships left)

Comment by amanda choate on October 27, 2012 at 1:48pm

The  details appear murky. The CIA seems to have failed in this one, worse than the State Department.

Part of the problem with this whole thing is that the CIA operated out of Benghazi during the operation to overthrow Ghaddafi. These operatives were down the street about a mile away. Mr. Walker whose death is tragic no matter was a former SEAL, not currently a SEAL, rather a private contractor.

It turns out the CIA briefings to the President a week after the attack were still telling him that it was realted to the video. The CIA appears to have dropped several balls at once. The contractor also failed, as did State. It is unclear to me how these smart people failed at once, but I would like to know. Was it mission creeep, institutitional amnesia, failure of imagination, recklessness, carelessness, or a combination? I look forward to a broad scope investigation.

Comment by Robert Formby on October 27, 2012 at 11:10am

This definately makes me angry and to add to my anger, my next door neighbor who is a member of the FCTP lost his son Michael S. Duskin, Tuesday November 23rd in Afghanistan. You may have seen the article on the front page of the FTU yesterday. He had served 7 tours over there. He was a great friend, neighbor and patriot. What really makes me angry is that Obama is his commander in chief. I want to thank Home Depot for furnishing and planting a large garden of red, white and blue flowering plants in the parents entrance. Please keep the parents in your prayers, their names are; George and Clair Duskin.

Comment by Billy Bowlegs on October 27, 2012 at 9:54am

Our Local Level Elected Official Cliff Sterns is about as worthless as a Politician can Get.  Never responds except when he finds out you will not vote for him.  He's a goner in November.

Our governor Rick Scott seems to have his own agenda.  To hell with the constituents who voted for him.  Sent him a certified mail letter filing a formal Criminal Complaint against the 2012 Chair and Secretary for submitting a fraudulent nomination of OBOZO the Clown for the Florida Presidential Race Ballot.  No response even after emails.  Included information from several law cases that have accepted evidence into court that his ID Papers are forged.  He has a fraudulent SS Card #.  Other documents are fraud.  Who in the HELL is OBAMA anyway.  If no one can answer that simple question, our Governor should not let him be on a Florida Ballot.

So, in 2014, we had best get us another candidate for GOVERNOR.

That is my Urgent Action Request at this time.  Want do anything now, kinda like Obozo for 4 years but still wants a second round of nothing.

National Debt Clock


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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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