History shows that most people sit out the primaries and wait for the big Election Day in November. The problem with that thought -- you are allowing everyone else to decide who gets on the November ballot. You are smarter than that so don’t let it happen this time. Decide who you want on the ballot and let your voice be heard. Go vote Tuesday and take your neighbors with you.

FIRST COAST TEA PARTY PRIMARY PARTY: We are hosting a party at the First Coast Tea Party headquarters Tuesday night beginning at 6:30. For more information and to RSVP, please go to: We are limited in space so your RSVP is needed by Monday at 5:00 p.m.

2010 ELECTIONS: Stay informed by visiting Liberty Central’s 2010 Election page at where you can find up to the date information about the top 30 races in America.


Read more about the 45 day deadline that may hinder our military from voting in November. Michael Connelly at has the whole story and we encourage you to read it and pass it along to your friends in any of these states. To not let our military men and women vote can only be sized up in two words – VOTER FRAUD! Don’t let it happen.


Most of us in the tea party movement are – as some have called us-- “political novices.” In the last few weeks, we have been taunted by some of our own tea party members who were previously staunch political party lifers. When the tea party movement started, they came to our meetings and loved what we were doing. We were shining the light on issues and they were thrilled we had awakened. We became the place where they could be energized and motivated again outside their party. They loved us and used us to benefit their issues. They worked with us on special projects against corrupt legislation and even donated to the movement.

That was then and this is now. Now is election time and some of those who were with us have returned to the party camps. They believe and have told us -- we have no place at the table and will damage the elections. We were threatened by some and even had hate mail circulating to others about us and the good work we have done.

We are not alone in this issue. The tea party leaders all over Florida are getting the same treatment. We feel like a bucket of fish being thrown into a swamp of hungry gators YET while the gators chomp and roll all over each other to get us – we quickly swim off as the current and the one who holds the force of nature help us survive.

Not only has the tea party been trashed by those who were with us, the candidates who were with their own party are being violated as well. Gone are the good old days of parties staying true to each other until the primaries were over.

Endorsements are coming out of the woodwork too and we encourage you to do your homework to see who is “behind the curtain” of each endorsement. Two tea party organizers in Florida have done some investigation and have uncovered some disturbing information. See for yourself from Central Florida Tea Party Organizer, TomT. His post can be found at and one of the Southwest Florida Tea Party organizers, RobinS. also has a revealing post at .

Tea Party organizers are joining forces to uncover these issues and these games being played on the Florida voter. It’s not nice to be mean to tea party members and organizers. We’ve worked hard and all we want is Limited Government, Personal Responsibility and Moral Leadership. Is that too much to ask?

Vote Tuesday and Vote for those who stand on principle, who can lead with integrity and who have our back and not the backing of special interests or the big political machine.

May God Save the USA and forgive those who use dirty tricks in politics.

Views: 50


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Comment by Danny Griffin on August 23, 2010 at 4:41pm
Perfect Candidates only come along about every 100 years or so. First there was George Washington, later Abraham Lincoln, then Ronald Reagan. Well most candidates aren't perfect, and we can only realistically select the best one out of the field of contenders who have an actual shot. I confess I didn't go to school with Mcallister so I don't know much about him other than some Tea Partiers speak well of him, and that carries some weight, but not enough for me to waste a vote on a race that will probably be very close among Scott and McCollum. Scott says all the right things but his actions belie that he does not hold those values at his core and he may be just a pretender in an opportunistic time for a non incumbent. McCollum is a long time politician and that is a strike against him, but he was the first Attorney General to file suit against Obama Care he seems sincere. I talked to him at the GOP office on San Jose a couple of weeks ago and told him I agree with the Tea Party that almost all of the Democrats, and a whole lot of Republicans need to go. When I mentioned Tea Party he stopped came over and focused and replied that he thinks a lot of Republicans aren't acting like Republicans and they should go. He also said he agrees with the Tea Party that we need to get back to what our founders had in mind. He's not perfect, but I believe he's the best in the field of actual contenders.
Comment by Tracy on August 23, 2010 at 2:44pm
I have to say that at the end of the day even if we disagree on how to get there(which candidates) we are still on the same team here.Still working for the same goals and have the same hopes for the furture.Let's not lose sight of that goal.Politicians will come and go but our goal will always be the same. Whoever gets the office will still need to be held accountable to these goals.If he/she can't accomplish them then we'll get someone else who can.I am not blindly loyal to any politician ,my loyalty lies is to America and keeping the dream that is America alive for the next generation.
Comment by Mary Jean Smith on August 23, 2010 at 12:15pm
Throw The Bums Out!
Comment by Rosemarie Brenneman on August 23, 2010 at 10:33am
I enjoy reading Billie's perspectives.
I, for one, think the election of Obama was the ultimate teaching lesson. The people who voted for him did not really investigate him, his voting record, or the questions regarding his past.
Rick Scott says the right things in his speeches but has too many questionable ethics questions for my comfort, therefore, I will vote McCullom who has overall a Conservative record.
At this point in America, I just do not feel we can afford to take a chance on candidates who have significant questions about them. Too much is at stake here.
I am a proud member of the FCTP but As stated in Billie's comments, most participants are novices in politics. It excites me that the tea party has opened people's eyes and gotten them thinking and being proactive as opposed to apathetic. I am a member and volunteer because it's precepts I wholeheartedly support but I do not think that the Tea Party organizers should endorse or tell people who to vote for. I feel strongly that encouraging it's members to research candidates and their stances on issues is critical. I applaud the candidate polling it has done. I think it is very important to expose the facts and if applicable, voting records on all the candidates truthfully and let the members and the people of this country decide who most closely comply with the precepts on which the Tea Party was founded...individual rights, smaller government, etc.
Comment by Joseph Theodore Troupe on August 23, 2010 at 9:59am
If Mike McCalister plans on running against Nelson in his next Senate race, he had better get started yesterday... in setting up his campaign funds accounts and asking for donations to build up his war chest because Senator Nelson is an old warhorse who has been through the political mill and is an champion in political fights. This is one conservative who will vote for anyone who runs against the Senator just to get him out of office.

Nelson hit a sore point with me when he voted against allowing citizens with Concealed Weapons Permits to cross state lines, which was narrowly defeated in the Senate. No, I am not a one issue voter. The other issue is he is an Obama Democrat.
Comment by FCTP on August 23, 2010 at 9:44am
Hello all: The Leadership Council approved this blog before it was posted. The blog is not intended to endorse anyone and to give you more information during this election cycle. We ask that you do not read into the blog. This information was very important to get out because tea party members across the state had uncovered it. Thanks and please contact your neighbors and ask them to vote. Give them a ride if necessary.
Comment by jean winters on August 23, 2010 at 9:11am
Yes, Tracy, all this smear campaigning is disgusting. I'm definitely with you on that, but your saying the FCTP was not endorsing Rick Scott with their Newsletter this morning is hard to understand. Where were the anti-Scott links or articles to rebut the anti-McCollum links in the Newsletter? There are plenty out there. The Newsletter was clearly one-sided. But glad to read you're making up your own mind. That's the spirit.
Comment by Tracy on August 23, 2010 at 8:39am
I don't think that Billie was endorsing anyone with this article and I'm an undecided voter.I guess I will be until the last minute.The whole campaign disgusted me.All the ammo needed to destroy each of the candidates(except Mike) was put out in the primary and pounded into voters heads.I can see good points in each of the 3 candidates and I can see faults.Billies article has neither changed my mind nor helped me make a choice.And as far as choice goes we each have the abilty to make our own choices here,Billie included.That's why we are here.If Billie has a favorite candidate, I for one will not be the person to say that it is wrong.
Comment by Joseph Theodore Troupe on August 23, 2010 at 8:12am
Regarding Mike. I knew nothing about Mike. Now I hear he wants to run against Nelson. I early voted. Had I known more Tea Party folks were supporting Mike, I would have pulled his lever (used to use levers in the old days) rather than the lesser of the two perceived evils. But my choice, at least, has had government experience and has won elections in the past.

Early voting is another reason the Tea Party should be endorsing candidates, and the intel should be getting out at least a week or two prior to when Early Voting starts. Voting for the lesser of two evils is not really much of a choice, is it?
Comment by Monte Monserrate on August 23, 2010 at 7:55am
I don't think FCTP officers schould indorse any canidate, or skew reporting in support of their
choice. It appears THAT IS HAPPENING, WITH THIS ARTICLE posted August 22 by Billie Tucker
Monte Monserrate

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First Coast Tea Party
1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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