Today is Sunday before the primary election in Florida. My phone is hot to the touch as media outlets and candidate consultants reach out to hear what I have to say. This is the strangest experience of my life and I need to share it with you. Why is it strange? Because I am just Billie. I am no one special. I have never run for office. I am a Daughter, a Sister, a Wife, a Mother, a Business Owner, a Tea Party Founder and most of all, a Christian. Who the heck am I to be playing at this level in the biggest political game of our country?
I did not plan to be a “tea party leader.” It just happened. It happened because in 2008 when John McCain suspended his campaign to return to Washington, I knew right then and there – our country was in deep trouble. As a consultant to CEOs and executives, I knew those words were leading us to a troubled situation that needed a turnaround strategy.
The “turnaround strategy” that Pres. Bush used was a bailout. That was not what the people wanted and thus began, the Tea Party Movement.
We the People were not happy with the bailout strategy and instead wanted the chips to fall where they may and let the free markets right themselves without government interference. We became fully awake and aware that the government had grown too big for its britches and it was time for us to remind them who was in charge.
It’s been a long 3 years since that dreadful bailout day. We have grown in numbers and grown in wisdom through research and civic involvement. We are not sleeping anymore and those in charge of the government wish we were.
So here we are – the next Presidential election is looming. The candidates are one by one whittling away and the last man will stand as the candidate for the GOP. The tea party has become involved in the GOP – which was our strategy to return the GOP to its rightful place as the Conservative watchdog for our Constitutional rights. Many tea party members have infiltrated the GOP and we are proud that we have made a difference. Last November we sent tea party candidates to Washington and tea party Governors to lead many states.
Now the biggest game of all is here. We are watching the players of the Big Game show up. They are the campaign consultants who appear as talking heads on national media outlets. They are the media who has “experts” on board about political campaigning. They are the former “has-been consultants and political operatives” who no one will hire but media outlets will use for entertainment purposes. They are the advertising companies who write ads and manipulate the truth so they can win the next campaign contract. They are the candidates who are either in the race for their own personal agendas OR are in it because they have been called to this moment in time.
It is a rough time for the people of the United States. We are watching TV ads devour the truth to ensure their man wins. We are watching candidates ignore us as they go back to their normal campaign playbooks. We are watching media outlets ask irrelevant questions instead of ones that mean the most to us on the front lines of America. We are watching candidates actually lie to us knowing full well we will do our research and discover the truth.
We the People are weary from these tactics and tired of the lies and deceit that is showing up on our airwaves and from the mouths of the candidates.
I am writing to you today because I feel it is important for all of us to understand how important your vote is this coming Tuesday.
The GOP made a decision to move up their primary. When they did so, they lost delegates and it changed the game for Florida. They also made a decision that the winner will take all in Florida. In other words, the GOP establishment knew that the tea party had taken over many of the local RECs and they were doing their best to manipulate the process. They were in fact sending us a message – “Don’t mess with us. We know how to play the game.”
A political consultant recently said, “If you want to be a player and you want a seat at the table, you need to get on board with the establishment’s game and choice. Otherwise you will be sitting outside with your nose pressed against the window looking in and wishing you could be inside. If you don’t play nice with them, they will destroy you.”
I was stunned by the statement but not surprised.
Here was my answer – What’s new. We the People have been sitting outside for nearly 100 years. We have no desire to sit at the table – we have the desire to take the table from those who think it belongs to them! It’s our civic duty to do so according to the Declaration of Independence:
When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
Another phone call came this morning from a well-respected leader of the Tea Party Movement. He said I would be one of the tea party leaders every candidate would be watching for the next 48 hours. They are all waiting for your endorsement. “This is your time,” he said.
So I have made a decision to give that endorsement and it will be a surprise to many who read this. It may appear to be “political” in nature but the reality is, I believe in something bigger than one candidate. I believe in We the People.
I am endorsing We the People because I believe they will make the right decision based on facts, data, research and truth this coming Tuesday. I am endorsing the people because they have become wise and know that what we are seeing on the airwaves and hearing from the mouths of some of these candidates is not truth. I am endorsing the people because I trust them more than I trust any consultant, media personality or “has been political operatives.” I trust the people to show the establishment that times have changed and no matter what games they are playing – we have another one that is being played too.
Our game has one goal in mind – To right this country to it’s Constitutional foundation and return our nation back to the hands of the people. We have a mess on our hands and the governmental bureaucrats and politicians need to get out of our way so we can fix it. They can’t but we can.
So there you go, my friends – My Endorsement is for We the People and when you finally have the last man standing – I will work for that man and will do all I can to ensure that President Obama packs his bags and goes back to Chicago. I will work tirelessly to support the last man standing because we must!
May God bless you all as you decide the best man who will earn the right to be our President. Do not take this vote lightly – we are all counting on you to bring us the best man for the job.
And one last thing – Pray hard and Pray often. God is giving you a chance to be a part of something Big in America. He loves us and loves this great country that was founded on His principles. All He needs is to hear from us and He will give us the desires of our heart. He believes in free will so He will not intervene unless we ask Him to do so.
It’s Sunday and Tuesday’s coming. May God Save the USA is my favorite song and I think it's time we heard it again today. Thanks Murray for these wonderful words.
So in effect, you are leaving it up to the Mass Media to pick your candidate. The Globalists control the Mass Media... that is a given, is it not? If you wait for the "last man standing", you have forfeited your ideals and your vote. Ron Paul 2012. Ron Paul as a Write In Candidate. Ron Paul for 3rd Party!
Who are considered among the most Conservative people in America? The Linbaugh brothers Rush and David and Michelle Malkin most would agree would be 3 at the top of any list. Who do they support?
David Linbaugh and Michelle Malkin have publically proclaimed their support of Rick Santorum and Rush has basically stated that Santorum is the only Conservative in the field. He will or has already voted for Santorum. Ron Paul is a Liberterian which is not a conservative. He is supportive of fiscal responsibility which is good and is part of any conservative platform. Rick Santorum is the only Pro Life candidate in the field. The Catholic Church yesterday called on catholics to support only Pro Choice candidates. Glenn Beck made this calling today to go beyond just Catholic's. Beck supports Santorum as well. The arguements concerning other non conservative candidates plays right into the hands of the liberal media and democratic strategist hands who would like the Tea Party to crumble from within and from the review of this blog and the thinking and beliefs of those responding I believe they will be successful. The Tea Party had a chance to be a game changer and will fall painfully short.
Hello, Danny G: It was and continues to be an American Feet because the feet of Americans are continuously held to the fire. I'm writing in Ross Perot.
Could someone remind me precisely how our military presence all over the world makes the United States more safe in a very dangerous world where day by day we are 3 billion dollars greater in debt, borrowing $.40 for every dollar we spend? It looks to me like the bloated spending of the out of control growing federal government is more dangerous to our children, and their children.
Ron Paul who supports a strong defense and weaker federal government fits closest to my understanding of what I want to leave for the younger generations in my family. I like the fact that he views the role of the the president and the federal government under the lens of the Constitution.
Obama has us on a path to bankruptcy and socialism. We're borrowing about 2 trillion dollars a year more than we're taking in. One of the European democratic socialist nations (Greece, Spain, Portugal, or Ireland) will surely default in the near future. Then China will realize they're never going to get their money back, and will stop lending to everyone. Where will that extra 2 trillion a year come from then. Watch what happens when all that is left to get more money is to simply print it. Romney will keep us exactly on the same track Obama has us on now. The only difference is that under Romney we'll just get there a little later than we would under Obama. Santorum is great and would be a fabulous President, but he simply has no chance now. Don't be surprised if you hear an announcement from Gingrich announcing Santorum as his choice for the next Supreme Court Justice. The problem with Ron Paul is that he will dismantle our military capabilities overseas, which are crucial to keeping us safe in a very dangerous world. This is a world where we need allies who will support us in times of need. The problem with Ron Paul is really a temperature problem. With no allies and no military to protect us at some point it is certain that everyone in America will reach a temperature of 8,000 degrees. I for one don't want to be on the receiving end of a nuclear strike. Newt's not perfect. The last man on earth who was perfect was nailed to a tree he made on a hill he also made, so we certainly can't expect our next president to be perfect. Newt does have the Courage, and Backbone to take on the problems we face, as well as the Experience and Understanding to know exactly what those problems and the sources of those problems are.
In a previous blog, it was stated we will get the candidate the GOP establishment wants (in this case, Romney who will keep the status quo) with a brokered convention. We already are getting their choice with so many candidates splitting the Conservative vote. Romney is overjoyed. Somehow the Tea Party must coalesce and take a united stand for their beliefs if their voices are to matter.
I would have to say that the sentiment here is towards Newt. There seems to be no,none, zero,zip for Romney. I would say it is about 60% for Newt with Santorum and Paul splitting the rest. But none for Romney, certainly less than 10%. So if Romney wins Florida with no Tea Party support, what incentive is there for candidates to come to the Tea Party seeking votes?
A Romney victory is no good for us as a group. It is about being able to deliver elections.
I lived in Philadelphia for 20 years while Santorum was my senator. He did what he needed to do at times to get elected. that's practical and prudent. Arlen Specter was a con man and a fraud and the classic RINO poster child. I don't need your opinions. This is what the Tea Party has become. I will not, and I mean never vote for Ron Paul or Mitt. I will abstain and you can have Obama for the next 4 years. Or perhaps Obama will pull a FDR and Bloomberg (NYC) re write the laws and be President for 8 more additional years. Let the suffering begin.
Sad... seems like most of Florida either want Romney or Gingrich. It's a shame to see this big state can't get out of its slumber and wake up to see that Ron Paul is really the best choice.
I would rather have Santorum positioned third entering the potentially brokered convention where no nominee had enough delegates to be awarded the nomination. Then he will have a fighting chance to get the top spot. Also it will allow Rick to have a substantial input into advising or potentially releasing his delegates to go to a Newt if he wanted to offer that suggestion. While Florida is a "take all - 1/2 delegate state" the number of votes one receives overall will not be ignored at the national primary level. To ignore a total vote count or percentage of votes from those states where a candidate was able to get on the ballot would be a Republican political Party Titanic where the establishment basically thumbed their noses at the voters. After Obummer gets re elected the RNC will disappear and it is my hope that a new Party, the Conservative Party, based on many of the ideas and platforms endorsed by Tea Party members and candidates will arise from the ashes.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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