They're here: Chicago is organizing our city

In the movie, Poltergeist, a sweet family made up of a hard working dad, a stay at home mom and three cute children are infiltrated by evil spirits in their home.


They fight to keep the evil out of their home.  They do all they can to protect their children.  At the end of the movie, it is revealed that their neighborhood was developed on top of a cemetery by a crooked, deceitful and opportunistic developer.  The family leaves town and the movie ends with a neighborhood in total destruction. 


Yesterday I was in downtown Jacksonville for a meeting.  As I sat at a red light, I noticed a bumper sticker with Alvin Brown for Mayor on it.  Then something else caught my eye – the car had a New Jersey license plate.  The words, “they’re here” rang in my head.


Last week we received a call from a friend in DC who works on the Hill.  The caller said, “Jacksonville was mentioned the other day at a meeting I attended.  It appears Organizing for America (OFA) and are in Jacksonville.  They are there to help Alvin Brown get elected so Obama can take Florida.”


The call came just as we were getting ready for our 3rd Annual Tax Day Rally.  We listened and put it out of our minds for the time being.  We had a rally to throw and we would deal with that issue afterwards.  The issue would not wait and it showed up at the Rally.


A handful of nasty, mean-spirited and foul-mouthed young people showed up at our Rally.  They stood behind the stage with their pre-made signs, their hats shoved to the side of their heads, texting on their cell phones, and screaming at the Governor as he gave his speech.  You can see some of the pictures at


Other tax day rallies across this nation were infiltrated by the likes of these too.  The videos and postings of these infiltrators are so crude and unbelievable that you can’t even imagine this is America.  You must know what we are up against so please watch this video from Oregon Tea Party Rally and then take a shower afterwards and say a prayer for our great nation --


Last night we heard Mike Hogan speak at a meeting.  He has been informed that it is true – the Obama machine is in town.  They have been here for weeks signing people up to vote on the Northwest side of Jacksonville.  They are everywhere and they are drumming up support for Alvin Brown.  They are paying people to go to the polls.  They are paying people to show up at rallies and scream nasty words.  They are paying people to do whatever they tell them to do – that’s the Chicago way.


Do you believe Obama cares about Jacksonville?  Do you believe he has a vested interest in the health of our city?  Do you really believe he is here to help Alvin Brown?


The truth is this – the Obama machine is here for Obama.  They do not care about Jacksonville.  They do not care about the health of our city.  They do not care about Alvin Brown and only care about what he can do for them. 


In order to win his second term as President, he must take Florida.  In order to take Florida, he must win Duval County.  If they can get Alvin Brown in the Mayor’s seat, they will have a better chance of taking Duval County. 


Our local Mayoral race is a pre-cursor for Obama 2012.   They’re here and they are not nice.


Are we going to let them get away with this?  Just like in the movie, the crooked, deceitful and opportunistic developer ruined a great neighborhood for his own selfish gain.  He didn’t care about the people and he didn’t care about doing the right thing.  He cared about himself and only himself.  Because of his selfish ambitions, the neighborhood was destroyed.  No one won and neither will our city if we allow this to happen.


This is no movie.  This is real stuff, people.  This is what we have been fighting against in DC and now “they’re here.”  Will you fight for your city?  Will you do ALL you can to ensure Chicago politicians do not run or ruin our town? 


To help run these Chicago thugs out of Duval County, the First Coast Tea Party is encouraging people to join our project…VOLUNTEER & VOTE = VICTORY


To be a part of this project, contact the campaign offices of Mike Hogan for Mayor. 

You can reach them on the web at:

Or in person at campaign headquarters:  5501 Roosevelt Boulevard, Jacksonville 32244

Or by phone at:  (904) 374-5894


We also encourage you to get involved with other city elections and the FCTP has endorsed the following candidates:


Dick Kravitz for Tax Collector

Clay Yarborough for City Council, District 1

Matt Schellenberg for City Council, District 6

You can find more information about these candidates and their opponents at


Please VOLUNTEER your time, talents and financial resources to help these candidates get elected.  Obama, OFA and have financed a billion dollar campaign to ensure his re-election.  We may not have billions but we have everything at stake – our homes, our schools, our way of life and our city.  You cannot rely on others to do the job – it will take all of us to fight this machine.


Do it today because “they’re here” and we want to run them out of OUR town on May 17th

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Comment by Shavager on April 20, 2011 at 3:05am
To Steve: the campaign finance reform bill was UNCONSTITUTIONAL, limiting free speech of organizations like the NRA, while giving unlimited speech to news organizations--the majority who support DemocRAT candidates. YOU CAN'T donate an unlimited amount of money to any candidate and ONLY U.S. CORPORATIONS AND CITIZENS CAN LEGALLY DONATE TO CAMPAIGNS. The SCOTUS made the correct ruling, if you want restrictions--how about limiting corporation donations to campaigns?  Individuals are limited in donation amounts (if I'm not mistaken it's $3000 per person limit), it's time to set limits on corporations and organizations like George Soros' and Open Society, Apollo Alliance, etc. McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform was a travesty of legislation and created the 527 organizations, the purpose it really served was an incumbent protection bill.
Comment by Shavager on April 20, 2011 at 2:51am
I hate to say this, but after being a Democrat voter for over 35 years now, I can honestly say:  the DemocRATS running the party now no longer have America's interests at heart as did the party members when Hubert Humphrey and JFK were in office. The party is dominated by pro-socialists who will create a new "civil war" on the streets of America if that's what it takes to retain control of the White House next year.  George Soros and union leaders are urging unions, communists and like minded minions to take to the streets for a new "revolution". Don't be surprised if the summer of 2012 becomes the summer of Civil War, I expect threats and intimidation to become violence against Tea Party and conservatives and assaults against party leaders and politicians. This administration has ignored violence on our borders-yet spends billions to protect "Libyan civilian rebels" who are no less than radical muslims, RUN UP THE BIGGEST DEBT IN OUR HISTORY, SPENT MORE MONEY IN TWO YEARS THAN ALL 43 PREVIOUS PRESIDENTS COMBINED IN 234 YEARS, DOUBLED GAS PRICES AND UNEMPLOYMENT WITH INADEQUATE ECONOMIC POLICY, QUADRUPLED THE DEBT THEY BLAMED BUSH FOR.  IF ECONOMIC RECOVERY IS THEIR GOAL, THEY'VE FAILED!  IF ECONOMIC COLLAPSE IS THEIR GOAL, THEY'VE NEARLY SUCCEEDED!!  Russia, China, Iran, Amsterdam no longer use our dollars in trade, HSBC banks in Mexico no longer accept U.S. dollars for deposits, Russia-China-Brazil are calling for a new world reserve currency, IMF AND WORLD BANK has suggested it also.  For first time in 70 years our nation's credit rating has been downgraded by a rating agency.  That's all DemocRATS in DC have hollered about--the huge mess Bush and GOP left them--it was no down payment, fluctuating interest loans given to low income and illegals in U.S. --primarily a DemocRAT controlled program--that gave us the mortgage crisis, but DemocRATS in DC and Obumbler HAVE MADE THE ECONOMIC BAD DREAM A NIGHTMARE WITH OUT OF CONTROL SPENDING. A VOTE FOR OBUMBLER IN '12 IS A VOTE FOR COLLAPSE OF AMERICA!!
Comment by Dean Bird on April 19, 2011 at 11:30pm

Methinks Chicago has passed through here before. Our present Mayor (You know, the Democrat who lived in the next county south, that discovered he was really a Republican who lived over his daddy's garage in Jacksonville.) got his photo on the front page of The Florida Times Union with Michael Bloomberg. (You know, the Republican Mayor of NYC who discovered he was really an Independent.) Peyton joined Bloomberg's "Mayors Against Guns", an anti-Second Amendment outfit sponsored in large part by The Joyce Foundation out of Chicago.  Obamaman was for many years (Eight, I believe.) on the Board of Directors of the Joyce Foundation.


Comment by J.R. on April 19, 2011 at 8:36pm

Steve, I appreciate the black history you ably provided us, but most of those occurrences were a half-century ago and many things have changed. Black Christian history also changed during that time period, with the introduction of Cone's Black Liberation Theology. It started out as righteous indignation, but today it's predominantly socialism. Reverend Jeremiah Wright announced that publicly. Louis Farakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam, which is essentially the Muslim Brotherhood in the U.S., has said the same thing. He also recently proclaimed that the same kind of violent street fighting that occurred in Egypt would be coming to American streets soon. They will claim that is "free speech," also. Surely, no one would make a free path for that. 

We've now learned that the Black Panther Party will be marching in Jacksonville. The Black Panthers also originated in the early 1960s and are well know for their riots and destruction. They are reported to be tied in with the Muslim Brotherhood. Many blacks in this country have been converted to Islam, with which blacks in some parts of Africa have a historic connection.

The two Black Panthers members who violated election laws in the 2008 general election, were intentionally protected from criminal prosecution by Obama's Justice Department and have not been held accountable for their crimes. That could served to embolden others to go forth and do likewise. Intimidation of voters is a federal crime, and it is also a violation of Florida laws. Surely, no one would make a free path for that. 

As far as I'm concerned, they are free to be as righteously indignant as they want. However, they are not free to engage in intimidation, coercion, sedition or anarchy in an attempt to intimidate voters or any American citizens. They are also not free to attempt to disrupt or unlawfully influence outcomes of any public election, or try to force socialist outcomes in our local government.

You wrote of a place where, in the distant past, blacks were not allowed to go. That was wrong. But, right now in the state of Arizona, an entire swath of land reaching from the U.S. border with Mexico to many miles inland has been placed off limits to all Americans. Obama allowed or directed his administration to put up signs warning that this is a dangerous drugs and human smuggling route and Americans are not allowed there. In other words, we are not allowed to step foot on that American soil. I feel righteously indignant about that infringment on our rights and the fact that our president is failing and refusing to enforce the laws of this land.

I'm not prepared, under any circumstances, to accept any path being made for those who would show up to bully and intimidate our community, instill fear in or endanger Duval County voters, and try to change our county government---or change this country into something indistinguishable from the Constitutional Republic set up to safeguard the rights and freedoms of all Americans, including you and me.

Comment by Valerie Sawyer on April 19, 2011 at 5:43pm

The New Black Panther Party is going to be here in Jacksonville on Saturday doing a "Day of Action and Unity" march. Go to the link below and read their "demands". I swear, I can't make this stuff up.

Comment by J.R. on April 19, 2011 at 12:47pm

As a follow-up to Valerie's comment below, if Rev. Jeremiah Wright preaches each year at Bethel Baptist Church, he is most likely preaching Black Liberation Theology, which is based on the racist liberation theology of James H. Cone.  Just do a google or bing search on him and his theology to see racist perversion of parts of the Bible in his work, especially in the Book of Luke, from which Cone has devised much of his justification for his racist and socialist theology.  Instead of attempting to bring the races into an all inclusive Christian religion, his work is to isolate black Christians and pit them socially and racially against whites. He would have everyone believe that there are no poor, oppressed or downtrodden white people in this world, when the reverse is true all over the world.

Reverend Jeremiah Wright came out about a month ago and publicly announced that what he has been preaching in his church is "socialism." And it was in his church that Barack and Michelle Obama sat and listened to sermons about black liberation theology and socialism for twenty years.  Oddly, there has been a deafening silence about what role Barack Obama played in that congregation for all those years, as if it must be a deep, dark secret. With abundant knowledge that he taught community organizing for A.C.O.R.N., are we to believe he sat silent in that church for 20 years? Or, are racist churches like these incubators for Obama's openly spoken of civilian corps he proposes to have that is funded equal to the funding of the U.S. Military?

It is very clear that black liberation theology does more to bring its adherents into the Islamic (Muslim) faith, rather than into the Christian faith and we all know that Islam is a construct that is totally incompatible with Christianity and with individual rights and freedoms. Showing up at a church that subscribes to black liberation heology would be an exercise in trouble-seeking and trouble-finding that would be used to justify what they already believe.  This black liberation movement started in the very early 1960's and has had a half century to incubate and metastacize. Reaching out church to church or congregation to congregation might work.  But, at this point, even that would be a long shot. 

Right now, we need to be reaching out to voters all over Duval County and getting them to vote for Mike Hogan and other FCTP endorsed candidates in the run-off election.  That's job number one and we can't get sidetracked at such a critical point in time.

Comment by Julie Brigman on April 19, 2011 at 11:04am

It is amazing that we are being accused of being racist.  Mr. Obama was black when he was elected and many, many Americans voted for him then.  This is about principles regarding socialism versus a free enterprise system.  I want to be free;  it may hurt me, but I would rather be free than "taken care of".  I do trust the free market place more than I trust the paid government workers, whether they be from Chicago or from Jacksonville.  I don't want rich people's money.  I want the right to earn my own money!

Comment by Murray Goff on April 19, 2011 at 10:59am




Comment by Valerie Sawyer on April 19, 2011 at 10:48am

Most of the work is being done in the black churches in the northwest quadrant. Keep in mind that Bethel Baptist downtown - the most prominent black church in Jacksonville - has Jeremiah Wright in to speak every year. These churches are "ground zero" for promoting the progressive agenda in the black community.  We should challenge the black community for the way they have purposely segregated themselves. One of the most dangerous things about segregation is that it cuts you off from other ideas and other experiences. The black community has been isolated and segregated on purpose. What would these churches do if 50-100 "outsiders" began showing up to all their services and events? With sound and audio equipment? We have the ability to stop what is going  on - the question is do we have the guts? Are we motivated enough?

Comment by E.C. Dawson on April 19, 2011 at 10:41am
They Keep trying to infiltrate our profile pages to disrupt us. Do a little research on the person asking to be your friend on facebook before you friend them. It is very important to put Conservatives into local government. Al Gore recently paid a visit to Jacksonville's local Union IBEW. This Union has not been providing work for their members since Obama took office. Yet they want Union worker support. Something serious is happening in Jacksonville. Encourage your friends to vote !

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You may contact us at:

First Coast Tea Party
1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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