Last night we watched as the voices of the people were heard from all over Florida.

The best part about living in America is the fact that we do retain power over elitists IF we will engage our power at the polls. For those of you who were able to do so yesterday, you made a difference.

Maybe your candidate won and maybe your candidate lost. We know how it feels to win and lose and, of course, people like to be on the winning side. At this point, we are hopeful that everyone will come together and work to help "the best man or woman" win in November.

Last night was not the end - it was the beginning and with only 2 months left for the final hurdle, we do not have much time.

Please take a look at the winners and make a decision as to who you will support. Support comes in all ways such as:

1. Walking the neighborhoods to educate and inform people about your candidate.

2. Making phone calls in support of your candidate

3. Donating to the campaign fund of your candidate

4. Decorating your car with your candidate's sticker

5. Wearing your candidates tee shirt or campaign pin

There are big ways to support and little ways and all ways are important. So, get out your pencil, sharpen it and make your decision today who you will support.

There were many people trying to persuade you who to vote for in this primary. You showed them that you have a mind of your own and you can make your own choices wisely. Continue on that course because you are smarter than they give you credit for. We always knew that and we are proud to be in this fight for freedom with you.

Enjoy listening to President Reagan here

Views: 39


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Comment by Tracy on August 25, 2010 at 9:08pm
I just wanted to mention a couple more issues that I saw that I did not mention in the other post.
Quote "Alex will make sure that Florida businesses start getting more state contracts. As Governor, she will provide a competitive bidding preference for in-state businesses that employ Florida residents. This will put more money into the hands of Florida businesses, which will directly create more jobs for Florida workers."

State contracts are paid using our tax payer dollars right? And yeah it sounds great for the people working who are getting the preferential treatment but what about the consumer? What if the contractors out of state are willing to save taxpayers a bundle but she uses preferential bidding and denies them? Doesn't that mean that we have to foot the extra cost for her "job creation"?

And what of her statement that the green energy industries in Florida will need "supportive policies necessary to make Florida a global leader in new and renewable energy."
Sounds like she advocates paying out more tax dollars to support industries that in the end really don't work all that well.
There are other issues as well, but I'm running out of time for tonight.
Comment by Tracy on August 25, 2010 at 8:28pm
Don't mean to offend but I went and read her " agenda" as she calls it.Some key words jumped out at me that all leftists use frequently.Phrases like "giving back "to the community(as if the wealth you earn by your own hard work is somehow stolen from the "less fortunent") she also believes that it is governments job to drive private sector growth. (what she calls "good government")
Some of her plans are vague,but she has thrown in a few conservative keywords for good measure like "taking down the barriers " to business and keeeping Florida a "low tax state". She talks of building good paying jobs but then in the same sentence mentions that they will be sustainable industries.(green jobs? we all know that is a road to nowhere) she also seems to believe that putting more gov officials in the governers office(creating more beauracracy to pay for will use more of our taxes) will somehow help matters.
Quote from her site" While small business advisors exist within the state government, Alex will demonstrate her commitment to our small business owners by creating a small business ombudsman specifically in the Office of the Governor to oversee and coordinate issues affecting Florida’s small businesses."
She seems to have much love for big guv, she states on her website "Florida has not had the leadership necessary to compete for our fair share of the tax dollars our citizens send to Washington"
Not exactly what I like to hear.She also believes that investing in "creative arts " will somehow revive our economy.Meaning art and museums and movie making ,film fests and such.
Not only that she talks of score cards for government for accountability,"remaking" florida and giving out tax credits(starting to sound eerily familiar yet?)

All in all I find her to be unimpressive and more of the same tired old democrat mantra.
Comment by Marty Cleghorn on August 25, 2010 at 4:32pm
Sorry - I meant in my previous email that the effective advertising should not simply ATTACK the opponent. I obviously need to proofread before sending comments.
Comment by Marty Cleghorn on August 25, 2010 at 4:31pm
Let's agree that there are informative response ads and then those that come across as too defensive and attacking. I agree strong responses are necessary but too many of the recent ads between Scott & McCollum were a waste of time and resources. Put the money to effective advertising to promote the candidate - not simply attach to opponent. It is great to be fully informed but too many of the ads just cause people to tune out or hit the remote "Change Channel" or "Mute" button.
Comment by Tom Wing on August 25, 2010 at 3:55pm
Billie Tucker is right on. If we support one fourth of the candidates (who best represent our beliefs), we will be immeasurably successful. we should pick them out now and go for it. Get our list out now and work with those candidates.90+- days to go.
Tom Wing
Comment by Tracy on August 25, 2010 at 3:54pm
All I can say is WOW! What a great video!!
Post this one everywhere!
Comment by Alice & Terry Beutien on August 25, 2010 at 12:52pm
Congratulations to MIke Yost! I am confidate that District 3 can propell Mike to the finish line on Nov. 2nd - the day we begin Restoring the Republic! Let OUR voices be heard!
Comment by Danny Griffin on August 25, 2010 at 11:05am
Sometimes negative capaining is necessary when it educates the electorate on acurate facts that they may not already know or that may get lost in slanted and bias news coverage. For example remember when Crist stood up proudly before all the cameras and said he was in favor of the stimulus money and thanked Obama. Well now that the stimulus money had no effect other than making us 1 Trillion dollars poorer, and 3 million less jobs now than we had before it was spent. Rubio is correctly letting voters know he will check the executive branch, and the other two candidates will rubber stamp it. That may be considered negative capaigning by some, but politics is a grown up business, and if they can't stand up in the arena of honest information and ideas then they're not fit to represent us. I want all the information I can get positive or negative, and I'll check to see if it is accurate. Billie you did great answering the biased questions Is the T party losing its strength, and going away. We're here to stay - we're not trying to make a new political party - we're just trying to fix the ones we have and get some of the party leaders heads out of thier .... Great talking to everyone at the election return party/meeting last night.
Comment by Marty Cleghorn on August 25, 2010 at 9:49am
I am pleased with the Florida Primary results but sincerely hope that the Rick Scott & Marco Rubio campaigns will clearly understand that the voters are sick of the negative ad campaigns that have been running over the past few years. If they can't present their positive messages by clearly stating a few key issues (identify the problem) and how they propose to fix them without personal attacks on opponent they risk tuning a lot of voters out. I think they should emphasize their non-career politician "fresh eyes" and experiences as business people who know how to hire, fire, and motivate. They understand the impact of their decisions on their families and employees and don't need to n barrage us with why we shouldn't vote for Sink / Meek. Most of you reading this would know why NOT to vote for Crist, for Heaven's sake! They do NOT need to respond to every negative attack from opponents but I highly recommend watching Reagan more as they prepare for debates.
Comment by Deanna May on August 25, 2010 at 8:31am
"These Voices Don't Speak for Us" is fabulous, as was Ronald Reagan. He is speaking to the Liberal/Progressives in charge of our government right now. Thanks, President Reagan. Let us remember his words and make sure the people we elect in Nov. also remember them.

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1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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