Last night we watched as the voices of the people were heard from all over Florida.

The best part about living in America is the fact that we do retain power over elitists IF we will engage our power at the polls. For those of you who were able to do so yesterday, you made a difference.

Maybe your candidate won and maybe your candidate lost. We know how it feels to win and lose and, of course, people like to be on the winning side. At this point, we are hopeful that everyone will come together and work to help "the best man or woman" win in November.

Last night was not the end - it was the beginning and with only 2 months left for the final hurdle, we do not have much time.

Please take a look at the winners and make a decision as to who you will support. Support comes in all ways such as:

1. Walking the neighborhoods to educate and inform people about your candidate.

2. Making phone calls in support of your candidate

3. Donating to the campaign fund of your candidate

4. Decorating your car with your candidate's sticker

5. Wearing your candidates tee shirt or campaign pin

There are big ways to support and little ways and all ways are important. So, get out your pencil, sharpen it and make your decision today who you will support.

There were many people trying to persuade you who to vote for in this primary. You showed them that you have a mind of your own and you can make your own choices wisely. Continue on that course because you are smarter than they give you credit for. We always knew that and we are proud to be in this fight for freedom with you.

Enjoy listening to President Reagan here

Views: 39


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Comment by tamara stephenson on August 27, 2010 at 10:55am
i would like to hear someone, anyone, respond to the fact that while Rick Scott was CEO of Columbia HCA, his company defrauded us, and paid a fine of $1.7 billion dollars, yes billion dollars. how is that not enough to automatically disqualify as CEO of our state? we have two choices about what happened: he is a complete incompetent idiot who had no idea that his own company was defrauding americans from billions of dollars OR he is an absolute criminal. either way, i don't want him to run this state the way he ran HCA
Comment by Tracy on August 27, 2010 at 10:15am
With all due respect do not change the subject.You yourself asked that we have a look at her and I did and will continue to update info on her.I have supplied info on a candidate along with my commentary on the policies that SHE herself has posted on her website. I don't see why posting info on her would create concern.I have noticed that instead of addressing my concerns and my points on her plans,which is totally within reason, the subject seems to be changed and it is alluded to that I am somehow trying to force people to vote for Scott or trying to make her guilty of something. I am not asking for your vote, let the politicians do that. All info is relevent.That's why it is posted.
Comment by Tracy on August 27, 2010 at 9:49am
Other people may disagree with your position.My posts are for informational purposes,and all info on the candidates is relevent.I have read her website and her plans, she seems nice enough but her positions on the issues seems to get us out of the frying pan right into the fire. For example take this statement from her website on job creation.. " By investing in Florida’s infrastructure, we create jobs now and develop a needed foundation for a new economy"

First thing I see is a keyword for spending tax money (politicians like to call it "investing").
This position doesn't make any sense.Basicly she's saying here that she doesn't mind using MORE tax dollars (which have got to be taken out of the private sector first by taxing us!)to create TEMPORARY jobs for someone else.How is it possible to build an economy on temporary jobs? And what happens to those people who will lose those jobs after they've repaved and done all the "busy work" that can be done in Florida?Will we need another big infusion of tax dollars so we can keep these people employed ?
When business is hit with more taxes they have have to cut back on expenses(employees are one of those expenses) or raise prices.Either way taking more money out of the private sector leaves less money for those people to hire and to expand business.Which means less oppurtunity for those people who don't work for government.We have already seen this FAIL spectacularly on a national scale (remember the stimulus?).Why would we want to repeat something that we have already seen fail?
Comment by tamara stephenson on August 27, 2010 at 7:45am
Alex Sink was my boss at Bank of America when she was head of its Florida operations. She was outstanding at her job. She is incredibly smart and financially savvy. She has also cut a bunch of waste as CFO. I really don't care who endorses her. I don't care that she believes in climate change; doesn't everyone? Look, I'm all for supporting tea party candidates, but I will not blindly follow a mantra of fiscal conservatism and support an absolute crook like Rick Scott. Sorry, I can't do it.
I'd rather talk about the Senate race, which actually has someone in Marco Rubio that I can support. Unless, of course, it turns out that he stole a bunch of money as well. then he's out too.
Comment by Tracy on August 27, 2010 at 6:08am
A few of her endorsements

Emily's list

Another article mentioning her lack of disclosure about how much emily's list has donated to her.Also interesting, the article mentions that she has not taken a stand on controversial issues such as healthcare,which I noticed the other day as I browsed her website.
Comment by Tracy on August 26, 2010 at 10:11pm
I need to make a correction on a previous post which I have taken down as a precaution against mis information,on the Florida Progressives coalition website she was listed only in the Wiki part of the site,I did not find an actual endorsement. Although it is interesting to note that the website lists the democrat party as a "progressive' organization.
Comment by Tracy on August 26, 2010 at 9:41pm
Why would Alex hide from Obama? They are both progressives.Seems to me like she is trying to hide who she really is from voters.She is also ashamed of her old job,as president of Bank of America here in Florida for 26 years.So instead of saying,"yeah I was a banker" she uses vague terms to describe those years of her life. Apparantly a private sector banking job is a liability for her.
Progressives can never tell us the truth about themselves,because they know that they would be rejected by the majority of the American people.So instead of telling the truth we get a wonderful list of utopian style ideas,half truths and sometimes outright lies with just enough conservative words thrown in to make it sound good.
Comment by Tracy on August 26, 2010 at 8:30pm
Looks like President Obama campaigned for her,but she was too ashamed (or scared )to be seen with him. Take the money and run,Alex?
Comment by Tracy on August 26, 2010 at 8:23pm
Seems she's a believer in climate change as well.I wonder if we'd be treated to the same taxes on energy and ridiculous emissions laws as Cali and other progressive states.
Comment by Tracy on August 26, 2010 at 7:54pm
Wow! This little blurb is really interesting. It seems Alex isn't quite as transparent as she might like us to think.

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First Coast Tea Party
1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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