Last night we watched as the voices of the people were heard from all over Florida.

The best part about living in America is the fact that we do retain power over elitists IF we will engage our power at the polls. For those of you who were able to do so yesterday, you made a difference.

Maybe your candidate won and maybe your candidate lost. We know how it feels to win and lose and, of course, people like to be on the winning side. At this point, we are hopeful that everyone will come together and work to help "the best man or woman" win in November.

Last night was not the end - it was the beginning and with only 2 months left for the final hurdle, we do not have much time.

Please take a look at the winners and make a decision as to who you will support. Support comes in all ways such as:

1. Walking the neighborhoods to educate and inform people about your candidate.

2. Making phone calls in support of your candidate

3. Donating to the campaign fund of your candidate

4. Decorating your car with your candidate's sticker

5. Wearing your candidates tee shirt or campaign pin

There are big ways to support and little ways and all ways are important. So, get out your pencil, sharpen it and make your decision today who you will support.

There were many people trying to persuade you who to vote for in this primary. You showed them that you have a mind of your own and you can make your own choices wisely. Continue on that course because you are smarter than they give you credit for. We always knew that and we are proud to be in this fight for freedom with you.

Enjoy listening to President Reagan here

Views: 39


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Comment by tamara stephenson on August 27, 2010 at 12:45pm
Rick Scott himself may not have pled guilty to fraud (he did plead the fifth 75 times) but his company did plead guilty. was he or was he not the CEO of that company? this was not some kangaroo court who found HCA guilty. they admitted it and paid $1.7 billion in fines. and he will be our governor? i'm pretty sure our founding fathers wouldn't want a crook running our state.
Comment by Morgan Orlins on August 27, 2010 at 12:43pm
From the link:
"Scott often says on the campaign trail that he takes responsibility for his company's fraudulent billing practices. He says he should have hired more auditors to ferret out problems.

Schilling, who, as it happens, lives just a few miles from Scott, said Scott's explanation scarcely addresses his culpability.

"He definitely condoned the practices that were going on," Schilling, 48, said this week in an interview at home. "He was driven by financial greed."

Ooooh--Rick's "greedy." In that case I hate him I hate him I hate him I hate him !!! LOL!!
I swear, you GOTTA do better than that. The question remains unanswered, If Rick Scott was guilty of wrong-doing, why wasn't he charged?
Comment by tamara stephenson on August 27, 2010 at 12:39pm
all i want to know is what his explanation is for why his company paid of $1.7 billion back for medicare/medicaid fraud. did he actually say he didn't know? if so, why not? this is not garbage. these are legitimate questions that if he wants to be our governor, he needs to answer.
Comment by tamara stephenson on August 27, 2010 at 12:36pm
Morgan, in response to your post, i truly do not see the relevance in your remarks. Are you really trying to say that because a hospital has to do business with the government, if they defraud the government, it's okay? Or that because he has a lot of employees, if they decide to defraud the government, that's okay? I truly don't get it.
Comment by Morgan Orlins on August 27, 2010 at 12:12pm
Hey everyone, our future Governor--Rick Scott--is going to be on Fox News with Megan Kelley sometime within the next 30-40 minutes. She's a TOUGH and smart interviewer.
Comment by Morgan Orlins on August 27, 2010 at 12:00pm
John, assuming that the rest of your post was true, you also wrote:
"Too low brings the same response and I don't make millions to do it or know it.
These were acts of commission not omission."

Interesting. In that case shouldn't Bill McCollum have been more SPECIFIC with his campaign charges of corruption? The public charges against Rick Scott were LAUGHABLY vague and hyperbolic and remind me of the garbage that you and Tamara are throwing around, implying that Rick is either a "complete idiot", or an "absolute criminal."

In that case, WHY WASN'T HE CHARGED?!!!!!
Any politically ambitious Attorney General (oooh, oooh, I know one!) would have LOVED to land a fish as big as Rick Scott. So once again, we left asking why he wasn't charged after he was deposed.
The answer seems to be one of the following:

1. The most obvious--He's not guilty!
2. Pick your crazy conspiracy.

I'll take number 1.
Comment by Morgan Orlins on August 27, 2010 at 11:39am
Tracy, thanks for the links about Alex Sink. None of it surprises me. :-)
Comment by Morgan Orlins on August 27, 2010 at 11:35am
Tamara, on my post you asked the question:
"I want Rick Scott to answer the question about how when he was CEO of Columbia HCA, his company was found guilty of defrauding me via Medicare and Medicaid fraud, paid $1.7 billion in fines, and he didn't know?"

I answered:

---That's a legitimate question Tamara, so I ask you to think about something. Rick was the CEO of a hospital company with THOUSANDS of employees, right? When I was in the military there were times that I was responsible for a few dozen men, and sometimes all you can do is hope and pray that they are smart enough to stay the hell out of trouble. After leading by example and issuing orders and guidelines, they're on their own! Imagine if you were the CEO of THOUSANDS. It would be pretty darned EASY to hide some fraud from the boss.

As a hospital company you are FORCED to do business with Medicare and Medicaid HUNDREDS of times per day--maybe even thousands.

Have you ever read about or dealt with the inherant NIGHTMARES of getting compensated for Medicare claims? Of treating Medicare patients and then being informed by some disgusting bureaucrat that "Medicare doesn't cover that treatment" or the FAR more common "Medicare only covers $250 of that --- surgery."

I'm not excusing fraud at all, don't get me wrong. BUT as a HUGE hospital corporation you are FORCED into incestuous dealings with the government, who will use the force of law to compel you to treat some patients at a monetary loss. Is it possible that all hospitals double bill Medicare to make up for those losses? I think YES! My guess is that they still come out losing money.

Just food for thought Tamara. :-)----

BTW, the primary is over! Are you going to vote for Alex Sink?
Comment by Tracy on August 27, 2010 at 11:34am
Again both of you are changing the subject.You asked that I look into Sink.I did.I have posted my concerns with her policies,I have posted perfectly relevent info with regard to her associations and articles as well.There have been many articles posted here about many candidates.My posts are informational posts which should be of no concern to anyone,unless the information contained within is seen as somehow damaging to one's favored candidate.I am not asking for your vote ,I'm merely providing info and asking questions to make it the best informed as possible.
You'll make the decision yourself in November.
Comment by tamara stephenson on August 27, 2010 at 11:21am
Rick Scott pled the 5th amendment right to remain silent 75 times in a 33-page deposition. he won't release them because they are private legal matters. I say this: buddy, if you want to be governor of this state, you better man up and let us see what you are hiding. just because he is a billionaire doesn't mean he is good for this state. I'll do a little of my own quote from the Bible: And again I say to you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. Matthew 19:24. the same should hold true for elected office.

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First Coast Tea Party
1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


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