The Ruinous City Council Bill 2011-400 (Pension Funding for certain public employees)

Just more of slick & slippery tactics by your elected rep's...........this e-mail was sent to Council yesterday, and highlights the obfuscatory methods and obstacles erected to avoid or inhibit intelligent and sane discussion by the public on a matter that could simply BANKRUPT our fair city. Looks like we'll be needing a repeat of last September's taxpayer turnout for whenever this bill comes up again (soon).
Dear Council President, Council Members, and Finance Committee Members,
  I have been following subject Bill with great interest for a considerable time, and being aware that it falls under the purview of the Finance Committee, checked the published agenda for this morning's meeting (Tuesday, 02 August) to find it NOT LISTED. I therefore decided to watch the live internet streaming of the meeting instead of attending. Imagine my incensed frustration to find that the Bill was debated indirectly through 2011-377 & 2011-378, and Public Comment was allowed (though NOT PUBLISHED in the agenda). The only notice of Public comment appeared in the Agenda Minutes, which were posted this afternoon at 15:00 hrs.  If one did not attend the Agenda meeting at 09:30, he/she would not know about this oppurtunity.
How can you disenfranchise the Public in such a manner? This is not the Government we, as taxpayers, voted for last May! To use such tactics is to do a disservice to all your constituents - especially with a Bill having hundreds of millions of dollars in effect on taxpayers and the very foundation of the City's financial future.
 I and many others more qualified have useful thoughts on why 2011-400 needs to be discarded in its present iteration and re-formulated completely. We were precluded from offering these ideas to you by virtue of the aforementioned maneuver, and per the posted Minutes of the Agenda Meeting,
"2011-377 and -378 (future pension benefits and funding) – Chairman Clark stated that, at the request of the Council President, he will offer a public comment period for citizens who want to address any pension issue.  No public input will be allowed at next week’s Council workshop on pension issues."
What, then, is the purpose of a "Workshop", if not to receive intelligent, thoughtful, researched, and cogent thoughts from the diverse public, and debate among Council members themselves?
 I ask you, in the name of good stewardship of City Finances and responsibility to the Taxpayers, to publish in advance, and allow equal-time open public comment either at the Workshop scheduled for 08 August between 13:00-16:00 hrs., or another time prior to moving this Bill forward.
Yours truly,
D. R. Carr

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Comment by Patricia M. McBride on August 3, 2011 at 6:58pm
I was pretty pleased Brown got donations to do that CJ.  Good for him, and guess it shows what can be done when someone isn't "too special" to get their hands dirty actually doing the job of being the mayor huh?
Comment by CJ on August 3, 2011 at 6:43pm

Hi Pat glad to oblige. The community is getting screwed on the remnants of the Peyton, Webb reign and someone has the audacity to blame those that are actually active in trying to save the working mans tax dollar.

the Bills mentioned above should include 401 also because it is going to hurt us too.

the only reason they weren't passed yet as planned by the "powers that were" while they were in office is because the City is awaiting approval from the State. Unfortunately the public comment period for all of them are over.

In yesterdays Finance Comm. meeting Mr. Clark said he would mention to Mr. Joost about opening it up one more time for at least 400. It would help if anyone with a phone or computer could apply some pressure to do would be helpful.   


Ya'll see JROTC was reinstated at all 4 high schools? :)

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on August 3, 2011 at 6:30pm
Thank you CJ for your assessment.  I value your opinion on this very much since you spend so much time at city hall interacting with these folks!
Comment by CJ on August 3, 2011 at 6:30pm

Well Sir outside of yourself just what exactly have you done for us lately, or ever for that matter?

Instead of being critical why not join us in finding a way to help. See Sir if you are not part of the solution, you Sir are part of the problem.

So just jump in anywhere and let us know what you can instead of what you wont do.

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on August 3, 2011 at 6:29pm
No Capt. I did not sell my soul to anyone.  My city councilman is Yarborough and I did every thing I could to help him get re-elected including doing his weekly walk call list and walking every Saturday before and after the primary!  Many other people broke their necks helping some of the new people that replaced some of the really bad folks on city council, but we could have used more help (what were you doing?).  Mr. Yoost is not my city councilman and if he were, I probably would have known enough about him to know he should not be elected.  I don't know what is wrong with people that have to paint every one with the same paint brush?  Shame on you for being so condescending when some of us have done nothing but work for over 3 years to try to slow things down or stop them altogether.  Billie for one hasn't skipped a beat in more than 3 years and many other people who are regularly on this site have been at it in one way or another for just as long!!
Comment by Capt Don J Butler on August 3, 2011 at 6:24pm
Then good luck with those who you voted for. As for me I will again vote for good conservative American efforts. as its not what is right all the time but what is left before it is to late. 
Comment by CJ on August 3, 2011 at 6:23pm

Capt. We in Mandarin fired our rep. Joost ran unopposed, Twice! Jones was unopposed, Clark barely won, Redman does ok, Reggie Brown tries very hard, Lee I believe lets down a lot of people especially her constituents.

Crescimbeni, Bishop and Yarborough are the strongest advocates this City has, and so far Mayor Brown has surpassed self serving Peyton in leadership Peyton could only dream of

So yes OUR souls are just fine

Comment by FCTP on August 3, 2011 at 6:11pm
Captain Don:  This TP sold nothing.  our soul is just fine. 
Comment by Capt Don J Butler on August 3, 2011 at 6:05pm

I cannot believe anyone in the TP voted for any of the incumbants?  and now you expect a different result???  Get real, you are done,  and now you threaten election ohhh Next Time   Whoooo?

unreal folks,,, that is what is wrong with this country,, the TP sold their soul !

Comment by CJ on August 3, 2011 at 5:47pm

the last official data is as of 2008 - the average PFPF retiree pension then was $45,952/ year.   The average pension then for a participant in the DROP was $49,792/yr.   Given COLA's and pay raises since 2008, I estimate that the average PFPF retiree pension is now about $50,000 per year.   Historically, PFPF members on average retired at age 48 or 49.  (This is based on actuarial data for 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008.)    No more recent data that has been publicized as the PFPF only does actuarial valuations every 3 years.   The next one should issue in spring 2012, for fiscal 2011.  

 The average new retiree at 49 will be getting over $100 K per year when he/she reaches 75

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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