I'm really happy that the liberals want to protect me from the evil people that want me to prove that I'm a registered voter. You know; since I'm Latino for them I'm automatically poor and unable to amass enough wealth to pay $25 for an ID.

 Also they know that for me is hard to find transportation private or public to go to a dmv office on my own, and could you image a Latino filing a form?, we cant barely read.
Do these condescending sobs really think that of me?. If you are a legal resident in this country you have an ID!; for driving, for government assistance, for cashing a check, going to school, etc. Why is the federal government making it hard for the states (that should be sovereign on this and other matters) to control and clean their voting rolls. Think that maybe the would like to have people vote several times and in several places for the ones that promises them all the freebies. Funny how Jimmy Carter goes on international trips to "monitor" elections on other countries, should clean his own house first!
I would like you to go to Mexico and try to vote with out and ID
wake up muchachitos

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Comment by Barry Lee Phillips on September 2, 2012 at 8:00am

Helen,  a debit or credit card would be used to verify the signature on the voter register.  That is, assuming they signed the back of the debit or credit card.  Remember, Florida law requires both a valid photo of the voter and the valid signature of a voter.  There is no profiling at the polling place.  A voter either has valid i.d. or they do not.  It is that simple.

Comment by Barry Lee Phillips on September 2, 2012 at 7:53am

True the Vote is nonpartisan.  If you are a citizen of the United States, then you should be vitally interested in the integrity of the local voter registration rolls regardless of your political affiliation.  Otherwise, your vote could be compromised by an election process that allows illegal voters to go unchallenged.

Comment by Barry Lee Phillips on September 2, 2012 at 7:46am

I am informed and I already knew about secure driver's licenses.  But that IS NOT a federal i.d.!  It is still a Florida Driver's license with more verification procedures required.  When I think of a federal i.d. I think of a national identification system with i.d. cards required for each citizen.  You would be required to produce your i.d. on demand and if you didn't you are held for detention until the feds determine who you are.  If it ever comes to that, then we will be living in tyranny.

I know what you are thinking.  But Lee, the system already in place is a de facto federal identification system!  Yes, you have a point but if laws can be passed then they can be defeated.

Comment by Helen on September 2, 2012 at 7:33am

a debit or credit card should never be accepted as indentification for anything!

Comment by Helen on September 2, 2012 at 7:30am

Didn't see where Lee said profiling was used.., in fact, Lee's explanation says a great deal... if they are too stupid to know where to vote (wrong precinct or county), what primary to vote in (what party do I belong too?) or too stupid to know they never registered and it is a requirement... well, that is their fault.  Yes, one has the right to vote in this country, but one has an equal responsibility to take the required steps to register.   As Lee pointed out, not allowing a person who didn't take the civic responsibility seriously enough to prepare is doing what is necessary.

There is no profiling to that... but there is alot of profiling being toss out with the assumption vast majorities are involved in Roma's idea..  There are many who quietly go about their lives, working long days, sending their kids to school, building their communites and a better life.  Are they illegal? Yes.. Should they go back and enter legally? Yes.. but not all are drug crazed, sex trafficking, welfare kidnappers (a compiliation of Roma's description..).  The rhetoric is over the edge sometimes..

And I never met a 90 year old without an ID.. and if they needed one, it is quite simple to obtain.

My personal opinion is much of the "disenfranchised voter" discussion is a result of the public's compulsion towards wanting to be a victim.. poor, poor me.. I didn't do what I neeed to do so now I am a victim... I am lazy and didn't register so I now I am victim..    It is a very simple process but here's the real problem... Government workers are who registers people, and we all know how damn inefficient they are, they can't follow their own rules, plain and simple.  But their union workers and you can't fire them for being incompetent...

Comment by Barry Lee Phillips on September 2, 2012 at 7:16am

Wrong.  There is no such thing as a federal i.d. (YET).  Florida election law states:

The clerk or inspector shall require each elector, upon entering the polling place, to present a current and valid picture identification as provided in s. 97.0535(3)(a). If the picture identification does not contain the signature of the voter, an additional identification that provides the voter's signature shall be required.

Among the acceptable forms of i.d. are:  Florida Driver's License, Florida ID card issued by the Dept. of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, U.S. passport, Debit or credit card, Military identification, Student identification, Retirement center identification, Neighborhood association ID, and Public assistance identification.

I always asked for and got a Florida Driver's license as did my fellow register inspectors.  You must also VERIFY the signature of the voter.  If the signature did not match I sent the voter to the help desk where that person voted a provisional ballot which is not counted until signature verification is made.







Comment by Barry Lee Phillips on September 2, 2012 at 6:51am

That is why I also joined True The Vote to help verify the integrity of voter registration rolls.  The question you should be asking yourself is, "What am I personally going to do about it?".  Get involved.  Here's the link:

Comment by Barry Lee Phillips on September 2, 2012 at 6:20am

I was a poll worker for Duval county during the Republican primary. I can tell anyone who wants to know, that requiring a photo i.d. to prove you are that registered voter on the register is both simple and effective. Okay, you say what about a fake i.d.? If we had that suspicion, then we sent the voter over to the help desk where they were given a provisional ballot and allowed to vote. However, provisional ballots are not counted until the reason for giving that person a provisional ballot is investigated and verified.
At my precinct, prospective voters were turned away for these reasons: Trying to vote in the wrong precinct -- they were given directions to the correct precinct. Democrats trying to vote in a Republican primary -- not allowed under Florida Election law. Independents trying to vote in a Republican primary -- under Florida Election law you must be a registered Republican to vote in a Republican primary or a registered Democrat to vote in a Democrat primary. Trying to vote in the wrong county --they had moved out of Duval County and their current address did not match the address in the voter register.
Not registered to vote -- the deadline for registering to vote prior to the primary had expired, However, these prospective voters were given an application to register to vote before the general election in November.
I was satisfied that the election process in Duval County is both honest and efficient. I still have Jerry Holland's phone number! We were all instructed to call him if we had any problems with anything. Jerry Holland is the Duval County Supervisor of Elections. That is as transparent as you can get. However, the election process in some parts of Florida or in some parts of the U.S. is neither honest or efficient.

Comment by amanda choate on September 1, 2012 at 10:06pm
Here you go Helen. I am 90 and don"t have a dl. If there are people whochave ids that are ineligible then that is worthless.
Comment by Helen on September 1, 2012 at 9:48pm

Francisco, polls have always been open very early and stay open into the evening.  I have never had difficulty making it to work and voting ...

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You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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