The Senate Judiciary Committee approved a Democratic bill calling for background checks on all gun sales, which could potentially lead to the biggest change in U.S. gun laws in years.
But the likelihood of the full Senate approving such a bill is slim because of objections from Republicans.
The Senate Judiciary Committee today passed a universal gun background-check bill on a strictly party-line vote: 10 to 8.
The committee also voted for a bill that would enhance school-safety initiatives with bipartisan support in a 14-4 vote. Sens. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, were the Republicans voting to pass the bill. The committee will finish its consideration of the assault-weapons ban Thursday.
No Republicans voted in favor of the background check bill, which faced a snag last week after Republicans backed off negotiations with the bill’s sponsor, Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.
Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., was initially in talks with Schumer about the bill but ended his conversations with the New York senator last week. Sens. Mark Kirk, R-Ill., and Joe Manchin, D-W.V., also said they could not support the bill as it’s written. The bill will now head to the Senate floor with language that might not pass.
Schumer told the committee that he is open to negotiations with senators to amend the bill before it receives a final vote.
“I’ve been talking and am continuing to talk with colleagues across the political spectrum and across the aisle about a compromise approach and I remain optimistic that we’ll be able to roll one out. But we’re not 100 percent there yet,” Schumer said in the committee meeting today.
Current legislation only requires background checks to be performed when guns are purchased by licensed dealers. Schumer’s bill would expand the requirement of background checks to private sales between individuals.
Republicans have voiced concern about the bill leading to national registration and confiscation and infringing upon the rights of lawful gun owners.
“This bill would unnecessarily burden private sales,” Grassley, the committee’s ranking member, said. “I think it has unintended consequence. Obviously, criminals still get guns. They obtain them because they do not comply with background checks.
“The bill greatly restricts the right of law-abiding citizens,” he added.
Schumer said, “It’s sad. Right after Newtown, there was a view that maybe the right place that we could all come together on was background checks because background checks, unlike some of the other proposals here, which I support, do not interfere with the law-abiding citizens’ right to bear arms.
“The argument that my colleagues make that, ‘Well, they’ll still be people who will get around the law,’ that’s true. This isn’t going to be a perfect bill but it will sure reduce crimes.”
A new ABC News-Washington Post poll released today showed that 91 percent of the public supports a universal background-check bill.
The Senate Judiciary Committee passed a bill last week that makes “straw” purchases illegal, the first gun measure since the December shooting deaths at Sandy Hook Elementary in Connecticut.
Yes. It is time to draw a line in the sand.
At some point we are going to have to remind ourselves of Thomas Paine, "These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman."
Progressives and "liberals" have no idea what that means.
This is a map of New York State. The green counties have already taken action to defy the new laws, yellow counties have resolutions in the works. There are no states where resistance to proposed laws is not planned. Continuing to say that the American people want new laws just shows how out of touch the gun banners are.
Amanda loves argument just for the sake of argument. Just think of 19th century English bear-baiting and you have a perfect example of Amanda in action!
However, let's use Amanda's logic concerning individual freedom and her apparent overwhelming desire to accept further limits on individual freedom.
If Amanda accepts limits on freedom, then she is more likely to accept further limits on freedom since she has been conditioned to think that way. Therefore, Amanda would be right at home in New York City accepting Mayor Bloomberg's diktat to forgo sugary sodas larger than 16 ozs. Never mind that Nanny Bloomberg thinks he knows what food or drink is best for you to consume.
That reasoning is just as ridiculous as the "universal background check" reasoning. I, for one, am not willing to accept any more limits on my freedom than now exist -- and those that now exist are too intrusive with more intrusions on the way.
Since I am a law abiding citizen, I obey the law. But as Dickens once put it in Oliver Twist, sometimes "The law is a ass --- a idiot."
all I got to say about this socialist lying in my book part of murder on our brave soldiers in bengozie and another thing this gov. can stay out of my life all together. I am responsible for ME and my actions and well being. and Amanda that is what is FAIR you lib. that is what is wrong with this country nobody is responsible for there actions there put in time out maybe. some of these parents out here have no buis. having kids there not responsible enough for there self. tthese damn libs want everything fair even if they didn't work for it. I was raised to work hard at what you want to be it will not be given to you and i was 7 yrs old with my first job as a paper boy and it was my money.
"Silly"? Amanda you're ridiculous! Go find a street corner to stand on, maybe someone will listen to you.
Lee do not be silly.
Religin is limited though the Constitution says that we have freedom of religion. Cannibals can't offer sacrifices to the gods, Mormons are limited in marriage, Adventists still have to treat their ill children, Catholics still have to abide by the laws of the land not just the pope. Speech is restricted in every forum. No f bombs on tv. No slandering people. Assembly is restricted. Occupiers were kicked out of public spaces all over the country in 2011.
We have always had restricitions on our behaviors. If you go back here look at what people here said about Occupy, that they were considered criminals for assembling and protesting was far and away the predominant view.
Scalia has said in a previous ruling that guns and weapons can have rules as to who can own them (otherwise felons and crazy people could own them) and you could own anyu arm you chose, which isn't true either.
Make the argument for no background checks or registration without the constitutional part, cause that just ain't true.
I loved the Lenin quote. That goes to the heart of what is at stake. If your quote was a round fired down range, then it hit the the exact center of the target. "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
The NRA has NEVER supported registration of guns. I don't either. Registration for what purpose? Control of course because no amount of registration is going to stop a crime.
As far as the "accountable" goes, I don't agree about that at all. If you were not part of the instant crime with the gun, you are not accountable for it. We have an Attorney General who sold guns to international crime families which were used to kill US Agents and he is still in office and not prosecutred so I think there is a good example right there. Furthermore, guns found at the scene are rare, again, it is a matter of control and an opening for solicitors to look for a deep pockets party to sue. Also, what happens when you sell a firearm while someone was not prohibited from ownership and later disqualified? I nor anyone else is not a soothsayer.
I only agree with you on the subject of there is no total absoluteness of rights. We get to see that everyday with this administration wherein they believe they can kill US Citizens on US Soil with drones at the whim of the Phaeroh the 5th 6th and 14th amendments notwithstanding.
Bob, you will be spinning your wheels with Amanda, and besides, Amanda isn't really here since she said not to awfully long ago, she was never posting on this web site again. Her liberal handlers must have sent her back to spread more silly stuff.
NRA does not support registration.
You don't want to admit that the progressive goal is a total ban on civilian possession of guns. Registration will open the door to mass confiscation, and there can be no doubt about this.
Quite frankly you are either ignorant, or you are against RKBA.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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