Empirical studies show that school choice vouchers produce a win-win situation for both private and public schools, for they provide competition and incentive for both to strive for excellence in education in order to attract students. Historically, public education has had a monopoly that they have jealously guarded to prevent competition from the private sector and also to prevent home schooling. Deviation from that has been fought by both federal and state governments. At the federal level, they want to control education provided in the states. They do this through grants and programs that have financial strings attached. The states take the bait and accept the federal monies that come with strings. The strings are often like bitter pills, but the states swallow the pills to get the money. It's the students' education and minds that suffer. Those strings often include programs that are designed to operate as social experiments that negatively indoctrinate students, and usurp parental authority and traditional roles with regard to their own children's private lives and education.

States receive a certain amount of money for every public school student in attendance on every day of the school year and now operate as a daycare program after school in the primary grades. Public education has, for many years, operated as an almost totally closed shop. And, of course, labor unions have, in my opinion, operated in public schools in a negative way that has undermined the quality of education by keeping low-performing teachers in their jobs at the expense of students' learning.

A socialist state has immense control over the minds of children, based on their knowledge that if you give them control of the nation's children, from pre-kindergarten years through secondary education, they can mold students in the way they want them to become as adults.

School choice, through the use of vouchers, would take back parental choice as to how and where parents choose to have their children educated and to have them educated in conformance with the founding principles of this country and our historic traditions, mores, and beliefs. If we want to take our country back, we need to take back control of how education is provided in this country.

The public education system in this country was not founded to be a social experiment to provide for indoctrination of American students to be anti-religious, immoral, or to become "world citizens." The United States of America is a sovereign constitutional republic, not a socialist state. We must keep it that way, and a critical place to start is with preventing the negative and undermining control by progressives in the U.S. Dept. of Education and state departments of education, who have voracious appetites and motives for that control.

Link to article:,php?/Article_ID=20501&um_sour...

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Comment by Joe Story on April 4, 2011 at 1:03am

I hope for future grandchildren.  I want my sons to know the joy of having children, as my sons have been such a joy to me. But without revival, if our nation continues in the destructive path that we're on, then God can and will turn His back on us. Don't blame the Muslims, don't blame other nations, and don't blame God.  We are bringing it on ourselves.

When the Israelites repented and returned to the Lord, He welcomed them with open arms. Will we repent and turn around? Or will we face certain destruction of our own doing? Will we continue to sacrifice our children? Study history. It has always been that when cultures began sacrificing their children, God has said ENOUGH.  God has said "ENOUGH" to America. Will America listen? I pray we do.


I think if every child eligible to attend a public school were too register the system would be overwhelmed and fail under its own weight. Each child should get an equal amount of funding no matter where they attend school. The federal government shoucl not be involved in any way.

Comment by J.R. on April 1, 2011 at 8:01pm

I am adding information here, related to the subject matter of the above blog post.  It was also reported in today's news:



Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, now the head of two foundations, has become a leading and forceful advocate for advancing his vision for education reform nationwide. He advocates for school choice vouchers for students to attend private schools, a letter grade given to each public school, and not allowing third graders to advance to fourth grade if they cannot read. He is fast becoming a major leader in education reform and has been hailed as its "standard-bearer." Hopefully, this will grow into a major objective for states all around the country.

With the decline in the quality of public education and the poor results it produces in educating students in K - 12, we surely can no longer consider it the one best way for educating American students. It is my opinion that competition for students would raise standards and produce substantially higher quality education overall.

Kudos to Jeb Bush for taking the initiative to lead on this most important issue and working to restore excellence in education to all American schools, public and private. Having a free choice in selecting a school is a giant step in the right direction.

Link to article:

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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