If any good has come from the multitude of scandals swirling around the Obama administration these days, it is this; that the platform from upon which we propose conservative ideas and solutions is sound.

Regardless of any legal or political outcome with regard to the shady actions and lack of accountability of the IRS on conservative profiling, the Justice Department’s attack upon News organization’s right to free press and the State Department’s dismissal of bureacratic bumbling in Benghazi, one perfectly clear fact remains; big government is bad for America. Not just bad, but deadly.

The tug-of-war between right and left will always exist in matters of fiscal and social policy, but few from either camp would deny that an administration claiming to have absolutely no idea or information related to the recent scandal queries is either an outright lie or solid evidence that this government is far too large to control.

Don’t take my word for it. Senior Obama advisor and campaign strategist David Axelrod, in an interview with Morning Joe’s Joe Scarborough called the IRS scandal an “interesting case study” and then proceeded to blame the size of government for the problem. “If you look at the Inspector General’s report, apparently, some folks down in the bureaucracy — you know, we have a large government took it upon themselves to shorthand these applications for tax-exempt status in a way that was idiotic and also dangerous,”

When an Obama loyalist as devout as Axelrod openly admits the dangers of so large a government, we conservatives respond with an ‘I told ya so’. But more importantly, those who previously found political comfort in positions just slightly left of center are suddenly inconvenienced by the subtle pangs of conservative alignment.

For many on the right, a deep distrust of big government is virtually inherent. As such, the claim of governmental ignorance in each scandal is viewed as nothing more than a deceitful attempt to avoid accountability and possible prosecution in an intentional plot to lock American politics down under the stifling blanket of this radical left-wing administration. But what about the politically disengaged citizen?

The greatest advantage to Obama’s agenda has had nothing to do with his policies. A variety of recent polling shows that Americans are opposed to the majority of administrative policies ranging from stricter gun laws, relaxed border control and Obama’s signature Affordable Care Act which gets less affordable every day. No, the president’s greatest asset has been the political disinterest of the general public. It’s easy to ignore day to day politics when you are distracted by such things as paying the mortgage and feeding the kids in an economy that has virtually stood still for more than five years. But now, the cat seems to have left the bag. The sleeper has awakened.

Ironically, the ‘cat’s’ freedom must be attributed to mainstream newsies who for four long years have been seemingly spellbound by Obama’s trunk of ‘hope and change’.

While I’m convinced these primetime prima donnas are far more interested in protecting their own careers than any citizen’s constitutional rights, I am still encouraged by their willingness to demand answers from this administration. More encouraging still is the fact that any control over the 6pm ‘dinner hour’ news narrative was lost with the first barrage of questions for Press Secretary Jay Carney.

The only consistency in Carney’s responses has been inconsistency in Carney’s responses. Passing along inaccurate and nonsensical information to the White House Press has inspired the deterioration of a normally amicable relationship between the press and the administration, and America is watching. Frustrated fists are finally beginning to pound upon dinner tables around the country as each day this administration attempts yet another ridiculous run at rewinding the tape and pacifying the public.

The irony in all this lies in the fact that while President Obama and company continue to speak past the criminal actions of each scandal and try to steer our attention toward ‘fixing the problem’, even the most moderately interested citizen can see that the real problem is that we have a government that has grown far beyond any ability to hold itself accountable.

It would seem that in the end, more damaging to this administration is not the ultimate dismissal of individuals responsible for these crimes against our personal and constitutional rights, but the national revelation that big, unaccountable government only invites more of the same behaviour. And as this administration has, from the beginning, maintained a commitment to the continued growth of government, the public has finally been aroused to the reality of what big government actually means. And with that revelation comes the ultimate undoing of any administrative attempt to continue moving ‘forward’.

God bless and Stay RIGHT!

George Gardner Jr

More good reads at http://conservativeweekly.org/

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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