Running with Scissors - Presidential Debates

I was working on my calendar for the rest of the year and had highlighted an announcement about another Presidential Debate.  I had not read it until last night.  See it here:

As I read who was sponsoring it, cold chills went down my spine.  Maybe it was the Halloween decorations freshly put on the kitchen table?  Or was it a chill from the open window in the den?  No – it was imagining this debate and the commentators afterwards.
Can you imagine the St. Pete Times in charge of this?  Can we say – not friendly territory for conservatives?

The debate will be broadcast nationally on MSNBC – head spinning time!  I can see the talking pumpkin heads now — Maddow, O'Donnell, Schultz and Sharpton!  

I am amazed that the Presidential candidates will subject themselves to this torture.  They will be ridiculed, embarrassed and made to look like fools right before the primary in Florida.  They will give a pass to the one they want to win the GOP nomination -- who will help Obama win!  That will be the one they support – wait and see!

I'm reminded of my children being young and naïve - "Stop running with those scissors!"  --  They didn't think anything bad could happen to them.  

To the Presidential Candidates:  Be afraid, be very afraid.  This could be your "running with scissors" debate.  There is no way any of you will come out of this one unscathed.  

Garlic necklaces are in order!

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Comment by DURWIN WALTER DAVIS on October 12, 2011 at 2:06pm
Whoever takes the nom and wins the Prez, should place Ron Paul in as SecTreas.  What was with Romney tossing a Kashmir Ball to Bachmann.  Did that gift have a future tied to it for Bachmann, or was it to make Romney look very "gentlemanly"?  Anyone recommending that the current tax code be trashed has my acute attention.  Whether the actually follow up if the get the chance, leaves a lot of "human nature wiggle room".  Wanting to keep the FEDERAL RESERVE is deffinitely NOT GOOD!  Hooray for RICK SCOTT redirecting our free, give away, to ethnically determined state scholarship money from SOCIOLOGY, ANTHROPOLOGY "majors", and at least try to train these people in Engineering, Medicine, Electronic techo-applications.  It disheartens me to see the Tea Party Faithful Candidates overwhelmed by the KummByaa Rockefeller republicans.  They know we will vote for anybody but Hussein O'Bama.
Comment by sabrina Wheeler on October 12, 2011 at 2:02pm
Who chooses these debate moderators and where they are held? Wasn't last night bad enough on Bloomberg?
Comment by JL Gawlik on October 12, 2011 at 1:11pm

Here are some Debate bullet points from Neal Boortz that i highly agree with:

Some debate bullet points from Boortz          By Neal Boortz

The smartest guy in the room?  Well … we’ll go with most knowledgeable.   That would be Newt Gingrich.  We’ll play some audio from Newt.  He, without a doubt, has the greatest understanding of what America was, what it is right now, and what went wrong along the way.  When Newt got a chance to speak last night his passion was obvious, as was the amount of thought that went into his commentary.  Our nation is facing such danger that the GOP nomination should surely go to the one candidate who has the best chance of sending Barack Obama back to the pews of Jeremiah Wright’s church and the cocktail parties in the home of Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn.  If we could concentrate   solely on qualifications and who might, if left to act, do the most to bring America back .. .it would be Gingrich.  Take a look at his 21st Century Contract With America.  Tell me this man hasn’t put some thought into this.  Just where would you disagree with his plans?   Unfortunately the voters are having a rough time warming up to him.  Democrats have literally spent almost 20 years demonizing this man .. and that’s tough to overcome.

Most presidential?  Mitt Romney.  He never became flustered and addressed the questions.  Do I have problems with some of his talking points and his economic plan?  Of course!  Who doesn’t?  Remember .. this is about making sure Obama gets an early retirement.

Most likeable?  Hands down .. Herman Cain.   Cain did fine last night.  I watched him while others were questioning him or attacking his 999 plan.  He was relaxed and not agitated.  He leaned back in his chair and listened.  People know that the one thing we need to turn this economy around – the quickest road to an American comeback – would be fundamental tax reform.  We need a tax plan that would bring businesses and business income back to America.  The 999 plan would do that.  We need a tax plan without the deductions and loopholes that were largely created by Washington lobbyists, a tax plan that everyone, even the government educated, can understand clearly. The 999 plan does that.  The FairTax does it all better, however, but I understand Cain’s dilemma.  You see how the other candidates are slamming the 999 plan?  That’s nothing to what they would be doing to the FairTax.  I do think that the 999 plan is a good way to transition to the FairTax …but I also think that Cain needs to find some other talking points to push.  Attacking the costs imposed on business by overregulation would be a good place to start.

Rick Perry?  Sorry .. just didn’t cut it.  He had some good moments … but the camera caught him a couple of times looking a bit lost.  He knows the economics of energy, and made some good points there.  Again .. Perry would certainly make a better president than Obama.  Anyone on that stage would.  His performance last night, though, wasn’t all that helpful to his cause. 

Unless Perry steps it up in Las Vegas next week we’re going to soon move into a two-man race for the GOP nomination.


The American people clearly can not make the same mistake we made in 2008, on picking Presidential candidates that were made back then on both sides.

Comment by Cilla Whitcher on October 12, 2011 at 12:42pm
I give on these people.  Some looked very good last night and some looked desparate.  I would love to hear more from Newt.  But like every other arena the popular kids are always picked the most.
Comment by JL Gawlik on October 12, 2011 at 9:58am

In the past debates, personally i have been impressed with this whole group, they seem to support each other especially when the moderator asks a inane or pointless question. 

Newt is very good at that, just taking the bull by horns and stating the truth, the facts. Last night Perry did that when Charlie Rose in the beginning ran a video of a President Reagan speech, stating we must take care of our people and not make cuts but we must help them. Personally i cringed because i thought here we go, a gotcha' question out of the past which i thought was pointless and silly because you were talking about a different time, different era, with hardly a US debt at all compared to the one today, which just a second ago i took a screenshot, because it is moving so fast, US Debt @ US Debt is now at $14,825,403,835,045.00 Trillion, not even in comparison in the 80s. 

I thought here we go more useless questions trying to trip them up, and Perry answered, i am not even sure if the question was directed at him because i was just so miff at the film clip and question, i did not notice. Perry thank goodness knew the story, where Reagan asked Congress to cut $3 in spending for every dollar spent, they agreed and then they lied and for ever $3 dollars spent only cut less than a dollar. He was betrayed and never forgot it, even in his memoirs Reagan wrote that he was still looking for $3 dollar cuts and still can not find them. One thing you can say about Reagan, he was a very honest and honorable man. 

From there on, i personally think all the candidates ran the debate and actually kept the moderators in check, they kept trying for the gotcha' moments but they were put back into place, which was great. I wish that all had equal time to speak, would of love to hear Newt more. 

When Newt brought up Carter's malaise speech and compared Obama's weekly apology speeches, was great! Then he went on to point out that every candidate sitting at the table would be a much better President than the one in office was great! He pointed out the positive ideas. No political bloviating, just facts, just truth and that IS WHAT the American people want to hear. Perry attacking Romney in the last debate really hurt him in the polls.

I was not surprised with Bachmann's statement on the 999 plan, i am really surprised it has not been brought up sooner. I think as long as these candidates answer back with facts and the truth, they will be fine. The truth will shine. 

On Fox, Herman Cain is now telling why he used to be and vote Democrat because of the co-opting of the civil rights movement by the Democrats, finally in 1986 when he realized that the Democrat party was passing laws and supporting policies that hurt businesses, he be came a Republican. I love the raw honesty from that man. That is what resonates so well. Finally the press/media is agreeing. 

This whole GOP field that is coming forward is going to be very interesting to watch because i think the people of America are finally getting their message across, THEY WILL CHOOSE the next GOP candidate themselves, NOT THE PRESS/MEDIA like it was done in 2008 and previous campaigns.

The American people are fed up with all the lies, PC and political BS.  They ALL did well in the last CNN sponsored debate and kept the moderators in check. Hopefully they will shine in that debate, also with just the truth and the facts.

Great posts all!


Comment by Cindy Jordan on October 12, 2011 at 8:38am


Food for thought!  Subject: Herman Cain is running for president

 What a biography.... Thought u might be interested in this.
Herman Cain is running for president. He’s not a career politician (in
fact he has never held political office). He’s known as a pizza guy, but
there’s a lot more to him. He’s also a computer guy, a banker guy, and a
rocket scientist guy.
Here’s his bio:
Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics.
Master’s degree in Computer Science.
Mathematician for the Navy, where he worked on missile ballistics (making
him a rocket scientist).
Computer systems analyst for Coca-Cola.
VP of Corporate Data Systems and Services for Pillsbury (this is the top
of the ladder in the computer world, being in charge of information
systems for a major corporation).
All achieved before reaching the age of 35. Since he reached the top of
the information systems world, he changed careers!
Business Manager. Took charge of Pillsbury’s 400 Burger King restaurants
in the Philadelphia area, which were the company’s poorest performers in
the country. Spent the first nine months learning the business from the
ground up, cooking hamburger and yes, cleaning toilets. After three years
he had turned them into the company’s best performers.
Godfather’s Pizza CEO. Was asked by Pillsbury to take charge of their
Godfather’s Pizza chain (which was on the verge of bankruptcy). He made it
profitable in 14 months.
In 1988 he led a buyout of the Godfather’s Pizza chain from Pillsbury. He
Comment by G richard hill on October 12, 2011 at 8:37am
I for one have a problem supporting a Republican party whose leadership is so gullible or dense.  We are constantly out maneuvered by the Democrat/main stream media coalition and our leadership falls for it like Charlie Brown and Lucy's football.
Comment by Carol Griesbaum on October 12, 2011 at 8:23am
How much worse can it get . . .? Last night Bachmann's statement about Herman Cain's plan being satanic if you turn the numbers around - what ? ? ? ? ? The whole package is getting ridiculous. This debate cannot be a good thing. "Something wicked this way comes . . . ."
Comment by Rebecca Covington on October 12, 2011 at 8:13am
Just about everytime I read a piece from that source I want to scream! e really need an entirely new source for news. Something easy for voters to understand,
(no lawyerese'). Able to be placed in of each household. Editors consisting of people chosen and approved by each political party. Every piece of proposed legislation explained with pros and cons outlined. And there can be no commentary. (Of course that means we need to do away with 20,000 page pieces of legislation. The editors of each party must hold one another accountable by one standard only. Complete and total Truth. Found out manipulating the numbers to present distortion of facts? Gone. If they don't make deadlines? Gone. It would have to be known for truthful integrity that was unquestionable. That talking heads would not be able to distort the pros and cons. I suppose it could be called 'Transparency'.
Comment by Chuck Morrison on October 12, 2011 at 7:35am
Right there is a good reason to not vote for any of the candidates who appear - that is pure political suicide, and you have to question why any of them would agree to that forum. Do they think they can change the hearts and minds of the lefty libtard koolaid drinkers?? That's as bad as Sarah Palin agreeing to the interviews with Gibson and Couric - Gotcha time for the Left. Gaaaah!!

National Debt Clock


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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


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