RESPECT - We got a little bit, Baby!

Last night CNN hosted the first ever Tea Party debate with Tea Party Express and more than 150 tea party groups across the country.


It was a historic night and the Tea Party Movement was given the respect it deserves.  The staff at CNN did an excellent job!  The people behind the scenes who help those in front of the screens were professional, supportive and patriotic.  Those in front of the screen were too and willingly gave the tea party the microphone for the day. 


Tea Party Express has spent nearly a year working with CNN on this debate.  The Florida Tea Party Group leaders helped fill the seats with Florida Tea Party Members.  Tea Party Express never took center stage and instead gave the applause to individual tea party groups nationwide.  Tea Party Express has proven their heart to the tea party groups and earned our respect for their hard work.


The candidates made sure they shook hands with attendees afterwards in the debate hall and at the After Debate Party.  From the conversations at the party, it appears there was no clear front runner but two were crossed off the list.  Huntsman came across as an elite politician and Ron Paul went over the top with blaming America for the 9/11 tragedy.  There will still be the strong Ron Paul supporters who will argue that point – but the tea party members have had enough with Mr. Paul. 


Rick Perry took a beating for some of his policies and admitted he made some mistakes along the way.  Mitt still will not admit he was wrong about Romneycare.  The tea party is strong on wanting that apology but it seems we will not get it.  Santorum had a great moment when he called out Ron Paul on his 9/11 stance.  Cain plays the “Godfather” role well and the audience loves his answers.  Newt's one ling zingers are always fun.  Michelle knew more about Obamacare than anyone else on the stage and is adamant about repealing it in 2012.  The tea party stands with her on that issue.


We will be packing up and heading home today.  My feet hurt and we are exhausted.  But the good outweighs the bad.  We are proud of last night.  We hope America and those who called us names we did not deserve, saw who “we the tea” really are.  We are America and we are proud to be a part of this movement.  We will continue to stay together and work together to unseat President Obama and many of his far left friends in Congress.  It is our time now and we will not rest until America is returned to her Constitutional footing once again. 


Thank you CNN, Tea Party Express, all the candidates and the tea party members from Florida and across the country.   Respect was the word of the night and it felt good to feel that again.  We will be singing this all the way home today and we hope you will join us in a chorus across America.  Respect.

God bless and safe travels.



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Comment by G richard hill on September 13, 2011 at 10:21am
I am amazed and proud of what the Tea Party has accomplished.  It's amazing how much a 2% voting block of committed and active voices can do.  If the squeaky wheel gets the grease, lets squeak our country back on track.
Comment by jean winters on September 13, 2011 at 10:05am
The candidate I was disappointed in last night was Michele Bachmann.   She turned into a typical politician "spinning" hard for votes and a rise in the polls.  Wish Republicans would stop trashing other Republicans (surely will hurt in the general election), but guess that's politics as usual.   Can the candidates just run on their records and ideas and quit the tearing-down of others, please.   Several on  stage last night did just that which was admirable.  And, Billie, we all saw you on camera singing.
Comment by Steve Tikas on September 13, 2011 at 9:59am

@ Mr. Wullenweber & Mr. Cancio thank you for your support.  Juan you are right about the CFR, along with the Bilderburgers and other behind the scenes groups really controlling the media but I don't typically bring that type of stuff up because most people don't know much, if anything about it.


For everyone that has issues with Mr. Paul's position on the military I would like to hear what your issues are with it.  Is it the billions of dollars a year we spend or the lives we loss of our brave servicemen and women that you have a problem with.  I always hear people say they don't agree with Mr. Paul's position but very rarely does anyone ever try and defend the other side. 


We as American's think that our way of life is right (and for us I think it is right) and we think that everyone should agree with us.  But just think how we feel about other ways of life infiltrating our society (such as Sharia law and the Muslim way of life).  That is the same thing we do overseas and that is what many of our enemies are fighting against it us doing it to their way of life.  We defend it by saying we are just trying to bring freedom and liberty to others by in doing so we are subjecting them to what we believe freedom should be. 


Again if anyone would like to give the other side of the argument I would love to hear it.  Our country needs something other then more of the same and that includes, or at least should include, more of the same foreign policies.

Comment by tamara stephenson on September 13, 2011 at 8:52am

Just read on Wikipedia that Herman Cain had Stage IV colon cancer in 2006.  He's been five years cancer free, but that is pretty dire diagnosis.  Is he really okay healthwise to run?


Comment by Kurt D Wullenweber on September 13, 2011 at 8:26am


I whole-heartedly agree with you. I don't understand the Tea Party falling all over Perry when he is a newcomer to the talking points with a record of being exactly what we despise. Ron Paul should be considered the co-father of the Tea Party, in every respect, with Dick Armey.

They both spent their entire political careers preaching what the Tea Party has awakened to believe.

I was, at first, also troubled by Ron Paul's foreign policy, but as I studied it more and thought about it more I could not punch holes in it. Too many on the right see the disasters of ultra-liberal special interest groups and forces, such as Soros and the enviro-whackos, but turn a blind eye to the military-industrial complex, allowing their patriotism blind them to the realities of so many of our policies that kill so many of our brave, wonderful young Americans, as well as other nations' same.

The only ones, I see, who continue to profit are also a HUGE special interest group. It's time for all patriotic Americans to understand the price we pay for their profits.

Comment by William T. Wright on September 13, 2011 at 8:18am

I watched the debate last night with great interest, it was a slug fest on Rick Perry and Social Security.

Over all it was a good debate " and a good image for the Tea Party movement. I saw Lynne, Billie and Hank, and the FCTP got the first question, made me very proud.

The only thing I found not to my likeing was the "post debate" comments by CNN pundits.

I could see thier "liberal bias" coming through.

The only real winner last night was the Tea Party movement.

Tom Wright

Comment by Carole Andonie on September 13, 2011 at 8:18am
Perry lost my support last nite when I found out his stance on the fence and illegal immigrants not to mention the crony capitalism with Merck...I love Herman Cain but he just doesn't get the air time or respect he so deserves and unfortunately that plays a larger part in who gets the nomination than it should...Romney has too many Rino qualities and although I love Bachman, I just don't think this country would elect her...I am so frustrated and so terrified that Obama will win again and that will be the end of America as we know it.
Comment by Marty Cleghorn on September 13, 2011 at 8:13am
Enjoyed watching this forum last night and proud to see FCTP question came up first.  Well done and I agree that Ron Paul and Jon "Charlie Crist" Huntsman should just go home.  What a difference between the two of them but both may be good and decent people, just not catching fire with me!  Several good contenders on stage last night for Cabinet Posts and the sooner they would be identified by the top contenders the better - would bring some stability and assurance to the folks.
Comment by Clyde Fabretti on September 13, 2011 at 8:05am
Billie...  Awesome event.  You and those with whom you worked to put this event together deserve our gratitude and our "respect" for a job well done!  Thank you Billie for all that you do for the Movement...
Comment by Steve Tikas on September 13, 2011 at 8:02am

@Mr. Saywer


Yes you are right neither Ron Paul or Herman Cain, who would be the second person I would pick after Ron Paul, have much support in the news media.  Ron Paul has won many polls and came in second at the Ames straw poll but you have to go searching to find any news of that (it would probably be the same for Mr. Cain as well).  In the poll after the debate last Thursday Ron Paul crushed everyone else by more then double his closer competitor but again no news.  Here is a link to a news article about the poll I tried to find the poll itself but have not located it yet.  Instead we give our support to people like Rick Perry and Mitt Romney who as I see it aren't even fit to carry Mr. Paul or Mr. Cain's water on a hot day. 

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First Coast Tea Party
1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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